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Everything posted by mikedeering

  1. The Sabres will be in Florida for to play the panthers on thursday the 17th and in Tampa to play the lightning on the 18th and are Bills will be in Miami on the 19th for a 1pm kickoff. I will be there for all three and it should be a great time, anyone else going? and if so anything I should know aobut these three venues,none of which i have been to before?
  2. wang overpowers defenseless ends.
  3. wilson and jackson are my TEAm Co MVP"S Both will be fixtures here for years to follow.
  4. Goerge Wilson deserves more then anyone gives him credit for. He is unbelievable against the run and has stepped up huge in the pass game as well. He is all heart, all the time, and is clearly one of this teams leaders. Look for him to be our starting safety next year and expect mr. Whitner to be at the bottom of the depth chart. If its difficult for you to understand this, your a clown. and I hate you
  5. Its people like you who I would like to punch in the face and knock right the f ck out. draft postiiton? eat ****! your not a fan if even the thought of beating New England doesnt make your dick hard! I am so hard at the thought of NE leaving here sunday with a loss I might just stay hard until it actaully happens.They have beaten us 12 timesin a row and to a man(not a B word) beating these !@#$s would be easily our biggest highlight of possibly the last decade. take your draft bull **** out of here you moron. what makes you think we are even going to use any draft pick we get ona player who turns out to be good? All the haters who wanna see this team lose make me sick, Dont go to the game, dont watch the game, and certainly dont pretend to be a fan.
  6. how bored ar we? this is a disgusting disgrace to humanity. kill me
  7. i was like ummmmmm
  8. Nick mendola (from wgr550) who sometimes says very valid things and makes great points about the bills completely fails to mention Goerge wilson as a player the bills should definately plan on keeping next year. Folks, Wilson is a beast. He makes whitner look like a child out there. I am a huge Jarius byrd fan and see a ton of potential in him ( needs to learn to tackle) but I honestly would prefer him over any of the other safeties we currently have. Pay attention to the guys in and around the ball Wilson is ALWAYS there, he is also a big time locker room guy. Pay attention to him on the sidelines at games he is constantly barking it seems like this guy never shuts his mouth and then he goes out and backs it up by ripping dudes heads off all day long. If hes not our starting safety next year I will be pissed. Donte whitner is awful and is a back up at best. Anyone else see any main guys leaving by offseason or any surprise players starting here next year? (i.e drayton florence) who has been hot fire the last threegames.
  9. Enough of these shanahanigins
  10. hey, what about jim kelly as offensive cordinator?? huh, huh? come on.... you know you wanna....
  11. This is exactly what will happen. Ditto to you. ur so sexy
  12. it is absolutely not " i put on" they have been playing the same jeezy song " white girl" for the past two seasons and that **** is nasty makes me wanna run back there grab the kick and take it myself. ( sickest ralph beat ever) Anyone listen to carolinas music selections. They were awful and the players have a lot of say as to what is played during the game, it was so bad we actually foudn it funny. I saw above a reference to "its raining men", well before one kickofff that song was actually played and the panthers were recieving, i wish i were lying right now but it was sad.
  13. Thanks Loiri
  14. aRE WE GOING TO WEAR THESE AGAIN! i thought this year we were going to wear the old uniforms three or four times and we havent worn the home ones once yet. Why is this and does anyone know if we will wear them on sunday? Anyone in section 135?
  15. wow, spot on borther. In fact four of us are going to be large drunk rabbits and one of us will be, get this, Barney. And we will get loud as hell on third downs and matt shaub will think he is tripping on acid all day long when he sees us sitting on the 50 yard line eating carrots
  16. has anyone or will anyone be wearing a costume to this weekends game? I am just not sure on what the rules are for this?
  17. I thought the same thing, I just wasn't going to be "that guy"
  18. Didi anyone see that fantastic sign being held up be the fellow wearing a marshawn lynch jersey. It siad " hey Buffalo, GOT JP?.........we do"
  19. All fans can side with T. O on this issue, even fans from san francisco, philly, and Dallas would aggree that all of T.O's troubles have not been self inflictred and in fact the media has been to blame for many of his problems, if not most of them. Tim Grahm lost all respect from me with this article, acting like a child choosing a side during a playground fight. T.O doesnt owe us anything, he needs to keep his mouth shut and "focus on next weeks opponet" and just "go with the plays that are called". I do not expect him to say anything else and doing so would be dumb on his part, the media is just foaming at the mouth for thier next story and unfortuneately for T.O guys like jerry sullivan actually get upset and frustrated when T.O refuses to speak and ultmately throw himself under the bus, This guy honestly can't win, Look at lee evans comments in that article, if that were owens saying it how do you think those comments would be conveyed back to us by the media? These comments by Lee Evans mean nothing said by him but if owens were to say the same exact thing word for word, ESPN is all over and Jerry Sullivan is verbally destroying Owens on WGR and in the Newspapaer. Tim Grahm is a douche
  20. Explain the john wendling chant
  21. I personally would love to sit next to elvis and possibly even fireman ED(so i could punch him in his fireman head) but really schopp sucks, there have been times where i have wanted to hang up and instead of listen, drive to the WGR studio and beat his ass. He demeaning tone and his attitude are terrible. Schopp just needs to go away.
  22. BTW, I'd like to add that segregation is dead.
  23. I will never get this time back
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