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Everything posted by brenty

  1. honestly do really need to draft a wr that high?? For me i honestly would be happy if we dont even draft a WR. If we bulk up on some killer OL, we can win with what we have. David nelson almost had 700 yards, stevie got his 1000. freed had 442 and chandler had almost 400. Now some of those numbers arent amazing, but if we had a killer OL fitzy could actually have time to throw the ball like he did in the first 5 games before injuries started. I think if we succeed in beefing up our OL i believe what we have and some undrafted wr's will be all we need.
  2. i would say at big colleges that say they are religious, have the same amount of people of faith as UF, or USF, or OU. Look at tebow, he went to, at the time, the biggest party school in the U.S. I would say half of the nfl is religious, so yes, bible thumping kids can play. A log of religious schools take anyone and hope to change their lack of faith, or no faith at all.
  3. number 1 in my book
  4. H A P P Y E A S T E R!!!! happy easter fellow twobillsdrivers
  5. skynet
  6. depending on draft, there are players i like because they are just likable that most likely will be cut, i.e. david nelson, i hope we keep him
  8. yes.. he is a number one wr like lee evans... i believe lee evans in buffalo was better than marshall in miami (and i can care less he was in the pro bowl as a fin) Miami is a party city and he was bound to make another mistake, like a wife stabbing again. lived in miami area for about 20 years. i know miami fans. not all fans love it, but 95% of miami fans are bandwagon fans anyways. but all the real fans knew right away when he got in trouble he was gone.
  10. Marshall got in trouble again and that was 3 strikes with miami. it was like lynch, he screwed up twice in buffalo, hitting people with his car and having some weed and a gun in his car. they dont want to take the risk so they got rid of him. he was a risk, i thought it was a great move and i know a lot of phin fans that are happy about what they got for him
  11. well they will take a wide receiver and most likely they will get flynn. i think with a good draft they will win 5 or 6 games next year dont forget bills had all no name receivers. you just need a good qb to make some stuff happen
  12. I lived in miami most my life so i know a lot of phin fans. They know they stepped back. they think its all the owners fault. not coaching who doesnt have a plan or anything like that. They all hate the owner. Also a lot of them were happy that marshall is gone. its a new rebuilding period.
  13. im not saying it isnt happening. im just saying the way he tweeted, he doesnt know anything about it. he said we will see what happens. If the details are already known i think he would know whats happening.
  14. both posts are about stevie correct. therefor i post in both incase someone reads one and not the other again he said they are crazy reports.
  15. he is saying they are all crazy reports. meaning it isnt happening. not saying it wont happen in the future but not the deal that will happen in 24hours like what was reported
  16. it isnt happening. https://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13 via twitter All these "reports" are crazy, but I appreciate the positive energy. We will see what happens. No matter what I'm truly blessed.
  17. well looks like he is wrong via twitter All these "reports" are crazy, but I appreciate the positive energy. We will see what happens. No matter what I'm truly blessed. https://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13
  18. i think mods should pin one on fitz, luck, rglmnop, and all the rest of the quarterbacks that is in the draft
  19. oh thats cute you think because you have more posts than me, that makes you smart. luck is gone at number 1, rpg is gone at 2. bills said they arent trading down, so there is no point to talk about these guys anymore until we play them this year. And trying to compare Matt Barkley with luck after he destroyed in the combine is kind of dumb because Matt Barkley has a year to go to do the combine. it is like saying, michael vick destroyed his last two nfl seasons, so he is obviously better than rgIIV in the nfl. ya vick is better because he actually is in the nfl right now. sorry.
  20. thank you mods. i have been posting on all the rg333 forums just for this.. i bet no one will talk about him now since nix said hell no to the idea
  21. i cant wait for the draft to be over. then i wont be bored and read 5 same posts about rgb or rpg. Bills wont trade for him, nix said it. They want way to much and the only team that i could actually understand drafting him is the browns because they have a lot of picks they can use. We need depth and trading two 1st round picks and more is completely dumb.
  22. can we merge all these rgp forums?
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