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Everything posted by brenty

  1. red helmets were dumb. White helmets, standing buffalo. Only way to go. But like i said, I want a throwback from the 1960s!! GRAY!!!
  2. I say we have one game where we go back to the original originals.. the detroit look! Hey if steelers can have their really ugly jersey (though i loved it) I think we should go to our first jersey. Our roots!
  3. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-films-presents/0ap2000000130870/NFL-Films-Presents-2012-Best-of-players-sound it is around 3min marker, but i suggest the whole video!!
  4. I will agree. I wanted them to win against the rams. 9/11 and all.. but after finding out about the cheating... Makes it different.
  5. So you believe that all men are not created equal. And a wrong can be okay on some ends. Look at it this way. If you do lied to me, and then you stole from me. Aren't both wrong? What you did is still wrong no matter which way you look at it. Why can't sin be like that (which it is) Everyday you have choices. Something might have a good and a good or bad and a good. But you make that choice. if you steal or you kill.. both are wrong. What makes you the judge to say something is worse than the other? My point is, we as humans have given that rank. From the worst to ehh that wasn't so bad. Why is it, if someone believes in something that judges everyone as equal. As a wrong is a wrong, and a right is a right. That it doesn't matter how horrible of a sinner you are, That God will still give you mercy for you and gives you a chance and forgiving. See that is your problem. You have no respect for someone who could be greater than you. You have to much pride, and to much pride is a horrible thing. If God proved himself to you, You would still basically spit in his face. May I ask you a personal question, though i dont think you would answer me truthfully. What kind of work do you do? when was the last time you got promoted and do your bosses actually think you are a good worker? Because it seems like you just have a problem with someone in a higher power. And if God showed himself, you would give him no respect. BTW i mean no disrespect in any of this. Just trying to prove a point. Great response buddy. Well first of all, you really don't understand my background in my beliefs and how I became Chrstian. If i told you that when I was younger I tried to kill myself. I had a gun in my mouth and was about to pull the trigger and then my mom came home. And that I didnt know what to do so i Prayed for the first time. A real prayer. And that after that prayer, 2 weeks later all the kids that bullied me were kicked out of school for selling weed. If i told you that is how I became a believer. That I could never chalk that up to "chance" Yes the human brain is an amazing thing. But if we never asked why, would there ever be a sir isaac newton? I would name a bunch more people who believed in something greater than themselves and discovered amazing things. Basically my question is, why cant there be something greater? With your other question, I read on other religions. Jews are half right. They are the ones with the old testiment. They just dont believe in Jesus, whom was even mentioned in the OT and they still refused to believe. It is a looooonnnggg discussion because well there are so many different religions. But i will tell you this, that if you do study other religions, and actually look at each religion with an open heart and not a stubborn one. It will be clear. Like i said, I read up on a lot of religions. My faith has been shaken a lot, and I always thought well, why not be a mormon, then I would study it, and realize, oh wow nope that is a cult. I read a lot of books and did my own research. I even read christopher hitchens books. That guy needs some love. But i Made my own choice and my own free will to believe what I believe. I was not forced fed this. It is like C.S. Lewis. He tried to disprove religion and ended up becoming a christian. I didnt hear ray lewis say that God made their opponents fail. But his will, well it is said "thy will be done" BTW I HOPE NONE OF YOU ARE TAKING ANY OF WHAT I SAY IN A NEGATIVE WAY. I ENJOY DISCUSSING RELIGION. I JUST WILL STOP ONCE IT GETS CARRIED AWAY.
  6. Yes, but if He came down to say what's up to you, slap you in the face to prove He is real. Why not follow his teachings? Faith.. Dont you have faith in everything you do in this world. You have faith that your seatbelt will save you. You have faith that the person you are driving with won't just run off the side of the road. You put your faith into a lot of things. Christians put their faith in something that is a higher power. You are right. God isnt petty. He doesn't root for tebow and not ray lewis. But what i am trying to say, because you said you wouldnt follow his teachings, you would poke fun and not care, but at the last minute you would be like naaah ok i am done i guess i believe now. But hey if you fully accepted him into your heart, and asked forgiviness and was truly sorry and mean every second of it, then who am I to say what isn't really in your heart. Like I said before only you and the big guy knows. But just because you are a better guy than most believers, that doesn't mean anything. And to him, all sin is equal. So a murder and me lying are pretty much the same.
  7. With the bible. Did you know every different language bible is translatted from the original scrolls? Did you know that people still study those scrolls everyday and they do fix certain words in the bible to adjust for this time and age. So lets say the translated the bible into japanese. They go to the original scrolls and get it from there. They translate certain words that would mean something different to us. But that is what is great about the faith. I don't need every answer. I don't need to know why men have nipples or did adam and eve have belly buttons. There are somethings in life that you just need faith in. If you would believe it with all your heart, Why dishonor him, why be the way you would be then at the last minute say, ahhh just joshin God. I am back on your team! Wouldn't you say that is what half the population could be doing with their religion? wouldn't you say that the people who are dishonoring God by acting the way they are and not Christian-like. To me you answer your own question on how people call themselves christians and start wars or become complete hypocrites. Also it isn't about the actions you do. It is about your faith and what you believe. Helping an old lady across the street isn't going to get you to heaven. Yes, if you were a Christian, you should be doing great things for other people. Kinda like what tebow does. Because that shows christian behavior and in a way honors the big man upstairs. If you had something so awesome to tell, something so perfect, something that made your life turn around and that through God all things are possible. Wouldn't you want to tell everyone. PLEASE watch this. Even a hardcore athiest has nothing wrong with a man being true to his word and expressing it to someone. AND TO ALL WHO ARE AGAINST WHAT TEBOW DOES OR RAY LEWIS. Wouldn't you want to express yourself if you believed that the only way to heaven is through God? I think it would be selfish to hold that in and not tell anyone.
  8. The bible is translated into hundreds of different languages. I am talking about the Old testiment and New. I was talking about God/Jesus so you can easily knock out 99% of other religions. I am guessing you are trying to make a quip here saying that there are many bibles how would you know which one is real or they are all fake. Well Christians believe Jesus is God in human form. So therefor He would already have proven himself. And my friend, I am sorry that you are mistaken on what it is to be born again, with the remark about bad mouthing him until you are just about to die. First you never know when you die. You might die right now, who knows. (i hope you don't though. I hope you live till you are satisfied with your life) It is what is in your heart. You can't just say, oh I believe! You must honestly believe with all your heart.
  9. I wouldn't care. It his freedom of religion to express himself. If I would complain about it then tebow shouldnt do his thing then. But the fact is, you are complaining about a guy who is praising God. It is the same thing you will accuse christians of doing if they did something wrong with what they believe. So let us say the Bible can be proven as 100% true then that will mean that what is said in there will be in fact true, which God is real.
  10. Why not? Why not make something so beautiful that when you look up in the night sky you are amazed and what beautiful things there are in the universe let alone the trillions of others other there. And torture? What do you mean by that? i want to know this: if Jesus proved to you beyond any reasonable doubt that He IS God’s Son, He showed you that His word in the Bible IS true, and told you that you should follow Him or there will be eternal consequences, would you?
  11. I am to far gone to bicker with? I am just asking questions and answering some. I honestly wouldn't care what people would do on the field. There are people who celebrate in different ways. We have freedom of religion. We can talk about it and show it all we want. Yes their will be people such as the westboro chruch that will do something dumb. But don't we all have people in our groups that have dumb people? Athiests have some horrible people that are attacking religious people for their actions, just like some religions attack others. To blame just Christians is crazy. Great example. There are people on this board.. right now, even you, for attack these Christians for their actions on the field or off. The same thing you are suggesting of Christians to lose their mind if others showed off their beliefs on the field. So infact you are doing what you are poking fun of christians which they might do.
  12. That is your belief as a myth. Do you know scientist have proven that the history in the bible is in fact true? That is right. Scientist have proven the history in the bible is true. Yes they can't prove that there is a God but you can't say that the bible is 100% false. Did you also know that if it wasn't for true believers that half the hospitals would be gone, that the world probably would be in a worse place. Yes there are times where people have abused religion. And wars have started over religious views. I really don't think God said, Hey lets kill millions of people because they believe in something else or that hey, lets rape these women after we destroy this city. Last time I remember God sent one dude to get His people back. Or sent one dude to kill a giant to end the war. Or to circle a city so many times and the walls will crumble. People who use religion as an evil thing is the worst kind of "Christian". I don't even want to use the word christian. C.S. Lewis said it best. "Of all bad men, religious bad men are the worst." There are Christians who say all gays are going to hell and they should burn and that if you had an abortion you are the devil and you should die, or people who call themselves Christians that will kill a man because he is gay. I am sorry that isn't Christian. That is the misrepresentation of a Christian. That is why God sent down His Son, Jesus to tell everyone that they are idiots and they are screwing up what God is actually teaching you. Also to die for our sins. Yes Christians try to influence laws. Everyone has morals. You believe what is right or wrong. But WHY should we believe your right and wrong. Who tells you what is rigth and wrong. For crying out loud you might think having sex with animals is okay if people want to do it, and some people won't. (by no means am i attacking you on that) As Christians, we have someone who tells us what is right and wrong. There are things that we might not like. Things that we think that are dumb, like no sex before marriage. But we still have God saying it is wrong. And as much as we hate it, we should try as hard to obey it. If we decide to change his rules and say, eh they are overrated, then we are creating a god in our own image, which we shouldn't. But back to the laws. So yes we believe what is right and wrong. If you actually believed that life happens at conception... wouldn't you want to stop the killing of life? So yes, what is wrong with someone fighting for what they believe. Did you vote to legalize weed? Isn't that your opinion on what is right or wrong? Aren't you doing the same thing as these Christians voting on their own beliefs or morals? So if thanking someone who is greater than you, Showing kids that isn't okay to do drugs, show compassion to people with disabilities like tebow does, and he does it in the most kind warm-hearting way.. yes it is a shame. But it is a shame there are not more people on the field that are like him, and that actually can be a great role model.
  13. Like I said before, Why does this even matter. Not one person here knows what is in their heart. Everyone here is speculating, for some reason people are calling Tebow a douche nozzle or whatever was said. What I think is that everyone who is hating on Tebow for being a nice guy, since he has been doing all his acts of kindness to sick kids (even before he went pro). Building churches in 3rd world countries. The guy never misrepresented himself once. He is happy for who he is and how God blessed his life. Yes, what a douche. But i think the people who hate on him maybe just can't find anything to be happy about. That you need to hate the good in people. I would like everyone who hates tebow. (not sports related, as in he can't throw) I mean who the guy is, name one thing that makes you hate the guy? Ray lewis, Yes he had a troubled path but there are a lot of people who had troubled paths and overcame them. I could name celebrities that abused drugs, or preachers that were once in a gang, or hey maybe even a few football players that messed up their lives and found God as a way to turn it around. So I am happy to see people on the big screen thanking God for what they did. It is nice to hear it, even if it is over the top. But like I said. No one knows what is inside their heart but him and God. And if you don't believe in God, then No one knows what is inside their heart but him/her
  14. honestly does it matter? I am a Christian and who cares how someone does it. I can give you great examples of pastors that might be faking it also. As I always was told. Know one knows what is really inside your heart but God. I just think it gets rediculus when people mock someone for having their faith, like everyone did with tebow. And tebow has been doing that since he was in highschool so I don't think he is doing it for the spot light. He is a real guy who I got to meet when no cameras were on him.
  15. You should watch Trouble with the Curve.... Stats are one thing but big games arent listed as a stat. I can only say, in 2011, that was his year. Had come back games, made great choices and that was it. How many INT's we tipped or the fault of the WR? How many was his fault? How many yards are after the catch? From what I know fitz doesnt really throw deep. He tosses it 2 yards and CJ runs for 50. Giving him a 52 yard stat. Bledsoe aired half of his throws. I am not knocking Ftiz at all. I like the guy, I really do, if he is our QB next year, I will still cheer for him but I don't believe in stats anymore. I believe what I see on sunday game day.
  16. 5. Who cares who we traded lynch too. Glad we got rid of him. I rather have C.j. Spiller and Jackson. Ya we got T.J. but let us see if russel wilson gets the sophmore blues. Every year you have a great QB that does something, but then after that, game over for their season. I will admit he was good after half the season. But I will wait till year 2 and 3 to say if T.J was a better choice or not. For year 1.. yes, russel was better.
  17. well what if we want them to run more like in the top 3. Argument back on.
  18. This is the way I look at it. This is his first year as defensive coach. Usually it takes 2 years before any type of coach is fired. If chan gailey gets canned, well then who knows what will happen to him. But if Gailey stays, I say keep him one more year. Give him some strong LB's and better depth in DBs and then I will talk trash.
  19. It is his first year. On TBD my guess is, everyone will dislike him at the end of the year. Wish he did more, maybe some will call him a bust, then talk about trading him. Then two years from now he will be amazing and then everyone will stop talking about him. Kinda sounds like spiller situation all over again.
  20. really? the guy has some nice catches this year. Half the time they are over his head and he pulls them in.
  21. 501 Ya i will be that guy who guesses in the 500's
  22. how is it not reviewable... every touchdown is reviewed upstairs
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