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Everything posted by brenty

  1. hey everyone, dont know if anyone posted anything about the new madden and the look and feel but i worked at the E3 today and i snuck out of working and played some madden 11. They have an afl vintage, where it has an old film look and of course, all the old uniforms. Its funny they should fitzy as the QB but you start with edwards. (i had 2 int and one sack for a fumble LOL) Spiller was pretty decent playing on this. Special teams was actually pretty good, I had roscoe receiving and i ran back for one TD and the other got a good 30+ yrds. Overall it looks a lot better to me (this is Xbox version, PS line was longer) but ya took some pics with my camera just though it would be nice to show ya guys... anyways GO BILLS!!! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash...2_5279851_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc...0_1596673_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash...8_2399210_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash...1_4352077_n.jpg
  2. this is by far the best word play... Very well done my friend
  3. I am 100% certain. I have done alot of research and there is just no room for a female to be in football unless in the movie Necessary Roughness and Little Giants with Icebox... and they arent in the draft this year so im pretty sure im right.
  4. To be honest, its a tough one. I have been studying all the players and teams and looking at opinions of the pro "guessers" and i really think buffalo is going to draft somebody. He will most likely play football and from a college of some sort. I dont see buffalo drafting anyone from highschool. I think that player will be of a male sex, and probably white or black. He will be tall and have a full head of hair. I think he will be strong but not to strong like superman but just right like the bears porridge. Once again im not fully certain on my guess of who buffalo will pick but i think im closer then all of you guys. Like all the people last year who thought we were going to draft maybin (sarcasm, because no one did) So please shut the !@#$ up about who we are going to draft. How about we just start a message board right now of everyone saying it was a crappy pick and at the same time it was a good pick. HOLY COW!!!!!!!
  5. Hey i know this is kinda odd but terrellowens @ Moves party chillin w/ D McNabb, his bro & his cuzzo!! Thought they hated each other? i know its kinda crazy but what if we have both!?!? i know its a dumb bulletin but i still feel like posting it
  6. there are a lot of quarter back where they look huge but when ur face to face they dont seem that big. met edwards, he is kinda average size, i mean ya see pictures of the dude and they make look like a giant. but thats with every other QB, manning isnt a bulky dude, and tebow didnt look bulky, but seeing him hit head on with D proves something. just saying i have a lot of respect for the guy and he was really nice. not trying to get in a huge debate over him. I always like a QB that wasnt a douche and actually cared alot about football and what is around it. go bills
  7. so i was talking to someone who was friends with his agent. He said he already is in talks with an nfl team and he knows who he is gonna go to, from what a friend of an agent says. We will see lol. by the way for everyone who hates him, he is the nicest coolest dude alive! joked around a lot and had fun, really cool dude.
  8. no it was an nfl commercial in running for super bowl air time. thought he would be bigger but he is an average size, really nice soft spoken dude. he was there with his mom lol. and yes another tim tebow thread but its something different
  9. i know some of you hate him but i was on a commercial with him and i told him to go to buffalo if he has the option i dont care if u hate him, i want him on the Bills
  10. we barely beat the jaguars because it was 109 degrees out.. i was at the game and it was hot as my balls in your mouth. I dont think any of these games are easy but i think if we beat texans... we would go into bye week with attitude and confidence
  11. ok so... next week is going to be a hard win... but if we win, we go into bye week with a good full 3 weeks of trent studying titans (since he is out this week i bet you he is studying them now) then i think Jacksonville is an easy win (though browns should have been too) but we could be looking at a good 6-4 record in three weeks...
  12. I blame it on the president
  13. i blame it on the nazis
  14. patriots let go of galloway... would kinda be interesting to get another good veteran in our wr core. I know the dude i kinda old.. like T.O. but hey finish up the year with him and see what he can do.
  16. anyone going to dolphins game, was gonna have a little tailgate, if ya wanted to swing by for a beer or two! I always go to dolphins games in miami because well i live in the area. I always do or dress something that is crazy... this year i dont know if i should do the popcorn costume (yes it has been done) or a giant bird for byrd first start
  17. curious. Watched some espn and nfl network the other day. Edwards really isnt talked about at all. wanted to know would you rather have all this spotlight and attention on edwards such like Romo. Every int or incompletion is picked apart and criticized. or just the way it is. Makes a highlight reel once or twice and thats about it? because for PR i would love to have all the attention in to world for buffalo. Beef up the market. but in the other hand with the less pressure on our Offense i think could help them. I dont know its just a Q i wanted to know what other people thought.
  18. anyone just realize we play NO next week who scored 93 points total in 2 games...
  19. we can not let them score
  20. cmon now... i want to see the offense play
  22. http://www.rajangan.net/ it will update when it gets close... this site rocks.
  23. are you serious?!!? its the 2nd game and you think he is Jesus for cryin out loud! he was a back up last year, and this is his first starting season.... no thanks, ill keep my faith on tim tebow
  24. Buffalo vs Buffalo because buffalo was so good they thought they should play each other. and i think the NFC Buffalo will win
  25. i think he should ask for a number change to a letter and be the first ever to have a letter.
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