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Everything posted by brenty

  1. I will admit... i hated on fitz last season, i really thought trent was going to do it this year, practice, he looked amazing, and i hated on fitz saying we should of cut him. But i was really wrong. I believe we shouldnt even drafter a QB till about 3rd round. Our oline needs help big time, also... that so called "defense". I was talking to my pops about how bad our d is. Why did we even cut perry? I think perry and chan... that would of been amazing. Our offense will win games, only if our D decides to actually play. Im happy with fitz and that big head of his full of harvard knowledge. GO BILLS
  2. ill pick someone we cant make stupid puns about
  3. Well i personally said i have a small small small hope for him to get signed but get cut. Reason why, I have to say, most cuts buffalo does is actually a smart move... IM NOT SAYING ALL! But when we cut people who did great for us and we all freak out of why we cut him and then they just look awful, its kinda a good feeling, that buffalo saw something that we didnt like. So i have just that feeling that i dont want to see someone who was sooo ****ty on our team, and all of a sudden he is signed and has a chance (which i dont think will ever happen) and be awesome. thats just me.
  4. sorry if someone posted this... but losman worked out with redskins... I will laugh if they pick him up. I really feel bad for this guy, strike out after strike out. I kinda have a small small small part of me that would like to see him get picked up, and dumped again. oh well GO BILLS! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81bcf50b/article/former-raiders-qb-russell-works-out-for-redskins?module=HP_headlines
  5. hey everyone, i was watching the game online on the supercast, and my computer lagged out during his comment, i believe it was him, something about separation between church and state, or along those lines, i was wondering what exactly he said. thanks a million, or a bills win
  6. ok, ya we are 0-5. holy ****, i know we all hate losing, but all that is on this board is negative **** about buffalo. We have a guy already saying CJ is a bust... I MEAN WHAT THE !@#$!!! So im tired of reading all this stupid horrible posts about bills. (i know someone will say dont read them then ) I love my bills, i dont care if we go 0-16 or if we win out all the rest of our games, i still wear my Bills hat out here in california, proud to be a bills fan. I remember i made fun of all the dolphin fans when i lived in miami, because they loved the dolphins when they were good, and they hated them when they sucked. I mean, they are the biggest band wagon fans i have seen (well patriot fans are big too). Back to the point, and i always told them, bills fans are the best because we always stick by our team no matter what. Buffalo we eat and drink football/hockey up, and they made me who i am. I kind of hope we go 0-16 now, so i can still see the people who love the bills, still wear their hats with pride. So now that i got all that out, lets think happy thoughts. What was your favorite memory of the bills?! Mine was my first training camp experience. I still have my hat and shirt that i have signed. Everyone except, reed and thurman (they ran out the back.. bastards ) I remember kelly hitting some girl with his golf cart and he gave her a bunch of stuff, then my brothers tried to push me into the cart so i can get stuff too. but ya, the was my fondest memory of the bills.
  7. ok i know this has nothing to do with buffalo but... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17sX3z0SMYg&feature=player_embedded i have to admit... i did this on the 4 superbowls when i was a kid.. lol.
  8. i had friends who met him and said he was a real douche. Thought he was top **** all around buffalo. Im just saying what i was told by friends. But after this year we will need a new line and QB, unless we make a trade before deadline, or we make a trade at the end of the year when it starts up again.
  9. So this makes no sense to me. We have a new organization, we said this is rebuilding (yes i know we been doing it for 10 years but stay with me) Got rid of trent (ya it was a little late) but he did look great in training camp and preseason. So i dont blame chan on that. We got what i believe is our franchise RB, He isnt a dick like lynch and willis. He is actually a stand up guy, someone who can make us look good. We got rid of lynch because lets face it, we all knew jackson was better, i can pull up everyones post of how much they loved him last year. I knew this trade was coming from a mile away, when we started him i knew we were showing him off to get a trade. And we got a 4th round pick and a pick in 2012, which everyone forgets to mention. Most likely we will do a lot more cuts this year, or at the end of the year. Im happy with cleaning out, (just wish it was earlier) But ya... enough with all the trash talking about how it was a horrible trade. I dont think we could of got anything better. He is one strike away from being kicked, and last year he looked pretty bad. Anyways, hope everyone doesnt bash me for actually still loving my bills. So next year we get a QB and an Oline on pick 1 and 2. or hey... maybe we will trade down with this 4th round pick and get 2 #1's Go Buffalo!
  10. HAHAHAHA thanks for noticing lol. But also something i will admit that i was wrong about... KFC and Vick cant be compared. KFC isnt a hero to kids, football players are.
  11. i know my comment will go unnoticed due to 3 pages so far lol... but comparing killing dogs to chickens is kinda dumb... if michael vick killed them, and used the skin and meat for resources, sure i wouldnt hate the guy. I dont think KFC tortures and fights their chickens then leaves them there to die and thats it... I am no one to judge if the guy has changed or cleaned his act up, but i just think the NFL should start banning people from the league, depending on the crime, when i was a kid, i looked up to football players, i remember my dad talking about OJ this and OJ that (ya he wasnt in the league when he killed her but still) For example, Lynch, one more strike and he should be banned. NFL has an image to hold up to, and allowing someone who just got out of prison play in the league.. i just think its bad. Oh well, im just a two bills drive poster... im not at espn also big ben and pac man jones... the list can grow on
  12. Ok i have to first laugh at the top quote... someone said in here that is your last straw?? trading lynch. that is tooooooo !@#$ing funny. to be honest i was hoping to trade lynch for a great pick. I wish we would of kept bell. And i dont think lynch is our best RB... ya spiller had a ****ty start, but he is a rookie, and i believe he has a lot more speed and strength then lynch.plus... he isnt as dumb as lynch, getting into trouble with law and what not. Why not trade him??? you know most likely he wont be here next year. and if he is... he will probably get into trouble and be suspended. oh well, i will always love my bills no matter who they trade.
  13. well he already had the job, so really wasnt a job interview. But if you could dumb it down a little bit more we all would appreciate it. Spanks
  14. LOL i love how you copy what he says on the opening of EVERY bills video on their site... nothing original from articles or interviews... just straight from the 20sec add to sell season tickets. go bills!!!
  15. he deleted it, i cant find it.
  16. this is the stupidest thread yet! Im sorry but what's the point of this? You remind me of my niece, always complaining on what she doesnt have instead of just sucking it up and playing with the damn barbies she already has. Please... play with your barbies and stop complaining... okay?!
  17. im pulling for the guy. Im sorry trent looked better the fitzy out there, especially because he was going against there first D instead of their 3rd like fitzy. I cant see how people want fitzy in instead of trent. Fitzy looks horrible!!!
  18. OK... so Trent looked bad, Fitzy looks like ****, lets see if it keeps getting worse. Lets also remember, we are playing against the skins, they are going to be solid this year.
  19. why would you believe this when he says chad henne is going to be a star? As much as i believe Mr. sand-chez is an "okay" QB. I dont believe chad henne is going to be a STAR.
  20. Ok I know in the past with dick, we did a lot of trick plays, or just random plays that always were fun to watch (plus we scored or achieved first down) I know a lot of it was do to bobby april, but do you think we will have the crazy mentality of trick plays this year???
  21. you know what pisses me off... a guy who starts a forum and never responds back to it after realizing he is an idiot
  22. oh great... i was going to create this post.. glad someone else did... so does anyone know when we will be wearing white helmets..
  23. i had sex today
  24. its hard for others to believe, but i still have faith in trent. New coaches, a tweaked offense. I think we can show something this year.
  25. they also have fred jackson that is the picture when you do away. But i thought the fitzy looked horrible so thats why i took the picture
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