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Everything posted by fvaz

  1. I agree. Over the Bills 50 year history R.Wilson has shown time and time again that his priority lies not with fielding a competent team capable of winning a world championship but rather with lining his family's pockets with cash. Mediocrity appears to be the goal that the Bills organization desires to achieve. Not until Jim Kelly owns and brings in quality football people will the Bills be anything other than a farm club for the rest of the league. Jauron, his clowns and stooges, and all the high school junior footballers on the team posing as NFL professional atheletes must go. Spend money and bring someone in who is going to clean house, instill discipline, and play the type of professional football that we the fans expect and demand when we spend our hard earned cash making the owner, his family, the coaches, and the so-called atheletes rich beyond imagination.
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