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Posts posted by maddenboy

  1. Suppose the Monday after we beat the Pats and were all floating on cloud 9, . . . The Playoffs started the next week and we were in it. Would you have thought "championship" or would you have hoped to win a game and look respectable?


    Basically, at Full Strength, are we the Niners/Giants/Pats, or are we the Lions/Texans?


    Put another way, are you (OP) excited about contending for the superbowl, or just about contending to back-into the playoffs.

  2. Well I think Cruz makes bigger plays drops less passes so He's better than Stevie now but hopefully SJ takes his game to another level.

    Agree. Plus Cruz seems to have that break-away gear that we havent seent from Stevie.


    Also, is Stevie really a "number 1?" Not wanting to get into a debate over what that term means, but I dont think Cruz would be considered the Giants #1 (Nicks?), which is part of why he gets so many looks. Maybe we should say that SJ will improve when the Bills get a #1.

  3. Not to make extra work, but it might be fun to see the combine measurements for your established NFL players. To see how they filled out.


    Of course genetics, team training staff, and other factors go into that. But it would be interesting I think.

  4. Very well said. The 49ers didn't really "stop" the saints, so I'm not sure what defense the OP is referring to. The 49ers simply scored last..does anyone really think that the 49ers defense would've stopped Brees if there were another 2 minutes on the clock?


    Exactly how many 14 - 3 games have their been in these playoffs?


    Stating that the NFL is a passing league is beyond cliche - it's a simple fact. So, defensively, what's the best way to defend the pass: rush the passer. Pass rush also = INT's. Truly simple stuff.


    The IDEAL NFL recipe for success today is no longer run the ball, and stop the run...no, it's PASS THE BALL, AND RUSH THE PASSER. That's the new NFL..and the playoffs keep reinforcing the change.


    So defense is still needed today, but it's a defense that focuses on creating pressure on the QB, and not so much on stopping the run. Such a defense though is prone to the big play due to blitzes and man on man, etc...hence, the huge offensive games that we see...at the same time though, that same kind of pass rushing defense will get 5/6 sacks and a couple of forced fumbles perhaps...so statistically the defense will have a bad game but still create big plays that help you win.

    Good point.


    Pass rush is never out of style. Buffalo needs to get much more stylish.

  5. I have been clamoring here for some Linebackers in this draft. Pass rushers and run stuffers.


    Recently, i've been swayed a little by the posts (Peter King and others) about the New NFL being about "pass and stop the pass."


    After this weekend, I think we see that Power, Big Man football still can win. Even over powerhouses like Packers and Saints.


    I was warming to drafting a WR in the first, but now I just want pass rush and more pass rush. After that, some more pass rush, please.

  6. I would love to see the Raiders back in LA. It just seems natural.


    Most avid football fans in LA are Raiders fans anyway. The raiders would make a lot more money here in merchandising their black apparell. I'd feel bad for Oakland because they were the original city, and would never get another team, but LA certainly is ready and willing to welcome them back.


    I wouldnt be mad at the raiders.

  7. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/01/10/winston-moss-looks-like-early-favorite-for-raiders-job/


    Winston Moss is a brotha, last time I checked.


    And (speaking as a brotha) it seems like these Rooney Rule interviews actually do help. Helps to polish interview skills, and to learn what is needed to make the jump to the next level.


    I dont feel any coaching racism. Look at Romeo getting kept on in KC, with a new 3 year deal. Look at Marvin Lewis not getting fired even when his team sucked. He convinced management to fire some turd players instead. Yeah, mike brown is cheap and didnt wanna pay top dollar, but if he were (willing to be openly) racist, he would rather pay more for a white coach.

  8. My draft; since the likelihood of us going 43 is great I'll go that route otherwise the above draft is awesome.


    1. Reiff - finally a real LT

    2. Tannehill - franchise

    3. OLB Lavonte David 6'1" 224 Nebraska - Tackling machine


    "LaVonte David transferred to Nebraska after playing JUCO for two years so he doesn’t have a lot of big time college football experience. However, in that short amount of time he has been able to make a name for himself. In his first year playing in the Big 12, he racked up over 150 tackles, 10 pass break ups, and 6 sacks. He is very instinctive and a tackling machine but his lack of size and scheme versatility may hurt him come draft day and he may not be drafted as high as most initially thought." New era Scouting


    Are you trying to find me the next London Fletcher here?


    If so, i'll pass. I need pass rush. Not a guy who gets to where he needs to be in order to make a tackle. I need guys moving upfield, with an angry demeanor, intending to do bad things to the qb. Not a guy waiting for the running back to commit to a hole, so he can make a tackle.

  9. Yet your comparison point is the cheapest team in the league with regards to scouting.

    A fair point. I did think about that while I was posting.


    But 2 things. (1) I dont think we should be trying to be like the Bengals. Its just an example of how almost every team has gotten back up after being down. If the Bengals can do it with cheap Mike Brown, we should have been able to do it earlier if we had been willing to get and keep the right people, no matter the cost.


    (2) Just think how much faster we could have had our own rebuild if we hadnt had to rely on the "blind squirrel finding an acorn" drafting technique. So the Bengals found a couple acorns? That doesnt mean i'm due to find some. How about spending a little on some Lazik surgery and getting off this 12 year treadmill to nowhere?

  10. Its all about talent evaluation.


    Incoming talent, and the "talent" already on your roster.


    The main unstated point of the OP is that "if they can do it, why couldnt we?"


    Evaluation of talent.


    Its not "Ralph is cheap" to pay players. But it sure seems like its "Ralph is cheap to pay front office."

  11. But this is where you get in trouble. you can't go into the 1st and just draft for need. That's how you end up with JP Losman, James Hardy, and Aaron Maybin.


    If the best player (or close to the best) on the board is a pass rusher, boom, problem solved. But if the pass rushers don't merit that draft spot, give me the best receiver or another position that fits that draft selection.

    This thinking is flawed.


    The problem with those players is that they were NOT the best players available. If we had a decent scouting department, those players would not have been on our boards.


    The problem is player evaluation. If you have good evaluation, then wherever you pick you will get a good player. If you decide to take the best (insert position here) at your spot, then you will choose a good player at that position.


    For example, was Maybin the best DE/OLB/Pass-rusher on the board when he was chosen, instead of Orakpo?

  12. for size, hands, and general fit into an offense, seems like Stevie and Holmes are similar.


    So (1) I dont really want/need both at the same time, and (2) the devil I know is better than the devil I dont.


    yes, holmes is faster and has more highlight reel catches, and he is super aggressive in going for the ball when its in the air. Yes, stevie is younger and really seems to embrace the small market, lets-build-something-together mentality.


    I'll take Stevie. Let somebody like the Jaguars, who are always desperate for wrs, bring Holmes in so he can ruin Gabbert.

  13. That draft warms my heart, sir.


    It would feel like we were moving out of Neutral and starting to merge onto the freeway. I wanna be excited when I turn on the Bills game, knowing we are gonna kick some ass at least some of the time. Since Gailey wont commit to the run (which might be correct in today's NFL but that's all we got right now), then gimme some youngy front seven players and turn 'em loose.


    This linebacker philosophy applies whether we go 3-4 or 4-3, but the players might change.


    Is Curry any relation to Aaron Curry, possible draft bust?

  14. Yes to the trade.


    No to the draft.


    Your trade already got me the ONLY offensive position I would draft in the top 3 (other than QB in round one). After that, gimme Defense 1, 2, 3.


    We know fitz is not the long-term answer, but I want that position fixed in round one this year, or not at all.

  15. The point is any year anything van happen. Qb driven league? Of course. But look at Alex smith leading his team after being labled a bust for so long. Look at sanchez going to the afc championship twice, who is hardly a top ten qb. Having a top ten qb is nice, but we don't need one to be successful. We might need one to win a superbowl, but us having a sucky team isnt because our qb isn't an elite guy. It is because we have a defense with no identity, lack of talent at reciever, zebras that play for the other team, sloppy drafting, terrible injuries, questionable playcalling, no pass rush, contract extensions that have become the kiss of death, no deep threat on offense, having our guard play 3 different positions on the oline, and then of course, you can throw having an average at best qb un there as well. But having a top qb isn't going to fix this team. Too many other issues.

    Sorry, sir, but this is the same "bass-ackward" thinking that made us miss the playoffs for so many years in a row.


    The "any given year" mantra is what has kept us addicted to a loser franchise. When will you start to demand that we actually become a real NFL team again. Real NFL teams must have a real qb. They must. You cannot ignore it. It wont deliver you a superbowl overnight of course. But without one, as the OP said, "What's the Point?"

  16. Luck.


    I expect RGIII will go 2nd or 3rd, so it will be nearly as costly to move for him, so why not move all the way and get what you really want. A couple years later you wont regret the extra you gave up.


    And we are still 3-4 years away from seriously competing anyway. I'm not just trying to make the playoffs here. I want to make a serious run every year. By the time Luck is seasoned, we should at least have a decent team around him from using our later picks, and the Free Agents that Luck will attract. The positions we need can be found in later rounds, with the exception of pass rushing OLB. But that's a plug-n-play position so you can draft it in year 3 when you finally have another first pick.

  17. My 10 yo son was on youtube this AM before school watching highlights of that game. He's a history buff re: the team; though I think he's never seen them do anything good so he finds comfort this way. :bag: Either way, it never occurred to me that the anniversary was today.

    Bravo, sir. Bravo !!

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