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Posts posted by maddenboy

  1. Exactly. Building through the draft is the best way to go. The trick is you have to draft good players.

    . . . and develop them. They dont just age like fine wine. You have to coach-em up.


    Not to state the nearly-obvious, but it really is a 2-part formula. And we've been lacking in that second part for years and years. When was the last time one of the Bills' assistants or coordinators was mentioned for a promotion on another team? Fewell moved laterally from DC to DC.

  2. The only positive thing I could say about drafting an OT at #10 it is that its a "mature" decision. Not being sexy, but trying to build a foundation for the future.


    I guess I could also say they were trying to build a dominant unit, which we havent had since the early 90s (linebackers).

  3. Seems like this time around we have gone to Fa to teach our youth. Even Merriman must have alot to share. off waivers, i know.

    But Nick was brought in just as much for his leadership and smarts as much as performance.

    I cant argue that its seems like we dont splash in FA and i think it's in my {psyche(?)} that buddy has repeated over and over..

    through the draft through the draft we will build.

    So ifeel ya on that. But i dont think we brought on real weapons lately. but we have done a nice job of giving leadership to the kids on the team. I believe that showed this year. they did not give up when the winning went away. they kept working.

    This will be a good year to gain a strong opinion for me about whether The front office is on the right path.

    We are not going to get Mario williams because we do not Need him yet. But there could be some damn fine additions available this year and i have some favorites too. But it wont be much hanging it out there this. so i dont agree to that opinion yet^ turbos are good.

    i dont think its the cheap, i just dont think it's the right time

    it just hit me, from the way you stated it . . . Is this "code" for "please give me at least 3 years before you fire me?"

  4. Funny, when I saw the title of this thread, 2 things happened.


    1) Instantly I said to myself "OhMyGod Yes as soon as humanly possible omg omg omg yes!"


    2) I thought lemme be the first to reply cause I cant contain my excitement.


    And here I am on page 6 of the replies. I guess at least a couple of you had a similar reaction. My pulse is still a little higher than normal.

  5. Barnett is the correct answer to the OP.


    Other options include:


    - Dockery. Ralph shelled out $7M/year to (briefly) make him the highest paid interior OL in the NFL.


    - Langston Walker came the same year at a hefty $5M/year - it's debatable how much competition they had for him.


    - T.O. Frankly, signing him to only a 1-year deal was one of the smartest moves the Bills have ever made. That shrewd move forced him to behave.



    I am betting the OP is practicing typically negative Bills-fan selective memory to be going all the way back to Doug Flutie.


    The truth is, at times, Ralph has spent plenty to bring in a few seemingly important pieces.


    That's why I take Buddy Nix completely seriously when he says he's going to add a big-time WR to Stevie, and add a 2nd if they lose Stevie, AND add a serious pass rusher.


    Every few years this team makes a REAL push when they think they are close enough to justify it. Nix's press conference was making it clear that they believe this is one of those years and he absolutely expects playoffs in 2012.




    Main problem with Posey is they were ignoring the fact that the guy could only play 3-4 OLB and they tried to shoe-horn him into a 4-3 when he already had an NFL track record showing he was nothing at that position.


    Reminds me of when the Ravens brought in Elvis Grbac, completely ignoring that Grbac's entire success camne playing the West Coast offense, and he was hopelessly wrong for the Ravens' deep ball scheme. Grbac was among the worst FA signings ever, and certainly the worst in the Ravens' history.

    As the OP, I'll give you Dockery.


    And as to selective memory, I was not making a statement that we didnt have anyone. I was saying it doesnt seem like it, i'm too lazy to look it up, and someone feel free to chime in.


    I guess it was assumed, correctly, that I didnt "feel" like there were many. Or any. And many have pointed out that Free Agency is not really the way to build a team.


    My main point is that, at this time every year for more than a decade, Bills fans get all excited about what we're "going" to do in free agency, only to be disappointed every every every year. So please stop with the "after we sign Mario Williams and Vincent Jackson, then we can look at X, Y, and Z in the draft" chatter. Not only will it not happen, but its not good for our collective stress level.


    We need hope, but thinking we're gonna be players in FA is just pie-in-the-sky.

  6. We were in a bidding war with Cincinnati for M. Vick a few years ago, but Philadelphia won that somehow...

    Excellent point. I had forgotten about that. Maybe because (wink wink nudge nudge) it was predestined that he wasnt coming here.


    Barnett was a huge score! we snatched him as soon as he was available. He was pushed out by a younger guy who stepped in when he got injured. who was he??

    any ways Nick is a great grab by us. and surprised we pulled it off actually.

    So, it looks like we grab a slightly-past-his-prime-but-still-productive linebacker every 3-4 years (TKO, Fletch, Barnett, but not really Merriman since he wasnt FA).



  7. 1.) 2003 - Takeo Spikes, Cincinatti

    2.) 2011 - Tyson Clabo, Atlanta

    Was TKO actually the last one, or is he just the first one who came to mind?


    Again, i'm a little too busy and lazy to research it. But obviously, if you havent landed a REAL free agent for 8 years, and havent made the playoffs for 12, there might be a correlation there.


    This really is a problem, fellas. We dont build through the draft and coach-em-up like Green Bay or pittsburgh, and we dont lure free agents like Dallas or Philly, so how, exactly, are we supposed to win?




    And, as we enter "there's always next year" season, I'm pretty run-down with the rinse-repeat cycle for 12-15 years.


    I want this board to reflect some realism. A sober reality that, until the organization is committed to winning a championship, instead of committed to, within budget, fielding a "competitive" team, its just an emotional roller coaster every year.


    Tired of it yet?

  8. Nick Barnett...there was lots of interest from other teams and he seems quite a catch.


    yeah, i thought about Barnett. And i'm really glad we have him.


    But I kinda remember that he didnt draw nearly the interest he was expected to. Your link talks about prior-to free agency. What other offers did he have? Did he even make visits?


    And as to Clabo, I remember something about Clabo saying he never wanted to leave ATL, so it was assumed he just used a couple of other teams to gauge his market value. The dreaded "let other teams negotiate my contract with my current team" play.





    With 2 serious questions, because i'm too lazy to look it up. But I think the answer will be telling.


    1) When was the last time a Free Agent (not a released bum off the street or an undrafted guy on the day after the draft) who had other options actually CHOSE buffalo over another team? (Takeo? Peerless? Flutie?)


    2) When was the last time the Bills won (or even entered) a bidding war for a free agent? (instead of bidding against themselves like Dockery et. al.)


    I have a friend, also a life-long bills fan, who claims that all we have to do is pay, and that admittedly buffalo is "not that attractive" comnpared to other teams. I say buffalo is not "not that attractive," but rather UNATTRACTIVE. Nobody wants to come here if he has other options.


    Hope you guys can give me some answers for 1 or 2. And I think that until we have a real real quarterback, nobody will come here.



    With 2 serious questions, because i'm too lazy to look it up. But I think the answer will be telling.


    1) When was the last time a Free Agent (not a released bum off the street or an undrafted guy on the day after the draft) who had other options actually CHOSE buffalo over another team? (Takeo? Peerless? Flutie?)


    2) When was the last time the Bills won (or even entered) a bidding war for a free agent? (instead of bidding against themselves like Dockery et. al.)


    I have a friend, also a life-long bills fan, who claims that all we have to do is pay, and that admittedly buffalo is "not that attractive" comnpared to other teams. I say buffalo is not "not that attractive," but rather UNATTRACTIVE. Nobody wants to come here if he has other options.


    Hope you guys can give me some answers for 1 or 2. And I think that until we have a real real quarterback, nobody will come here.

  11. i think he's bluffing. Since Minnesota is already giving the vikings a stadium, and the Niners are getting a new one, the only one left who needs leverage is San Diego.


    The league has hinted, and fans will agree, that adding teams would water down the quality of the rosters. There's already not enuf quarterbacks to go around. Also, with the concussion rules and with possible 18 game schedules, they may need to expand the size of existing rosters anyway.


    Nope, they arent going to 34 teams. (caveat: Unless they plan to add one in London because zero usa owners want to move, then it might make sense to balance it out with an even number, by adding another usa team. Maybe.)

  12. Wes Welker is a "mid-level" free agent? Four years of 100+ catches, four years of 1,000 yards, four Pro Bowls, best slot receiver in the game. That Wes Welker? Can you please name your "top tier" free agent wide recievers?

    That's funny. When I read the OP, I didnt even notice it. But for sure that's not a mid-level guy.


    I zoomed past his name only because there's not a chance in hell he's leaving NE, and even if he did, he'd be smartly looking for a very accurate qb who could use him right.

  13. I do not doubt there is something to be said for simplifying a defense. But against the elite teams you better have a few wrinkles up your sleeve as well. Especially when it comes to your blitz packages. Otherwise you will be fine against some teams but the best ones will eat you up.


    My mindframe has always been the better Smarter the players you have the more you can complicate things. I would have been happier if I heard Nix say that he will bring players in who can play in an advanced system rather that talk about how he brought in a guy who will simplify things for the players he has.

    I also gotta disagree. Fixed your post.


    Yes, with smarter players you can complicate things. But you gotta let players play. This is why schools like Notre Dame and Duke and (up until 2 years ago) Stanford never win. Its hard to find elite athletes who are also really smart. Especially on defense. Let 'em play. Find ball, kill ball. Simple.

  14. A BIG part of it is 2-fold.


    1) They develop players very well. So the players have value to other teams in trade.


    2) They do a good job of getting rid of players right before they decline. Its easier when they have been developing that guy's backup.


    The steelers are also good at dropping guys a teeny bit early instead of a teeny bit late. But the steelers dont usually trade them, they just cut 'em. Pats are more active in looking to move guys, to pick up draft picks.


    The Bills could take a lesson from all of this. Dont be afraid to pay for top coaches to develop players. Dont be afraid to draft plenty of guys at key positions (except corner or running back) because if you ever have too many, you can trade 'em. See: Giants drafting D-line or Steelers drafting LBs.


    Part of the reason that Bills fans cry when we get rid of a "good" player is that we dont have anybody to fill the hole. Its not just that Ralph is cheap. Pats, Steelers, Giants always have a plan B who needs to get some playing time, not a scrub and not a dream of filling it in next year's draft.

  15. No draft picks on RB's this year EVER in the first round, for the rest of my life.



    Right now, the Bills have 2 elite players on the team: Fred Jackson and Kyle Williams. Possible elite players: Marcel Dareus and CJ Spiller. The Bills need much more "elite" talent on this team (especially at DE & OLB) if they want to compete in the AFC East against the Pats, and be a legitimate contender.


  16. I need to see what happens this off season. If the Bills let a bunch of their free agents walk and don't show up to sign anybody of consequense, well then we will know what to expect next season.

    weasely reply.


    You should be able to factor in what you think is the likelihood of these things happening. And give a simple "yes" or "no" like everybody else.


    I'd like to wait until about week 12 next year before I answer. But that isnt the spirit of the question.

  17. no.


    Still 3 years away. Tough division. Gailey wont be around to see it.


    (also, i have to say, I really dont give a damn about "making" the playoffs. It took detroit 11 years and they didnt do shtt once they made it. I want to be competitive for championships, and I dont think that will ever happen on Gailey's watch).

  18. Agreed.


    Big difference is that Stevie is a taller than Cruz, and has shown the ability to sky for some balls most WRs could not catch.


    They list Cruz at 6'0" and honestly, I think that may be a generous to say the least - he looked absolutely tiny in the huddle next to Manning who is 6'4". The difference looked like a LOT more than 4" to me.


    Stevie looks and plays like every bit of his 6'2".

    Looks like he was 5'11 1/2 at the combine




    Edit: On closer review of the link, maybe he wasnt at the combine. Instead, it looks like they took his Pro Day numbers and dropped them into the "combine results" column, because there's no 40 times, etc., under his combine results, and all wrs run the 40 at the combine.


    So then, how much "fudging" can be done with Pro Day numbers? I assume its NFL people who are doing the measurements, so maybe its legit-ish.

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