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Posts posted by maddenboy

  1. 9 hours ago, BillsFanForever19 said:

    . . . Jones, Kumerow, and others aren't here anymore. So for the "we're wasting roster spots on ST'ers; anyone can do this" crowd, you've already gotten a win.


    But when it comes to Matakevitch, that's been his role since Day 1.


    With the turnover that's already been there, they aren't going to turn around and cut him too. If they felt that way, they'd have done it early in the offseason when they were making moves to free up cap space.

    over the years, it has helped me to think of it as:


    Special Teams has 3 starters besides kicker.   (i choose 3 at random, since that's how much work i wanna put in here)


    Then, i try to (hypnotize myself into caring about special teams) figure out who the must-keep Special Teamers are.   Saves me a lot of anguish.



    and i definitely do not think any ol body off the street can play NFL special teams.  I mean, look at all the tip top athletes who have played football all their lives, and through sacrifice and hard work, just cant quite make it on NFL special teams.    Ergo:  that shtt Hard!


  2. 11 hours ago, Logic said:

    I have been to several other teams' forums.

    No other forum can match the mix of constant/consistent activity, quality posters, quality posts and quality moderation that this forum offers.

    Any other forum that I've seen that has as many quality posters, posts, and moderation, lacks the activity level. Sometimes whole days go by between new posts or replies.

    Likewise, any other forum I've seen that matches that activity level of this place, fails in at least one of the other three -- and sometimes all three -- categories. The oft mentioned Chiefsplanet is a good example. Very active, but HORRIBLE posts, posters, and non-existent moderation. I will also echo the sentiment that it's an awful, toxic cesspool in general, and should be avoided at all costs.

    All factors considered, and having poked around many corners of the NFL message board world, I believe I can truly and honestly say, with no hint of exaggeration or hyperbole, that this is the best NFL team message board in existence.

    i think i just learned something here.  That i need to use.


    I introduce bills fans to this website maybe 20 times per year.  Here in LA, whenever i meet one and have time and a pen, i write down this website address, so they wont forget


    And almost every single time over the years, i see that person again.  "Hey, did you check out TBD?" and its always always "no."


    I think i learned from your post that i fail to tell them WHY they should come here.  why its different.  why you cant just check in once per month.  How its active every single day. 


    I need to step up my game.   Didnt realize the 'competition' was that bad.   didnt realize what people's expectations are, based on their experiences with inferior products.   Since i never goto other fans' websites, except follownig links posted on here.


  3. On 8/2/2023 at 10:19 AM, BigAl2526 said:

    . . .   As others have suggested, though, the loss of Edmunds could be significant.  . . .

    I think a theme in this (very good) thread is:


    The loss of Edmunds will be noticeable for sure.


    Debatable whether it will be significant.  As in, will it affect wins and losses.   As a few posters have noted, we do not need the #1 defense in the league to win games.

  4. On 8/2/2023 at 7:45 AM, Robert Paulson said:

    We will miss [having people constantly tell us about] his wing span in the central zone [and how we cannot possibly fathom, as mere fans, how awesome it is or something] but that's about it.

    fixed.  teamwork.


    whatever he had, or was supposed to be able to do, never materialized.  not consistently.  not much at all.  Blind squirrel.


    not a smart football player.   At a position in This defense that requires being smart. 

    • Like (+1) 1
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  5. 1)  case keenum


    2)  matt leinert


    at least each has shown that he CAN be what a starting QB is supposed to be.  Even though Leinert's was in college.   For whatever reason, leinert didnt continue to develop it. 


  6. 18 minutes ago, JGMcD2 said:

    Well in that case… pot, meet kettle. 

    then its a good thing i dont aspire to being an NFL coach.




    1)  am i wrong, in your opinion, of the coach?


    2)  its not a personal attack.  I just want better coaches on my football team


  7. 8 hours ago, ColoradoBills said:


    Wouldn't surprise me in the least to see Babich take over the DC position in the near future.

    i really doubt it.  He sounds like he has no substance as a coach.


    it doesnt sound like he is using coach-speak on purpose.  It sounds like he thinks he is giving the best answer possible.  And there isnt much there.


    feels like the Peter Principle.  He cant bluff his way any higher than where he is right now.


    • Eyeroll 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Ta111 said:

    Awesome interview. This is the “behind the scenes” stuff that is very interesting. 

    he sounds in-over-his-head. 


    He seems like he starts talking without thinking first.  just stream-of-consciousness.  And there isnt much substance there.


    I am not looking at a future Defensive co-ordinator or head coach.

  9. 3 hours ago, FrenchConnection said:

    If I was scheduling national preseason games, I would schedule teams with rookie QBs and teams with a lot of roster uncertainty. For the most part, the Bills roster is set.

    for me, i would schedule national preseason games with teams who have to play a "name" quarterback.  like wherever baker mayfield is at.  Or justin fields. 


    even the Panthers.  because their qb also happens to be a "name" quarterback who also is going to play a ton in preseason.



    I need 'name' quarterbacks because nationally, i need as many casual fans to watch as possible.   I need those fans to know that the guy they have heard of is going to play.   Hopefully a ton.


    And most importantly, i need my advertiser clients to know this.


  10. day drinking is the heartbeat of this place.   But smart posters are the brains


    tip-top posters provide great analysis.  i have learned so much about football here.   Second only to playing Madden


    and if you wanna enjoy an adult beverage or 7, this is an Awesome place to spend several hours. 


    I must have written the website down 70-80 times here in SoCal, for Bills fans whe were unaware of this site.  I welcome all voices.


    which is why i am here every day.



    (and by the way:  if you were SDS, you'd have a burner account on here, right?  Cause sometimes you just gotta let off steam)



  11. On 7/28/2023 at 11:14 PM, BillsShredder83 said:

    Side note, even in doing that we can get feelers out on his value and decide if hes worth a tag & trade deal next offseason, and at least have that route as an insurance policy, AFTER having retained his services this year. Ideally see a Peerless Price type situation happen AFTER we snag a ring!

    We wont get a Peerless Price situation


    with Price, we found a team that actually thought he was a #1 waiting to break out.   I doubt any team in the NFL sees Gabe as that.

  12. 9 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:


    Because by the time they needed to throw the ball underneath more they were:


    1) Using James Cook more in that role and getting 5.7 yards per carry


    2) Allen was struggling with more with short throw accuracy than long throws due to his elbow injury


    The only RB in the NFL who might be as good as an actual starting slot WR running routes is McCaffrey.   And even then we aren't talking exceptional in that regard.  Otherwise these guys gotta' run the ball to warrant receiver looks.    They aren't the equivalent of slot WR's regardless of the hyperbole people want to attach to their games. 

    around that time i heard a 3rd reason on Sirius XM (i think)


    Because of Allen's elbow injury, and therefore his limited pitch count in practice, there werent enough reps in practice to use on getting Hardy up to speed.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    How the frick do you still have a licence?  The most I've ever gone is 88 and I regret it.  

    The first time i was on my way to Vegas.  They got me with "officer Able" which is a fixed wing airplane.  They have those mile-marker lines on the highway.


    I had to show up in court in person.  to beg.  To beg for an nfraction instead of a misdemeanor.  To beg for a reduction in charge.  To beg to be allowed to do traffic school.  They make you show up because nobody actually lives out there, so its a huge pain.   I decided not to deny that i was doin about 110.


    The second time, he actually let me go with a warning.  3 am on my way back from Vegas, so i could get a couple winks before work at 8am.  I think he was on DUI patrol and as soon as he saw i was sober and apologetic, he decided he had bigger fish to fry.  Highway Patrol, not local PD.



    • Like (+1) 1
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  14. 46 minutes ago, SinceThe70s said:

     IK Enemkpali


    Captain for a day thanks to IK previously breaking the jaw of Mark Sanchez...and the fact that Rex was a classless d-bag


    wasnt Geno Smith the offending jaw?


    tryin to act big and bad about not paying IK the money he promised.


    And i mean, who would get points for punching mark sanchez.   Next time Sanchez offends somebody, it will be the first.

  15. 1 minute ago, Shaw66 said:

    Not always.  Their value is artificially controlled by the CBA; first round running back gets less than he could if the market were free.  When he finally gets to be a free agent, he is past his prime.  So he misses the opportunity to get paid his actual value.  



    i meant 'within the economics of the CBA.'


    And the CBA doesnt have specific provisons for RBs, of course.  

  16. 11 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

    I never said it should be. It's just the reality of the situation that they players are the product and responsible for all the value. Also, it should be obvious, but the current deal was negotiated before this refusal the re-sign RBs was agreed to by the entire NFL body.

    Maybe you should have stayed for the second half of the first class. What exists in the RB market today amounts to artificial price fixing. Teams aren't paying for RB contracts because they don't have to. They can just draft for free and hold them on cheap deals. If they didn't have that option, theyd have to pay or go without.

    these 2 sentences contradict


    Unless the reason teams "dont have to" is collusion.  But you are admitting that its economics and reality, not cheating, that means they dont have to.


    And its only "artificial" to the extent that its the result of a man-made CBA.   But it is a natural result of that CBA.  No behind-the-scenes smoky rooms are necessary

    • Agree 2
  17. On 7/19/2023 at 7:40 AM, Shaw66 said:

    Well, there has to be a solution somewhere. 


    So far, its pretty debatable whether there is even a problem.


    And if so, what is the problem?


    so far, the only problem is that a couple RBs every year feel like they are underpaid due to the system.   But they are paid perfectly, according to economics.

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