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Posts posted by maddenboy

  1. Goddammit. Now I'm all confused again about what I want at 10.


    First it was Coples. Then Ingram for a long time. Then we signed Mario. Then it was Reiff. Then Tannehill. Then OT Martin. Then I warmed to a cb. Then I luke-warmed to Floyd. Then it started to seem like FLEENER or KUECHLY. Then back to cb. Then back to Kuechly.


    Now I'm cooling off on Kuechly. I never wanted him as a star or stud. It was more a BPA pick, which is good enough. In Ch/ix I trust.


    Just get me a good NFL player. And get it over with.

  2. I really hope all the Barron talk is to try and get a team to trade up bc I would hate this pick. Im not one to draft for need but Safety is prob the teams deepest position so drafting another over a position they would get more production out of would be dumb on top of the stupidity of drafting a safety that high to begin with


    I hate how this team loves drafting DBs so high in the draft

    Pray to your gods that its not a running back. Better 10 first round dbs than a single first round rb.

  3. I'd like to go back and look at a Whitner You-tube highlight package and a DaNorris Searcy You-tube highlight package to compare, before I really get excited.


    I'm all for a few BPA drafts, until we are 1 or 2 players away from the super bowl. But is SS the best way to go when we have two perfectly fine safeties, who will look better with a little pass rush?


    Just sayin.

  4. When I clicked on this thread, my FEAR was that the poster's name would be NEVERGIVEUP.


    Dodged that bullet.


    They are not taking Barron. It'll be Kooky or Fleener (if its a surprise pick). They look ready to get the best player in the draft at some position, but that position wont be Safety (or, if there is a god, running back). I'm all for BPA but that would be stupid.

  5. Mark Barron, S, or Trent Richardson, HB.


    These would piss me off. BPA is fine. BPA who also happens to fill a need is great. BPA at a position you dont need is kinda stupid.


    Any running back in the first round, ever, is very stupid, unless you are 1 player away from a super bowl.

  6. With a top ten pick, and with our track record of first round misses, reaches, and general mediocre players, this is what I want:


    Anybody who will


    1) start from opening day

    2) play well enough to keep starting for the next 4-5 years.


    I am not being greedy. I change my mind on who I want almost every day. I cant remember feeling so wide-open before the draft. Part of it is faith that whoever nix takes will be a solid pick.


    But for the love of anything holy, please not a running back in round 1. Not ever, for the rest of my life, please.

  7. After getting blasted in the face with Russell Wilson all day everyday, a la Tim tebow on espn, I decided to take a long look at a bunch of Russell Wilson videos today. My thoughts prior to my research today: He's a good college qb that benefited from having an amazing OL and running game to go with some good talent at WR. I thought his height would be a big issue in the nfl and drafting him would be a COMPLETELY wasted pick. Post research thoughts: I like him more than I did. He's got great pocket awareness. I thought it was just his athletic ability that allowed to him make plays after the play broke down (tavaris Jackson is an example), but it's a definite combination of athletic ability and pocket awareness (Aaron Rodgers/big ben). He's a smart well spoken kid that has a tremendous head on his shoulders and motivation won't be a problem. I could see him developing in a solid player down the road due to his combination of character/ability. That being said, I still believe his height will be an issue. He may be able to overcome it, but he's still a guy that might be out of the league after 5 years of rising the pine. I wouldn't be opposed to drafting him in round 5-7. In the past, I scoffed at the idea. He's a good kid and has a chance, albeit slight.

    As I was reading this post I was thinking to myself "I wonder if this qb is black."


    But thanks to the highlighted code, I guess I dont even need to google it.

  8. Please be very clear. Give us an example of the response you are looking for.


    Are we supposed to say "move this guy up one spot in round 2, and move that guy down 1 spot in round one"? Or is it one up and one down for each round (not likely because you only have one name in round 4). I'm happy to play along, but I need a little more.

  9. I have a feeling in my bones that the bills will take DeCastro.


    About a month ago I thought it would be LT, because the genius of Buddy/Chan is that they dont bluff. They do what they say they're gonna do and it works like a triple reverse jedi thing. They gave off vibes that they were looking at LT if there was one available that fit the value. Since quality LTs usually arent found in the later rounds, and since they added Mario, that left LT.


    But now I think that they dont feel the LT value is there at 10. I think they are serious about putting together a few BPA drafts and then seeing where we are at. I think the strong consensus is that DeCastro will be the BPA at 10.


    Another TBD poster said that if they take DeCastro, they will kick Levitre to LT. Seems plausible, and my bones are telling me to prepare for it.

  10. I cant imagine he plans to pound it up the middle against our very nice defensive tackles.


    But the move can do two things:


    1) Combat any teams, including the bills, who want to run a fashionable "wide 9" look, with both DEs outside of the OTs.

    2) Allow any street free-agent running backs to be more successful, allowing them not to overspend on HBs. FBs are pretty cheap.

  11. same.


    i hate the jets. i hate their players. i hate their QB. i hate their coach. but i don't really have anything against the organization.


    i hate brady and belicheck passionately. but i also respect them because they're the best.


    the dolphins? nothing. !@#$ them. !@#$ their fanbase, city, and champagne popping cocky entitled history. the ONLY thing i'm okay with is marino being such a good guy for kelly when hunter was sick.

    Gosh. This says it all.


    I think its genetic, if you were born before 1980 (1968), to really hate the Fish.


    But its really sad that Bills/Fish is not a real rivalry anymore. During the 90s and 80s it was one of the top rivalries in the NFL, along with Cowboys/Redskins and Raiders/Broncos and Bears/Packers. Everytime Miami and Buffalo played it got national attention. Many of you dont remember those days.


    Since both have been pretty irrelevant lately, its easy for the younger fans to hate the teams that beat us the most. But forever, for the rest of my life, I will hate the dolphins. Even if they were playing Satan, I would root against them.

  12. "Clayton said on ESPN Radio over the weekend according to ESPNBoston.com. "Tim Tebow is probably going to be traded. He's not going to Jacksonville, they've already got Chad Henne. New England. You trade him to New England and groom him to be kind of a role player, and then you trade Ryan Mallett in some way."





    Would love to have this guy here, he was one of the QBs I was hoping to draft last year.



    There's an "eye of the tiger" that he has. Last year I only saw it in Andy Dalton and Mallet.

  13. Dont care.


    I have Buddy's back no matter what. We are better than the Jets. Our qb is better than the Jets' qb. I love the fact that Buddy is a straight shooter and I will back him 100 %.


    The signing of Mario got Buddy some serious street cred and a boatload of "cool points." He is entitled to redeem them for shots at division rivals whenever he likes. His cool points do not expire.

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