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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Wanny is old school Its hard to win in this league same shtt every year
  2. doesnt have to be someone currently employed. College? Network TV? Or CFL? Also, we can call someone if its an upgrade, like a position coach on another team, right? Teams cant, or by gentleman's agreement wont, block a promotion, right? Work with me here. We all want the same thing.
  3. for anybody not as lazy as me, it would be interesting to go back and look at his college highlight reel before posting a reply here. Sure, nfl caliber offensive linemen, blah blah blah. But SEC caliber linemen. But what I recall is that he was 100% effort in college. Now, notsomuch
  4. I call B.S. here. Had a long debate with a friend and fellow Bills fan of @25 years. First, its the bye week. Second, he wouldnt have to install a brand new scheme. Keep the scheme we have, study it, improve it, and install a couple new looks per week. Watch film, learn your players, and actually try to put them in position to do what they do best. And, its an audition possibly for HC. And, in the off-season, he'd be weeks ahead for installing his schemes for next season, and in evaluating what he has on the team. And, he can rely on the current assistants for continuity, verbage, etc. If Wade Phillips got fired tonight, you wouldn't hire him tomorrow morning because its the middle of the season??? (spare me the 3-4 defense excuse; you get my point). Make a move. Think outside the box. Give me hope.
  5. Teeny bit confused. OP, can you state, in one sentence, what frustrates you the most? I read your whole post and I have no idea what frustrates you the most. Its more like "these are some things I wanna get off my chest."
  6. get a labotomy! Go for a long walk on the beach! Hibernate until we get a real quarterback! Before the season, I downloaded the Shout! song so I could play it on my computer or iPhone whenever we scored. I used to sell pretzels at the Ralph many years ago, and that song MUST be played after a score. So far this year, I have played it zero times. It just hurts too much. Doom.
  7. Romo. Its like upgrading from a toyota to an acura. An obvious improvement. Both are decently reliable and decently inexpensive to maintain, but the acura is clearly better than the Toyota, seven days a week. But neither says you have arrived. Until we get a benz, or a bentley, or a jaguar, we are just wasting time.
  8. so far this season O-line gave up zero sacks? Bills go two and one.
  9. Jets: Giddy. Disoriented. Chiefs: vengeful
  10. this thread had de-volved a bit. Lets focus on things that would only be shown by the all-22. On a related note, I "think" I saw on the nfl network crawl that signing up for the nfl rewind package includes a 1 week free trial, and it includes the all-22. If you guys wanna research that, it might be like a free trial of crack. But hey, free is free.
  11. Defensive adjustments. If any. If. were the cbs playing the same depth all game? Safeties? Did the SLB ever drop down onto the TE on passing downs to actually jam him a bit? Also, how many times did we "show" blitz, and of those, how many times did we actually come?
  12. God, that is the winner. The number of wins doesnt matter. But this sick feeling i've had for more than a decade tells me that this answer . . . feels right.
  13. Sorry bruh. Just sorry. Cant imagine what else anybody could say right now.
  14. Become? I could pile on here, but its way too easy. And I makes me way too sick. I really feel like there's 31 teams in the nfl right now. That wasnt even nfl football yesterday. And if I had a dollar for everytime I felt like that in the last 15 years, I'd buy the team.
  15. I just watched my Tivo'd Bills v. Lions game. Where Thigpen played a lot. I noticed two things about him. First, he always always seems to find the open receiver. He doesnt make dumb reads. And when I say "find" I mean "gets the ball out of his hands in the general direction to a guy who is actually (nfl) open." Second, his accuracy is pretty inconsistent. Sometimes on target. Sometimes high or leading too far. Sometimes bounce-passing it. Sometimes sending a weather balloon. So he seems to really have this offense down cold. Which is good. And he can read an NFL defense. Which is good. And he aint afraid to trust his reads. Which is good. But after several years in the league, he should be more accurate. In sum, considering the quality of many starters in the nfl, and the poor quality of backups, he aint bad.
  16. Biggest: Referring to the NFL playoffs as "the tournament." Second: Aggressiveness. This is a made-up American word. The English language already has "Aggression." Why do americans just think of a word and add "-ness" onto the end without bothering to think whether a word to serve that function already exists? I'm sure this post lacks persuasiveness (persuasion?) because I dont have enough humbleness (humility?). Carry on, sirs.
  17. Beating teams that you are better than: -most of the time during the season -every single time during the playoffs. And being over 50-50 against teams better than you.
  18. Unfortunately, this. The only other thing would be if they were asking too much, but in that case you woulda heard the player or agent leaking info about his job search, trying to drum up a market or bidding war. You hear occasionally about Clark, but nothing about Shancoe. So i'll hafta pass.
  19. Me and Emmitt fixed your pose.
  20. On running downs, sure, since he's the quasi-linebacker anyway. But on passing downs, probably somebody either with more range, or more of a blitz threat that the offense has to account for.
  21. (i'm not entirely sure but) Doesnt this phrasing mean "most recently?" So he was at Richmond, then went to USC, and now to us? Not to jump on your post, and maybe i'm wrong, but I got the wrong impression until I clicked a couple links. I was thinking that USC snagged him from Richmond so I got excited.
  22. here, lemme help you with that: http://wgr550.com/twobillsdrive/12967800
  23. Me too. And Nix said a couple years ago that you gotta draft at least one cb every year. They obviously think there's more wrs and OTs on friday than cbs.
  24. After watching that video about halfway though, I was struck by one thought. This is Antoine Winfield.
  25. I'm HATING the espn coverage. Because they always tell me the pick without telling me. They wait until "the pick is in." Then one of them will make a prediction. The others do not offer any other names. They are 11 for 11. I hate it. (in fairness they are ten for ten after eleven picks as far as I know. Because I MUTED it when buffalo's "pick is in" so I dont know who they "predicted." But I can guess).
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