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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. he MUST stay. He MUST show he is a grown up. Props to him if he stays. But I still thank the lawd that we took EJ instead of his sorry a$$
  2. Listen. All indications are that the Bills wanted E.J. all along. Praise Jeezus (see my sig). So, everybody knows Kolb is not an NFL starting qb. So why sign him? Exactly for this reason. We want E.J., who needs some seasoning. So lets bring in a journeyman who can start a few games while EJ gets ready. Praise Jeezus.
  3. what a little soft a$$ busta. Be a man and stand up to it. Is this what a franchise QB does? When Matt Barkley declined an invitation to the draft, I felt strongly that he was not a grown-ass man. Geno must, and didnt, attend the second day. Just like a little boy. No i'll pass, thanks. Pretty much nobody projected E.J. to be a first round pick, but he MANNED UP and attended the draft. This is what grown-ups do.
  4. Thank you, god. (see my Sig) We got 'er done.
  5. I yelled so loud at pick 16 that my neighbors might have been justified in calling the police. As my Signature says, I wanted EJ more than anything. They "Got 'er done." Robert Woods anyone???
  6. I think I love him. Is there anything wrong with that?
  7. Just take a QB at 8. I dont care who it is. If you, the front office, think (not feel) that he is either a franchise guy, or might be a franchise guy, then take him. If it doesnt work out, then Rinse, Repeat. Without a franchise guy you are nothing. If you think you can get one at 41 you are stupid. If you think you can trade down and get one at 16 you are stupid. IDENTIFY exactly the guy you want. And get his ass. Dont gamble or try to be cute or try to be the smartest guy in the room. Just get him. At #8. (right now, if a team had drafted Russell Wilson at 8, would we be calling them stupid? At the time, yes. But how about now?)
  8. No, no no. When you have a franchise QB, you can afford to go for best "value." When you dont, you have to find one at all costs. And what is "value" anyway? BPA? Value according to Kiper? Most likely to not be out of the league in 3.5 years? Value is a player who can help your team. Value at #8 is an impact player. When you dont have a QB there is no higher value. Period.
  9. If we had #1, we would also have #33. So we could afford to trade out of #1. That said, I've been saying for years, if there's a player you want, get him. Dont worry about Mel Kiper's "value" ratings. In 3-4 years most of the guys drafted this year will be out of the league anyway. If you think a guy is an NFL player, take him and dont worry about criticism or "value." That said, if we didnt trade out of #1, I'd go QB. Whichever one we think is best. I dont care about "value." I care about finding good football players. And without a QB we are spinning our wheels. Dont tell me we can get a QB with #33 (in this hypothetical). We want the best QB. Dont gamble that he'll be there at 33, or that you can just trade back into the bottom of round 1. Dont gamble. Get me a QB please.
  10. The problem for the last few years is that our front office does not know how to evaluate QBs. If they did, they would have taken Kaep, Wilson, etc. So, this time, they should admit that they suck at evaluating QB talent and potential. In life, when you suck at something, the first step to fixing the problem is admitting it. Hire a consultant. Give the reigns to Whaley. Let the coach pick one. Do something different in your evaluation of QBs. But get one. At #8 please.
  11. Agree with OP, or me? You posted directly after me.
  12. No. With the new rookie wage scale, we can draft one in the first round every year until we find one. There's no point in shoring up this or that position without a QB. You simply MUST have a good one. Once we find one, two things will happen. (1) the team will be better on both sides of the ball. (2) Then, when you are close to making a run, and 1 or 2 players away, you can spend your first round pick on a non-QB. Until then, you must find a QB at all costs. Dont gamble on waiting until round two. If there's a guy you think is a franchise QB in this draft, take him at 8 and never look back. If there's a guy you think MIGHT be a franchise QB in this draft, take him at 8 and never look back.
  13. I had a big debate with a good friend about this years ago. I dont think the team trading up will ever tell us WHO it wants. My friend thinks the trade-down GM should ask the other team "If I trade with you, who are you taking?" I think that's stupid. The other team should/would never tell, and our GM should never ask, knowing the other guy wont tell. If you tell, then Buddy can get on the phone and say to other teams, "so and so offered me X package for Geno, whatchu wanna do? You got 4 minutes." More likely, the other team will say before the draft something like "IF I call you when you're on the clock, I'll be prepared to offer generally a package consisting of X."
  14. Do you really think that the J-E-S-T would trade up to take another USC qb? I understand all the USC qb talk, hate, garbage, truth, etc. But how could they sell that to the fanbase? "We traded the best cornerback since Deion, so we could move up and take Sanchez/Leinhart 2.0" ----- And as i've said in previous posts, every team should be trying to WIN THE SUPER BOWL THIS YEAR. If the Bills do not take a qb at 8, then they are not trying to win the superbowl this year. Rinse, repeat.
  15. That's why I'm saying two things: 1) You cant get that feeling by drafting any other position at 8 than QB, and 2) All things being mostly equal, give me the QB with the kill, take no prisoners, attitude.
  16. Not exactly saying I'd rather have Andy. But Andy approaches the game as a grown up. I want my qb to be a grown up. In workouts, in film study, in meetings, in practice, in the offseason, etc. The rising tide lifts all boats. If the players look at the qb as a grown up man who is trying to kill the other team, I think that's the "IT" factor at work. its kinda like with brothers and sisters. The oldest sibling is always the most serious and responsible. The youngest is always a brat with no care for the future or for cause-and-effect. I'm just saying I want the oldest sibling. Especially at quarterback. Because real life in the NFL is serious. and missing the playoffs for 13 years is serious.
  17. Seriously, though. Draft me a guard at 8, and I dont get excited for Sundays. Draft me a 5'7" midget, Roscoe 2.0, and I expect a couple plays, but I'm not going to Vegas betting $1,000 on the Bills. Draft me a grown-ass man at QB and its "on"
  18. you draft on potential. On feel. On feel for a guy's personality, character, and talent. And in quarterbacks, you look for the elusive "IT" factor. NFL coaches > college coaches. Draft him and coach him up if the problems are fixable. You cant coach arm strength, competitive fire, and "IT" so you had better draft those things. What do you like about Barkley? Especially if you saw the Gruden thing. Rob Johnson wants you to know he's available, dood. What do you like about Geno? Jamarcus Russell wants you to know . . . . Quite on purpose, sir. Sorry if I offended, but its a big wide world out here. And its a football board after all, not a theology board.
  19. As I posted in the official EJ Manuel thread: ---- #8 Buffalo Bills: E.J. Manuel, QB, Florida State Please god. Please. Please Santa. Please. Please Easter Bunny. Please. If you have seen the Gruden qb shows this year, please opine on this: I have said for years to friends, that what I want to see in a qb (or any position in the draft) is a "grown-ass man." Not a boy or somebody just happy to be here. I want somebody who wants to kill the other team and too bad its not legal. (I really think this is the "IT" factor that people talk about) I saw it in Andy Dalton, but not Cam Newton. I see it in Luck and RG III and Russell wilson, but not Sanchez or Romo or even Cutler. I see it in Von Miller, but not Marcel Dareus. Geno is a goof. Barkley is happy to be here, isnt this cool, I'll watch the draft on TV instead of the Green Room, just in case. EJ Manuel is like "yeah, I'm bout to f**c somebody up." And ask yourself: How long has it been since you woke up on a Sunday and said to yourself "we're about to f**k this team up?" Usually I'm happy if I can get myself up to "yeah, we have a chance if this and this and this and this happens, and we get a little luck too." I want to look forward to f**king some teams up.
  20. #8 Buffalo Bills: E.J. Manuel, QB, Florida State Please god. Please. Please Santa. Please. Please Easter Bunny. Please. If you have seen the Gruden qb shows this year, please opine on this: I have said for years to friends, that what I want to see in a qb (or any position in the draft) is a "grown-ass man." Not a boy or somebody just happy to be here. I want somebody who wants to kill the other team and too bad its not legal. I saw it in Andy Dalton, but not Cam Newton. I see it in Luck and RG III and Russell wilson, but not Sanchez or Romo or even Cutler. Geno is a goof. Barkley is happy to be here, isnt this cool. EJ Manuel is like "yeah, I'm bout to f**c somebody up." And ask yourself: How long has it been since you woke up on a Sunday and said to yourself "we're about to f**k this team up?" Usually I'm happy if I can get myself up to "yeah, we have a chance if this and this and this and this happens, and we get a little luck too." I want to look forward to f**king some teams up.
  21. FYP. And as to the whole Barkley "declined an invitation to the draft" thing, what the hell is that? Is that what a FRANCHISE qb does? I want my FRANCHISE qb to accept the invitation and expect to go first overall, and if not, to have a chip on his shoulder the size of saturn. Does anyone here think Jim Kelly would have passed up an invitation to the draft (if not planning to go to the usfl)? I do not want my franchise qb to go surfing instead of attending the biggest day of his life, to date. Punkass
  22. Listen. Its this simple. You have missed the playoffs for 13 years. You dont have a quarterback. If you dont take a quarterback at 8, I dont care who you take, or who you think will fall to you at 41. I will KNOW you still dont get it. And I swear to the holy sweet baby jeezus on high, I will not watch a single game this year, nor will I ever watch a single game or pay for the NFL package. Give me a quarterback. At 8. Dont gamble that the best qb will fall to 41. I, personally, want E.J. But whoever it is, give me some hope. The goal should always be to WIN the SUPERBOWL THIS year. If we dont take a qb at 8, then we are building for next year. Stop wasting my time. That's 16x3 = 48 hours of my life this season I can use for something else. Life is short.
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