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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. This is right in line. INSTANTLY i knew what you meant. Didnt need to google it. Dont need some gratuitous reference to birds or a colorful schoolbus. It does 100% of the work all on its own. (but not sure thats the best image to conjure. Unless he was actually hittin that. Which, not for lack of tryin, i dont think he was.)
  2. if you need Google, then it doesnt work. A nickname should not really be a trivia question. It should not challenge you to figure it out. 99.9 % of people should instantly think "oh. . . . of course." or to put it another way, on draft night when you heard the name of our draft pick, i guarantee an image of Swazye popped into your mind. T'hats the moment when it was done. No extra steps needed like mentioning Roadhouse, to make sure people 'get it.' A good nickname should not make you think "oh, that's clever." It should make you think "oh. naturally." we all got it. as soon as that face appeared in our minds. -------- (but i fear i'm just, at this point, arguing to be 'right.' There is no 'right' in this situation. a nickname will either stick to him or it wont)
  3. yes i am
  4. Swayze (but for the record, a nickname has to be organic. Like "Peanut" or "Pork Chop" or "Boogie" or "The Fridge." That's why you can never give yourself one. Like nobody ever thought to call you that until that one moment. And then it was just perfect. Now i cant not call you that. And i'll probably forget your real name, soon.)
  5. cardinals should leak their interest. As a bone to the fans (look at us trying). Lance wont go there because Cards have too much money tied up at QB, and because 1 week of preseason is not enuf to be able to start in Kyler's absence. The cardinals are drafting a QB first overall next year. Which is why Lance could actually start games at the beginning of Next season. and since the rookie will get lots of preseason reps next year, Lance can learn the offense as understudy this year. And start 3-4 games next year before the rookie takes over.
  6. so the speculation should be this: After he gets cut, where is he (and his agent) likely to decide is the best spot for him. it seems like he will view himself like Mitch Trubisky. "i am a starter. I just need a fresh start and a place to learn" so, the only teams that would trade for him and that contract are teams Lance would never choose to go to. Cardinals would be smart to offer something. (irrelevant division rival). But first, Cardinals should back-channel to recruit Lance. "chance to start games early in the season, and chance to 'stick it to' 49ers twice per year.
  7. i see. I thought you were saying "dont worry. he Got this."
  8. part of the problem with this is that he shoulda been 'all in' last year. So if he wasnt saving anything at all last year, what more can he give this year? and even if he finds a teeny bit more in a crack somewhere, how will that teeny bit be enough to be the entire Defensive Coordinator? in additon to the entire Head Coach? and, the team will be better with him as both jobs? I mean, its posible that his 'teeny bit' is honestly better than the entirety of anybody else he could have found for the job. Maybe so, since all the bright young minds seem to wanna work on the Offensive side. But there's still only 24 hours in a day
  9. that brings up a point how deep of a fan can a teenager even be? How big of a fan was I at 22. compared to 32. or 45. Just a lot more history. So yes. I would be loyal (me at 22) to whatever team was smart enough to pick me. And prove them right. I think, at 22, and at that level of fandom that i had or was capable of, I would have thought you were CRAZY to think i would only play for that team in the city where I'm from. I'd be lookin at you, thinkin "i thought people got smarter when they got older"
  10. I think I love Football for a different reason than i love being a Bills fan. I love football because we used to play it. In buffalo (city of). in the snow. in the street. riding my bike for blocks and blocks, hoping to ride past a street or a park where people were playing, so i could get some football in. Heads-up if necessary. During lunch in highschool in the snow and spending 5th period soaked as the snow melted off of us. Getting injured and it was worth it. And . . . making spectacular plays once-in-a-while. spectacular catches. running faster than you thought you could. Being better at football than other people expected. Never played organized sports, but always played football year-round. Lived through the 70s and learned to HATE the dolphins. Even though, back then, the Bills were Not my favorite team. Because i loved playing, i loved watching NFL players do it excellently. Watching them do something and thinking and feeling "i coulda done that!" The Bills never captured my interest like that. But during high school in the 80s, i realized i needed to root for one team for the rest of my life. It was a need. Since i loved football and was loyal by nature. Bills the added benefit of hating the dolphins added to the love of watching football. An Arch-villain. I feel bad for fans of other teams who do not have a natural hatred. I understand college football rivalries in my bones. I love football. And i love that i have a natural team to root for. A win-win
  11. And there's not 32 jobs for him. There is only this one (company). He is not a national name, national figure, or national presence / brand. if he got fired or quit, there would be no competition for his services. Every team has ex players making / scratching a living talking about their former teams. Real life after football. Which is about 50 years or so.
  12. and back then, the TV was always on. Like its part of the background of life. Like it would be odd if it was off. Back when ESPN would be on and i'd think "this is the 3rd time they showed that. it must be getting late." Telling time by ESPN. Because its always on.
  13. Body Catches. That's why i predicted (April 29) that Shorter is not making this team. Possibly practice squad.
  14. Yes. But his grabbing is super obvious. In the video, he was praised repeatedly for doing this. I gotta think that there is a technique for doing this without it being Holding. Or, at least, it not being flagged for holding. And if it is a good thing, that he is coached to do, he sure seems to be doing it well. Especially where they point out that it helps him have time to correct a mistake during the early portion of his rep.
  15. No. I dont follow the rosters that closely. But, whoever the top 2 or 3 of them are, regardless of level, should be looking at coming here, if invited. And it sounds like those 2-3 guys might be better than what we are cutting loose.
  16. it has always felt with him, since the day after he got his long term deal, that he never strives to get actually Better. it feels like every off season his goal is to . . . eventually . . . hopefully by week 2 or 3, get 'back to my old self.' And as you get older, of course, its harder to get back to where you used to be. Especially if you arent reaching for anything beyond that.
  17. agree. this is why Peters hasnt been signed yet. In addition to being so old they stop counting at that age. All 32 teams are gonna wait for musical chairs to begin at roster cut-down day. And a team like the Bills should be on every tackle's (and his agent's) short list. Compete for a Ring. And a legit chance to make the team. And a legit chance to hit incentives.
  18. reminds me of that line from that motivational speaker Les Brown, discussing second opinions: "They have a name for the person who graduated dead-last in his medical school class. Doctor."
  19. He might be Injury Prone. We should probably define it to make sure we are all talking about the same thing. (not that i'm right, but we should all be talking about the same thing imo, on any topic) I dont think it means a guy is unlucky. And i dont think it means he makes bad decisions to put himself in harms way, too much. It could be genetics it could be conditioning it could be not working out correctly. Or not listening to the trainers it could be his form / fundamentals / mechanics. And this is where bad conditioning reportedly makes players lazy about technique when they are tired it could be he has other injuries which are making him favor certain techniques, even though coaches tell him its bad form it could be a lot of things. I think the bottom line is: If anybody woulda got injured doing what he did, of course its not his fault (unless he shouldnta been there in the first place, like diving onto a pile or something). But if he keeps getting injured, repeatedly, doing things that wouldnt always cause injury, then we get toward Injury Prone.
  20. probably since they cannot determine his exact rate of speed in mph to see if it was over the posted limit. so "careless driving" in this case probably is "speed unsafe for the conditions" no matter what the mph.
  21. i was thinking about what you said here. And that you might mean it a couple ways. But i think that player doesnt exist. 1) if you mean "feature" like leather seats or power steering, then maybe bobby wagner is among the last. a real playmaker. every single week. something a team should and would pay extra for, because its nicer. 2) if you mean "feature" like main attraction who the defense shows off, seems like the league has drifted away. Not many in the league who fans would pay to watch, and fans of the opponent Hate. Brian Cox? Jack Lambert. Bozworth? But i guess we tried that with Tremaine Edwards but it didnt work. Look like tarzan . . . 3) if you mean "feature" like we will change our whole philosophy and scheme to take max advantage that we have this special player (like the patriots with Randy Moss), yeah Kuechly and Ray Lewis and Urlacher. I dont think there are many who qualify anymore as "feature" players nowadays. Maybe its kinda like running back: players at the lower levels try their best to play other positions. Specimens like Patrick Willis, who are actually Great at football, and play MLB, feel extinct. I also dont think that the style of offense nowadays would really allow you to feature him. its too easy to avoid one guy when you are a passing offense. No matter what position he plays. Except DE
  22. by "a round" I assume you mean "at least 4.5 seconds." cause i wouldnt make it. Shtt, I'd be happy if i still had all my fingers when it was over. Has nobody ever actually fed that dog? Sheesh.
  23. I recall a piece on . . . ESPN or NFL films, including snippets from Belichick, where basically Belichick and his evil genius Ernie-whatever sat around and said "what is the weakest position group, overall, in the NFL? answer: safety. Question: how can we exploit that fully? what can we do that other teams are not? (and this is why we love versatile players) Answer: (after some time in the think-tank): 2 tight ends, both of whom can stretch the seams. --- So i'm wondering as a non "X and O" fan, whether 1) will we really be 12, or is Kincaid going to flex so much that we functionally are 11 with a big slot? 2) Is there some objective reason why McBeane might have identified (like weak nickel corners in our division or some such) to seek to do this, rather than "well, Kincaid fell to us, so now lets figure out how to use him.
  24. both? not to be grammar police, but i cant even "but Maddenboy, you know what i meant, though" figure out what or who you mean. it seems to me the motorcycle would be at fault, on these scant facts. because the motorcyclist, as all motorists, should never be driving so fast he cannot avoid a collision (because even 25mph can be too fast, depending on visibility, weather, the condition of the bike, the fatigue of the driver, etc). The motorcyclist, and all drivers, should Expect that crazy or stupid or drunk stuff Will be done by other drivers. Or, even if Florida has comparative fault, to me the motorcycle should be at least 50% at fault, even if the car driver made an illegal turn.. --- after a few re-reads, if i had to bet money, i think you are saying that the car broke the status-quo of everybody minding his own lawful business, so but / for the car turning left, the accident would never have happened. we probably need a lot more facts. Agree with your bottom line though. tragic.
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