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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Too many words. And nah. Not top 5. Not top ten. If you're starting a franchise, not hardly. If you've got one game and can choose any back, not hardly. If you're deciding who to Franchise Tag, not hardly. He's good. Which is why he's fortunate enuf to still be getting an NFL paycheck as the oldest RB in football. In no danger of getting cut. Getting the absolute most out of his talent, body, age, etc. But put the pipe down, sir. Love Freddie. But not hardly.
  2. 1) That's because Geno has better mechanics than EJ. EJ has ****ty footwork. He keeps the ball too low. Doesnt step into throws. Doesnt climb the pocket. When Geno's head turns, his whole body turns. Not so with EJ. EJ seems to want to do it on arm-talent alone. 2) The Bills offense never ever ever ever runs any Motion on offense. (I've watched all games live or on NFL rewind. The next motion will be the first). Motion helps a young qb read the defense, and helps small receivers avoid jams. 3) Replay Review. The standard is whether the call should be overturned by Indisputable Visual Evidence. As Brian Billick once said, it means 12 drunks in a bar would all agree. But I think many refs use the De Novo standard. De Novo means "let me make the call." When it should be "let me see if the official obviously blew it." Replay is NOT to make the correct call. It is only to see if the official obviously F'ed up. That said, maybe it should be de novo. But its not. When I hear an official announce several sentences of explanation, it sounds de novo. All he needs to say is "affirmed" or "overruled." I think Pettine doesnt have the personnel for his D. So he is making lemonade. Look at the Jets personnel. The DTs (sheldon richardson and muhammad Wilkerson) are long and lean, and play the run on the way to the QB. The Bills DTs are short and squat. Revis was his shutdown CB, allowing more exotic blitzes. Gilmore . . . we'll see.
  3. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Well done, sir. Well done.
  4. To your first point about Fish winning the division, I say NEVER. EVER. And to the Decade of Fail, if you mean the 1970s, then yes. It did change the fabric of our division. And I'm not old. I'm only 45. I wasnt even a teenager during the true Decade of Fail. But it left a lifelong mark on me. I sorta had that impression even back then. Its kinda like Michigan State. Their "rival" is Michigan. But Michigan couldnt care less. Michigan's rival is Ohio State. But Brian Cox acted like he hated us more than anything. That kept it stoked. And Thurman was dead to me, in that uniform. There is only one team to which a Buffalo Bills player may never ever ever actually CHOOSE to go. Still. I will always hate the fish. They are the only team whose players I hope get injured. I wish their team headquarters would explode. I would rather go 2-14 and sweep them, then go 8-8, miss the playoffs, and get swept by them. Old School.
  5. Reading their board makes me realize something. Bills v. Fish is no longer a major NFL rivalry. I have known that for years, but it really sucks. There is no hatred for us on their board. We are just another divisional opponent. I will always hate the Fish more than any other team. That's part of the fun. Having a team to actually hate.
  6. I dont think a big contract, per se, is the issue. I think its the big Signing Bonus (guaranteed money). Do you think he'd take a contract with $11M per year for 5 years with zero signing bonus (i.e., zero guaranteed)? That's a lot for a safety. I'm sure he'd prefer that same $55M as $7M per year with $20M signing bonus (i.e.: Free Money that I dont have to work for). (And I recognize that "signing bonuses" are not technically how it works, but guaranteed money is the same thing). Because the problem is that the Signing Bonus is not a reward for the past. Players think it is. GMs care about his next 4 years, not his past 4.
  7. just suck it up already. Treat the 5 weeks of free money as your signing bonus and go play. Because that's what you think a signing bonus is. Free Money. You dont care that its really and advance on future services. That's why you want a big one and why you're pissy that you didnt get the millions of "free money" you think you deserve. But Is PF really an injury? I know it medically can be an injury if there's actual tearing of the ligaments instead of just inflamation. (I get PF flares from time to time myself) But is it a FOOTBALL injury? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7tdxSOhOXY
  8. I've said before. He isnt really sticking it to management. He wanted a long term deal for the same reason all players do. "Free money." A windfall of cash. I.E., the guaranteed signing bonus. They dont think of it as pay for future services. Soooooooo, since you didnt give me my Free Cash, I'll use this Franchise Tender money as my free cash, and put it in my pocket for no work, just like the REWARD FOR PAST SERVICES that me and all players think the long term deal's "signing bonus" is. My next team may not give me as much, but at least I'll get the Free Money for no work, from the Bills.
  9. Do you have a link? Again, i dont consider it an injury. Its like that question from that college football movie from the Coach to the player laying on the field. "Are you injured or are you hurt?" "Uh, what's the difference, coach?" "Injured means you cannot play. Hurt means it doesnt feel good but you can play." (I paraphrased a bit i'm sure). But WebMD suggests that, the more serious cases do need more significant treatment. My PF is apparently not that serious. http://www.webmd.com...antar-fasciitis So maybe its an injury, to the extent it is caused by overtraining. But If you offered me $400,000 to go play football for 3 hours during a PF flare up, of course I would. Other players do all the time.
  10. First, how do we know he played with PF last year? Other than his say-so. Not on any injury reports. And IIRC, he never mentioned it in the media in the offseason. Why not mention it? If you had it all last year, clearly OBD knew about it so that wouldnt hurt your chances at getting a deal. Second, PF is not exactly an "injury." I get PF myself from time to time. Never lasts more than 2-3 days. Its more like an inflammation. And I cannot see how it could cause him to get hurt. Your feet hurt when you run. That. Is. All.
  11. I dont remember ever seeing a 2-door police car. So, he catches speeders and if they're DUI, or impound, or something else leading to arrest, he has to call for another car? Good thing Mario donated 2 cars.
  12. EJ's main problem as a QB is FOOTWORK. And he cant work on it while Out with a leg injury. That is what Geno has over EJ. If you go back and watch Geno last nite, you'll see great footwork in the pocket. Ball up, and when his head/eyes move, his feet move. Hence, his whole body moves in ready-position to fire the ball accurately. I dont know who is smarter, can learn an offense, can inspire a team, etc. But I had a nagging feeling last week (watching Both Geno and EJ), and confirmed it this week. We've all seen those NFL FILMS archives of Joe Montana in a teaching video coached by Walsh, stressing Footwork. And young Peyton Manning. And old Peyton, post-surgery, going back to his college coach who first, before anything else, worked on Peyton's footwork. Footwork is everything. EJ is lazy with footwork. Does not consistently step into throws if there's pressure. Is too willing to leave the pocket. Almost never "climbs" the pocket to step up - he always steps out instead. Seldom fires "lasers" even though he has a big arm because he's not stepping into throws with both feet planted. He wants to do it all on "natural ability." Sucks that EJ has a leg injury: he wont be able to work on crisp footwork while he's out. He needs to develop "muscle memory" that kicks in when he's making his reads and throws. (and as you can see from my SIG, I wanted EJ in the worst way. I still do. But right now Geno is a better passer because of his Footwork).
  13. FOOTWORK. That is what Geno has over EJ. If you go back and watch Geno last nite, you'll see great footwork in the pocket. Ball up, and when his head/eyes move, his feet move. Hence, his whole body moves in ready-position to fire the ball accurately. I dont know who is smarter, can learn an offense, can inspire a team, etc. But I had a nagging feeling last week (watching Both Geno and EJ), and confirmed it this week. We've all seen those NFL FILMS archives of Joe Montana in a teaching video coached by Walsh, stressing Footwork. And young Peyton Manning. And old Peyton, post-surgery, going back to his college coach who first, before anything else, worked on Peyton's footwork. Footwork is everything. EJ is lazy with footwork. Does not consistently step into throws if there's pressure. Is too willing to leave the pocket. He wants to do it all on "natural ability." Sucks that EJ has a leg injury: he wont be able to work on crisp footwork while he's out. (and as you can see from my SIG, I wanted EJ in the worst way. I still do. But right now Geno is a better passer because of his Footwork).
  14. ??? http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gonads (there's a joke here somewhere for sure. I'm just too lazy right now. And depressed about my QB situation)
  15. Peyton Manning. Or, if not available, Tuel. Tuel knows the offense, knows the coaches, knows the players. And he aint a-scared to throw it down field.
  16. Excellent work. And it looks like a great adjustment. But I wonder (aloud) whether it was something Hackett saw in the Ravens D that he could exploit, or instead, something in the Bills Offense that he could exploit. In other words, are we going back to the same ineffective stuff this week based on matchups? But I like it. O-linemen like to man up and fire on their men. FBs love to be one-on-one with a LB in the hole that they can blow up. I mean, isnt that what a FB lives for? (other than a play-action touchdown reception once a season or so).
  17. MOTION. I have not seen a single WR or TE go in motion, or a back out of the backfield yet this season. Watched all 4 games. Rookie QB could use motion to help read the Defense. Smallish WRs could use motion to beat man-press coverage to get off the line. FB or TE could motion toward the hole on running plays for some diversity. The running plays are so boring.
  18. I disagree. I re-watched the game on NFL rewind. I focused on Colin Brown. And I noticed something. They never blitzed to his side. The DT never made a move. It was all bull rush from the snap. No swim moves, no stunts, no nothin. Just straight bull rush. About midway through the 4th quarter I actually saw the first Tackle-End stunt to his side. They were smart enuf to know that tricks werent necessary.
  19. Check out one of the replies on the first page: "If I hid it" -Confessions of a Cookie Monster.
  20. And the NFL, which is trying to increase the number of games, will back this . . . why? And to the substance of your outside-the-box idea, I also think the NFL likes to preserve rivalries, in order to put asses in seats. They are already having a hard time fighting against the livingroom 55 inch plasma experience. Lastly, how does that benefit US, exactly. Not to be all selfish, but I havent been to the playoffs in 13 years. I'm all about ME right about now.
  21. In Byrd's slight defense, he was getting $7MM this year no matter what. $7MM was his minimum this year. Whether from the Bills or somewhere else. He probably believes he earned at least that much, because that's the CBA. He's just pissy because he is making the "minimum" this year, instead of more. I still think he should actually man-up and earn that money. Its not $7MM of a windfall. Its not a Jackpot or the Lotto or something. Its $7MM to PLAY FOOTBALL.
  22. At first I couldnt read it. Too long. But after Jaybee's post, I went back and read it. It was worth it. A true Bills fan, who had to get some things off his chest. In a clear, coherent, and substantiated way. Not to evade, but its too early. Depends a lot on our draft and free agency. If we get a good LG, my opinion will change. If Kiko Alonso and others learn gap discipline, my opinion will change. and lastly, I need to know this year's record, before I can tell you what next year's record should be, in order to show progress.
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