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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. If the Bills move, I would probably still watch NFL football. I wouldnt / couldnt root for or against our team, wherever they ended up, with whatever name/colors/colours. I would feel the same about them as I do about the Chiefs or Redskins or '49ers, etc. Today on PFT I read that Marcus Allen described Al Davis' feeling about the Raiders thusly: "There's the Raiders and there's 31 other teams." If the bills move, for me it will be "There's the Bills and there's 32 other teams." I would still hate the Dolphins though. But I'd be watching NFL games from afar. Like 30,000 feet. Like when I watch college football, the NCAA tournament, or the World Cup. I wanna see a good game, but I really, honestly dont care who wins. I want to care, but I just dont. After a while, I will probably lose all interest.
  2. As was said years ago about some big-time bust (Ryan Leaf, I think): --He did what most people do when they hit the Lotto. He retired. "technically" he kept showing up at work, but he was gone.
  3. There would need to be a strong reason to make such a drastic change to the rules. Yes, it would probably increase scoring. Yes it would probably make both offense and defense more aggressive. But it would also make the old records obsolete. Big time. True, football is not (stupid, boring) baseball, which has hard-core stats geeks. But imagine (stupid, boring) baseball giving a team a fresh new 3 outs for hitting a home-run. Baseball fans would all have a stroke on the spot.
  4. okay. Why do we need an assistant HC? Isnt that just a title given to a coordinator who used to be a head coach, so he can feel more important?
  5. Are you his Public Defender? Is this your closing argument? Are we SURE the earth isnt flat? wait. what? I'm sure Lawrence Taylor will be the first to tell you that 'caine didnt help him at all. Actually slowed him down and mellowed him out as he was trying to kill quarterbacks. Alright, lets take some phone calls from our listeners. Lets see . . . oh, here's a guy on line 2 calling himself the Playmaker, calling from Dallas. What's your take on this issue, mr. Playmaker?
  6. Why football?: I think its because we have all played it as kids. That means what, when I watch CJ Spiller do something, I can think to myself "I can do that" or "I did that once" or "I used to be able to do that" or "I would have done X instead of Y in that situation." Why the Bills?: The laundry, I guess. There arent really many players in recent memory who seemed to love being Bills. Aaron Schoebel maybe? They seem to love football, some of them. But I cant say the players make my fandom stronger.
  7. All-Pro = Eric Wood. (Better line around him will make him look even better) Pro Bowl = Mario. (Popularity contest)
  8. I did. Not so much because I care about soccer. Or US soccer. Or the growth of US soccer. Its because I dont like the idea of setting "winning the AFC East" as such a supreme accomplishment. I know its been a while, but I dont want to lower my standards. Winning 1 playoff game > world cup championship. Sweeping the AFCE > world cup championship Going 8-8 but sweeping New England > world cup championship. But just winning the division = meh. A very happy "meh," but . . . .
  9. Not to be Captain Hindsight or anything, but when we traded up to #4, I wanted Khalil Mack. I even thought it would be Mack. Sure would be nice right about now. We got plenty of young talent at wr.
  10. Well, if we're going with all-time Bills, then I seriously need to just kill this thread. Sorry. Jim Kelly. Correctly rated as the best Bill ever. Like ever.
  11. "there wasnt a single throw" . . . shown at the actual LINK. Did you look? Of course i'm not talking about all season, as if I have some encyclopedic Rain-man memory. And i've watched a few NFL films-type videos. Like where Walsh and Montana are going through the drops (3, 5, 7 steps). Or where Manning is talking about footwork, ball placement, driving through the throws, etc. I dont want my QB to be aiming floaters all the time. Not even half of the time.
  12. Watch EJ's mechanics. They suck. There wasnt a single throw where he looked like an NFL qb. He is aiming. Guiding. Hoping. And he always . . . seems . . . a tad late. Which, if the excuse is you dont have time in the pocket, then the result should be your throws are early, not late. No? He is waiting for things to look perfect before throwing the ball. He doesnt seem to be anticipating, or throwing to a spot (not even on those designed square-outs to Woods). Not saying he cant improve, and the author points out some things to give us hope. But dude, work on the mechanics, por favor.
  13. Yeah but, even if true, that's not the point. Coming in 5 mins before me and leaving 5 mins after does not show dedication. Rather, it shows you know you are the QB and that's what people expect to see. Refusing to leave until you get it right. Then practicing it until you cannot get it wrong. Then demanding (by example or by mouth) that the others around you do the same. THIS is what its about. I'm not saying EJ is a slacker or is dogging it or is faking it. No way. But EJ doesnt seem to have that fire to be the best-QB-ever. Without that, first-in and last-out is nothing more than punching a clock.
  14. its waaaaaaaaay too early for this thread. Wait until maybe the 2nd or 3rd week of pre-season. Add'l free agents and cuts. Injuries. Surprises on all teams. I'd say start this thread around August 15. I know its painful during the off-season, but its just too early for this.
  15. $875 MM (Edit: I had 875BB, but that's prolly just a tad bit too high).
  16. This is the entire problem. Right here. I think its a function of how you were raised. As a kid, and also in college, with role models. Or without. its hard to resist peer pressure. But that's what kinda separates the men from the boys. As a kid I probably fought too much. As a young adult, same thing. Because I learned very early some basic lessons at home and in my 'hood (east side Buffalo, city-of). Got punked a couple times until, at about 14 I figured out to fight back. F&*k it. And then life changed for the better. Became hard-headed in a good way. To stand up for myself. (I think it was Winston Churchill who said "If you have no enemies, it means you have never stood up for anything in your life"). If you whoop my a$$, so-be-it. But that's gonna be what it takes. Not sure where this is headed w/r/t rookie millionaires. But you are either a grown-ass-man or not. And its never too late. If you have it in you. And I didnt intend this to be the point of this post, but I have noticed for years that the Bills dont really have any veteran leadership on the roster. A couple old guys. A couple name guys, but nobody who can command a room because he has proven he knows what it takes. Somebody who could step into a rookie-hazing situation and shut it off. Manning? Ray Lewis? Brees? Brady? even Steve Smith. "This is MY team and we dont do that 'shtt' here, son. We're here to win a Superbowl, not to win a pissing contest. Grow up and get on board." I think that's what separates us from championship teams.
  17. Maybe when you run out of money? Maybe when you realize that this money has to last you 50 years, not 5. Maybe when you realize that this money has to last you and your family 50 years, not 5.
  18. Bills are always at the top of the list. Its alpha-ba-phetical or something. Occasionally the bills are 2nd or 3rd and it throws me off completely. 27 days out of 30, the Bills are first. One of the things I like about PFT.
  19. I feel what you're saying, Pills. There are some ridiculous holidays. After July 4, Memorial Day should be the 2nd most sacred federal holiday. But to say you are not fighting for your country is to elevate politics over the USA. (and I say this with utmost respect for your perspective, because I never served). There have been many servicemen who have believed whole-heartedly in the cause they were fighting for. Pat Tillman? Anybody who ever volunteered during wartime? You are not just fighting for your country on that day. You are fighting to let other countries know not to EFF with the USA. I sometimes wonder how many wars did not start, because the other side did not want any of this. Thank you, sir. (as an aside, in my 40+ years on earth, I have come across a couple sayings that I always remember. One of the top sayings is the bumper sticker "If you can read this, thank a Teacher. If you can read this in English, thank a Marine." That Marine, on that day in battle, was not thinking "I'm doing this so Maddenboy can live safe and free in 2014." But that's exactly what happened. And that's exactly what I'm thinking today)
  20. I take this holiday very seriously too. Although I never served. (should have). (I dont mean this in any negative way, but correct me if i'm wrong. Veteran's day is for those who served. Memorial Day is for those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving). Thank you all. Seriously.
  21. I sometimes feel I'm the only long-time poster who loves Tuel. Tuel is a gamer He is all about giving players a chance to make plays. He is all about THROWING THE BALL instead of waiting for receivers to be obviously open. Once he gets a grasp (graps?) of the offense (offence?) I really like him. He reminds me of Glennon, or nick Foles. In the way-olden-days, the early 90s (which I remember since I was college age. Used to be a hot pretzel vendor at the Ralph during the glory years, walking the stands with my pretzels and mustard. See the game for free AND make money!! Only in America) the addage said "when you throw the ball, 3 things can happen, and 2 of them are bad." But nowadays, 2 of them are good, with the rules and the reffing favoring offense (unless you are playing against Seattle). Throw. The. Fuccing. Ball. If EJ keeps acting like Trent-ative, he needs to step out of the way
  22. Not only am I all for it, I say we VOLUNTEER for it. That way, in a year or two when we are ready to make a serious and deep run, we will NOT be candidates for Hard Knocks because we will have already done it in the past 10 years. That way, we might earn brownie-points from the league and other eligible owners. That way, we can remind potential owners, and the country, what a RABID fan-base we have here. Do it BEFORE the issue of ownership and moving the team, etc., become real national stories. Get it out of the way now.
  23. dumb thread. This is why companies dont hire just based upon resume. Can. You. Play. For. THIS. Company? Who cares if you got straight A-s at the school for the Special and Needy, and were Assistant GM at a volunteer park clean-up? That is all.
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