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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Cant stand BB.com. Too biased, or at least when I read it, my bias meter is on full blast, which is distracting. And BuffaloNews keeps charging after my free articles are used up, so eff 'em.
  2. * This public service announcement is brought to you by . . . Kool Aid brand soft drinks. Oh Yeah!!!"
  3. I have said before, Bring in ORTON. Orton will start when he's ready. EJ needs more time. I'd go sorta all-in with Orton. Pay him starting $$$ to lure him out of his fake retirement. This team has too much, on both sides, to wait around patiently for EJ to sink or swim. And that's the problem with the Bills' "culture." Most teams burn to WIN NOW. Around here, it seems the lukewarm goal is to GET BETTER ASAP.
  4. . . . with sugar on top.
  5. Nah. I'm sure he got booooooobed.
  6. I dont trust myself to do this fairly right now. A week ago I looked at the schedule and thought, honestly and soberly, that 10-5 or 11-5 was entirely realistic. A week ago.
  7. I'll take "inability" over "unwillingness." We have too many good WRs to not even give them a chance to make a play. If he has "plateaued as a game manager" then he is already where EJ is heading. EJ doesnt ever use his "big" arm, he doesnt use his legs, he isnt accurate, and he refuses to throw the long ball. To me, that's career game manager at his ceiling. If he ever gets there. No, its hyperbole. I saw one of the local writers termed it that way and it resonated with me.
  8. Yes. Retiring from the Cowboys, so he can sign somewhere where he actually has a chance to play. Yes, Orton needed to be released (instead of formally retiring) so he wouldnt have to repay signing bonus money.
  9. I want Orton. If Orton comes, he starts. He is just too much better than our QBs to sit the bench. EJ refuses to throw the ball downfield. He seems to "look" downfield only to give the backs enuf time to get open in the flat. And dont give me that crap about "oh, how do you know what play was called? Blah blah blah." EJ hasnt even tried. He doesnt WANT to throw downfield. He wants to throw to guys who are obviously open.
  10. I guess lots of us at least stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
  11. I actually saw the topic, and rushed in to see if a Doctor would opine. so far, 2 pages devoid of anything.
  12. But, it has nothing to do with what WE would want if we were EJ. His feelings dont matter much. He needs more training on how to play QB. Then he can get confidence. I dont think he will just gain confidence just by playing more. He will gain it by playing WELL, more. I was watching sportCenter tonite. Showing highlights of 1st string O vs. First string D around the league. I was noticing how many (1) receivers were wide open [and i get that both Sammy and Mike were not out there much] and (2) How many successful throws were to receivers that, to EJ (it seems) would not have appeared open (enough). I was thinking maybe the Bills coaches could put together a tape (from the endzone cam) of good QBs either throwing receivers open, or throwing to them when they are NFL open but less than "obviously open." It would be best if they could edit out the ball from the video, and challenge EJ to determine exactly when the man was open, and exactly when to throw the ball. The problem could also be that Hackett cant design plays to get guys open, or even NFL open.
  13. So . . . IS there a doctor in the house?
  14. This. Its like arguing politics or religion on here. What's the point?
  15. There's only about 1600 Billionaires. On Earth. So its not like we should have expected 30-50 bidders. Especially, as noted above, the Billionaire would have to liquidate a lot of his stuff to buy the team. Some assets arent easily liquidated. Pegula reportedly just liquidated almost $2BB. Str8 cash, homie. I'd say he is the 800 pound gorilla here. http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ "The ranks of the world’s billionaires have swelled to a record 1,645 including 268 newcomers"
  16. Quinn, I suspect that you got that barb tossed at you because, from your post, it sounded like you didnt read the OP's linked article first. Yes, some of us have jobs. Its totally cool to jump on here when you have time. We all understand that work can be boring and its nice to have an interesting outlet. But I do think its standard on any message board that, if the OP links an article, then assume that the thread is about that article. Posts not reflecting the points in the article will be deemed (right or wrong) to not have added to the discussion of that particular thread. (I mean, we ALL have been guilty of not reading the OP, and/or not slogging thru pages of discourse, and just posting at the end. But its just more noticeable when the OP has a linked article).
  17. I think he meant since 2001.
  18. Yes. I'm not in the "trade CJ" camp. But a top Guard impacts every offensive play. A talented RB impacts only a few plays per game. And I think every player on the Bills offense would agree. I'm sure they love CJ, but they also love run blocking, pass protection, etc. even more.
  19. I think the preseason package is separate from the regular season package ($39.99 for all teams, or $29.99 for Bills only). I know that the regular season package gets you last year's games too. And I know that the 2 packages are separate since I just paid my $39.99 2 days ago and they tried to get me to upgrade to include the preseason for $20 more. Maybe the $20 is an upgrade to include preseason on my current package. Not sure what the price would be for Preseason Only, or if they even have that. This from my login page, where I already paid the $39.99: SPECIAL OFFER Upgrade to Season Plus & get access through July 31, 2015 for only $19.99 more! Watch LIVE NFL Preseason games on your computer or tablet. Sign up now for only $19.99.
  20. Its on NFL Netwok, but not live. Its on at Midnight pacific (3am Eastern). http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/networkschedule
  21. Maybe that's just what Marrone complained to Woods about Woods, and Woods is thinking "its not just me." Maybe Marrone told Woods "its the whole team," but Marrone was really just talking about Woods. I dont think coach Woods is in all the meeting rooms. And I dont think we, as fans, can know or follow enuf of the players' assignments to know if they are off, or to what extent. Sure, more focus is better, but we dont know how bad it is hurting us. (by the way, your original thread title "Wood has got it right" was misleading. I thought it was Eric Wood, whose opinion i'd give ten times more respect than Robert Woods)
  22. Which "Bash EJ" thread title is the best?
  23. I disagree. If it happens, then EJ has himself a problem. "We" should only care that the best qb plays. Even if, on a scale of 1-10, Tuel is a 6 and EJ is 5, we still want the 6 to play. So, if Tuel ends up as the best QB, so be it. Whaley isnt getting fired by new ownership no matter what; he's too good. So other than EJ, who else would have a problem? Maybe Marrone, for being put on the spot when its time to admit Tuel is better (IF it happens. IF).
  24. As another poster mentioned in the HOF 2nd half thread: (paraphrasing): -probably the team gave TJ Graham the start for 2 reasons. To give him one last chance to show something, or else to show-case him for a trade. They already know what they have in Woods.
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