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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Geno smith is my MVP he's my new man-crush.
  2. Sammy. Kiko. Sammy. I thought of it this way: . If there was an expansion team and it could take any 1 player off each team, who would it take off the Bills? And I wasnt just going young. Sammy would do more to help a team win the Superbowl This Year than anybody else on the Bills roster. -Ans: You can find better LBs than Kiko (i hope he's not listening), but you'd be hard pressed to find a better WR than sammy. Honorable mention to Mario and Jerry Hughes, based on OP's definition.
  3. Not to be a downer, but in corporate america, its always "unanimous." No matter what the first vote is, they make another motion to re-vote to make it unanimous, to present a united front to the world. That said, I have no trouble believing that the first vote was actually unanimous. Why on earth wouldn't it be?
  4. Agreed. First drive Vanilla. Make it seem like Orton isnt really ready.
  5. Where is it written that a QB, or any player, gets X amount of time to develop? (I have said in other posts on this topic that) This is NOT year 2 of a 3 year plan. This is year 1 of a 1 year plan. Marrone has a responsibility to all 53 guys. To Win Now. Period. If a guy is holding that plan back, then that guy needs to be put aside for the next man up.
  6. Mike Williams going to be fined for those bright red socks?
  7. Yeah but "non-profit" does not mean "public" or "government" or "quasi-government." As a private entity, the NFL can do whatever it wants, no matter the form of business it has registered itself as. If an IBM employee did this and got suspended for 2 weeks, or a month, or a year, who would care? And why would there be outrage? This is stupid. This is media driven. The NFL can do whatever it wants; if we dont like it we can boycott ( ). (again, the only real issue from all this is that Rice was wrongfully suspended longer just because the video came out. If there is no new info, there should be no basis for additional punishment)
  8. NFL had tapes in April? So what? Its a private business. It can do what it wants. The real problem/issue is, if I'm Rice's attorney, I would immediately: (1) file for immediate appeal of the indefinite suspension, because there was no new information. (2) Bring charges against local law enforcement for releasing the tape. Might have to go to the judge, or ask the AG to step in.
  9. When the TE made that nice reaching catch up the sideline, Collinsworth said something that I have believed for a long time: In this league the QB has to give his players a chance to make a play. These are world-class athletes out there. -Implied in this statement is (a) He was NFL open (b) Some QBs wouldnt have even thrown that ball. That's what I liked about Tuel.
  10. I said it before up-post and I'll say it again. A lot of you are acting like we are on year 2 of a 3 year plan. But we cant put the whole team / season on hold waiting for one guy to catch up. We are in year 1 of a 1 year plan, people. Win. Now. Best man plays. Whoever, whenever.
  11. Case in point: From NFL.com http://www.nfl.com/standings Lists the current standings of all teams by division. Bills are listed last. We are alphabetically first. Why? None of the divisions is listed alpha. And its not reverse-alpha either. And its not by who won the division last year (see: St Louis listed first in the NFC west). Somebody set this up in this order on purpose.
  12. But there's only 16 of them. Maybe the best way to view this question is: "How long until Orton is performing better than EJ in practice (against the 1s)?" 'cause at that point you have to play Orton. There's only 16 games. (( we have to stop thinking of this as year 2 of a 3 year plan. Its year 1 of a 1 year plan. Win. Now. ))
  13. I think choice 4, "become apathetic" should also include "have always been apathetic." I have lived in Chicago and San Diego, 20 years total. And as E-Ball said, those teams were just there. Dont follow them. Dont know if they are doing well or not. Dont care about water-cooler conversations about them. Not on purpose. Just dont care in the slightest.
  14. Nice work. I think I heard on the radio that we are the only team where all of our draft picks made the final 53. (not sure)
  15. This would be a negative. EJ doesnt need more friends. He needs more people hungry to take his job.
  16. I dont think The Shwartz would have come here if he thought there was coaching talent here. Wants to be a head coach again. Hello?
  17. just got home and saw they signed Orton. Been praying for this for weeks. If Orton starts, we have a chance. No matter where he is on the scale of Real NFL QBs, at least he is one.
  18. Trade. instantly. Half a quarterback is better than none. At least Tanny knows his job is to actually throw the ball and make plays. He isnt waiting around trying to be perfect. I dont care who has better stats. I care who is a real NFL quarterback. Tanny is much closer.
  19. He didnt really get a fair shake. So maybe they plan to re-sign him after the first week, so his salary isnt (as a practical matter) guaranteed. Then he can learn the O, etc.
  20. As others have aptly pointed out, you must have the first string O-Line out there for every EJ snap. Not saying it cant be done, but that amplifies your injury risk to important players. Also, if EJ isnt playing against the opposing 1st string, it really wont help much.
  21. OTOH, if he has no balls his way, or he doesnt play, it suggests a trade is already in the works. Sweet.
  22. I love this. I mean, isnt this what the preseason is for? Isnt this what practice is for? LEARN by DOING. Not by watching film.
  23. Yeah, maybe. But what is we?
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