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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Me too. In the last century. Working. Without a clear plan for my future. Because I was young. Apparently, Me and the Bills had something in common. But I do believe Whaley has a clear plan/vision so I'm more optimistic than at any point in the last 15 years.
  2. I mean, the dude is/was an Icon. A legendary NFL figure. And its not like he was some rich guy who inherited a team and skated along for a couple decades. He started as a coach, if you remember. Just an Icon. I'm all for it. Not at Canton, mind you. But in the house he built, in the league he helped build, I like it. --- And not only that, but from your scant thread title, probably 90% of us knew the topic already. Like I said, Icon.
  3. leave me alone.
  4. YES. In fact, Volunteer for it. I said this at the beginning of this year. Get it out of the way. So that when you are on the verge of making a run, there wont be any distraction, and maybe u can slip under the radar. Just get it out of the way.
  5. hear hear! --- Totally not the point of my post, which is to seriously give thanks to the Pegulas, but . . . (http://grammarist.com/spelling/hear-hear/)
  6. This (and I agree) makes me think that Hackett doesnt trust his guys to execute properly. Too much triple-reverse thinking in order to get some sort of mismatch. Whatever happened to just running the play and trusting the guys to execute properly? Something other than slamming CJ up the middle (and the defense knowing he's going to bounce it outside) of course. And if I'm onto anything, it further indicts the OC. Your job is not just to call plays. Your job is to make SURE the guys are ready to execute the plays. A poster yesterday (GG maybe) said he was watching the Seahawks and Cardinals offenses, and described them as CRISP. There is nothing crisp-looking about the Bills' offense ever. ----> OC's fault and no one elses.
  7. No No No. To me, this is the problem. We, as fans, dont demand excellence. Two steps forward, two steps back. Rinse, repeat. We should always always always be asking, "how close are we to winning the SuperBowl" and not "how are we compared to last year?"
  8. Yes. That reason is known as Money. He wanted to get a chance to actually start, and start for a contender would be nice. But most importantly, as was reported several places, he wanted to keep Jerruh's money. If he actually retired he would have had to pay back some signing bonus money. So instead of formally retiring, he just chose to stay away until traded or, better, released. Mission accomplished.
  9. This. And much moreso than Fred Jackson. Jackson's career is one of overachievement. He has made millions when most people thought he would never sniff an NFL contract. But Kyle hasnt hit his max, either in $$ or in league-wide kudos or, most importantly, in Relevance. Both are suffering, to be sure. Just sayin its a different kind for Kyle, and has to hurt more.
  10. Not only might 10-6 missed the playoffs anyway, but we woulda got Served in the playoffs anyway. Does anyone think this team can make a run? Does anyone think its better to back into the playoffs and get blown out, just to say we were there? (actually, maybe, after 15 yrs). Yes, we're better than last year. But I dont wanna just sneak into the playoffs now, because we have no shot to win it all. No shot at all. Until we get a QB.
  11. But . . . isnt that his job? The argument he should be retained for doing his job is kinda like NFL players who want a new contract with fat signing bonus, as a reward for past performance. It dont work that way. Whatever you have done for me lately, i've paid you for. What will you do for me tomorrow?
  12. . . . a real attraction for fans with money to spend, is what I think you mean. No offense to Fredonia or the southern-tier, but other than being a tad bit closer to orchard park, there's no real reason for camp to be in Fredonia. And short of going to Syracuse or Toronto, Rochester is the place to be. An intern coulda told ya that.
  13. Watkins. My sig to the contrary notwithstanding. We need offense. We need credible offense. We need a unit or two that keeps opposing co-ordinators up at night. An extra linebacker would not have done it. And plus, Kiko !! If we had a real QB, Watkins would be a near lock for ROY. Not that that's the standard, but rather to say we havent seen the best of him, through no fault of his own. Playing through nagging injuries, too.
  14. I was going to post this exact proposition, but then i decided to read the whole thread first. I see The Shwartz to Atlanta because he needs a team with an offense and QB in place. So he can just focus on the D. And the division is fairly win-able.
  15. hear, hear !!! Marcus Easley is among the best in the business. So many on TBD want him gone in favor of whoever, every training camp. But an NFL GM should (and ours does) recognize that you dont cut players who are at the top of the league at important positions.
  16. Yes. Yes we are. http://www.merriam-w...ictionary/berth --- And by the way, what do you expect from the local propaganda machine? Nicknamed "Pravda"
  17. No offense. But maybe I have a hair-trigger for threads turning into EJ threads.
  18. Resistance from who? If you want to sell me a Bentley for $3,000 I would pay it. $130,000, I would not. Not saying its not worth it, but I wouldnt pay it. But that's not me "resisting." You gave me a choice and I said no.
  19. I would take Glennon or McGloin. In that order. And no one else on the list. Both have shown flashes of being real NFL qbs. But to me, McGloin is basically Tuel. A gamer and slinger. Glennon has the prototype height and arm to be a true Franchise guy, if he can get it together. Translation: blah blah blah I want EJ to be given ten more chances blah blah blah.
  20. is this a thinly-veiled attempt to discuss EJ v Orton? How can this topic NOT devolve (which is a made-up word) into that? Because, of course, no one will want any of the above.
  21. if its true that there's no Franchise QB in 2015 we should, as Bills fans, be happy. Right? There wont be anybody down the road for anyone to point to and say "see, the Bills were stupid to trade away their first-rounder" or some variation on that theme. But even better, a couple more QB-needy teams will reach in 2015, leaving more talent for us to scoop up in 2016. Indeed, if QB-needy teams reach in 2015, we wont necessarily need a top-5 pick to get our man in 2016.
  22. I think its more about keeping the locker room. I think most of the players agree that Orton gives a much better chance to win than EJ. (and I think so too). Marrone is relatively young. Your reputation around the league stays with you. in 5 or 10 years he will be with some other team, or looking for work, and a reputation as a guy who puts winning first is more valuable than a reputation as a "yes man" or puppet.
  23. There's 9 games on this Cortana thing that are stronger "locks" than us losing to GB. For whatever that's worth. Never heard of Cortana until about 45 seconds ago. I guess i'm a starving man picking up some soggy stale bread out of the rain gutter.
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