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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. I celebrate honoring OJ. Yes, he killed those people. Even if he had been convicted, I would still want his name up there. Having his name up there does Not celebrate him now. It celebrates him for his time on this team where his name is. Other than Kelly, OJ is the best Bill ever. Ever. If a guy gets a Congressional Medal of Honor during a war, then 20 years later gets convicted of murder back here in the USA, do you take away his medal? (Hell Hell No). Everybody knows the story of OJ. But his name at the Ralph is not a lifetime achievement award. Its a football achievement award.
  2. Closed. Gotta make money year-round, not just 10 sundays or so. And Underground Parking. Like 10 levels. Keep some above-ground areas for tailgaiting and the like. But underground parking with huge, wide entrance and exit lanes.
  3. Possibly Marrone is trying to emulate what he "thinks" Belichick is / has / does. But if so, he's doing it all wrong.
  4. From all post-draft accounts, Whaley didnt want to upgrade the WR position. Rather, he wanted to finally use the top of the draft to get a Special Player or 2 or 3. Most contending teams have a few. On offense the Bills had zero. Sure, the draft had some good WRs, but maybe only 1 or 2 franchise changers. There werent any on offense except at WR. So he made his move. I love it (even though I wrongly wanted Mack).
  5. The Rooney Rule also has 2 other purposes. - To give candidates interview experience. To help them self-assess for later, when they become more serious candidates. - To give truly qualified guys a shot to prove it. See:, Tomlin, Mike.
  6. That was so incredibly awesome. Thank you for that. (I hope you dont have to be over about 40 to really feel the fullness of that).
  7. So . . . GMs hire coaches, but GMs dont manage coaches? Or are you privy to Marrone's contract which explictly took his GM out of his chain of command. I mean, ultimately, even the assistant towel boy reports to the Owner. But . . . .
  8. A lot of you arent keeping with the spirit of the Topic. OP asked for your knee-jerk. Not your analysis or prediction. He wants your first reaction or gut instinct.
  9. I concede the point. Partially. But maybe not in the way you mean. I dont think there could be reasonable debate because there wouldnt be evidence for either side. Reasonable debate usually involves evidence from each side.
  10. Nate Hackett. Next man up. --- Naw, but seriously, knee says Reich. Not enuf gravity to challenge Whaley, who the Pegulas like. Would be liked by Polian when/if he comes in. Can stay on the offensive side of the ball while Shwartz holds it down on D. Would be given plenty of lee-way by die-hard Bills fans. And would quell whatever movement exists for Pegula to bring Jimbo into the organization. Pegula connects with the past, but with a view to the future.
  11. (right on cue) . . . and if I ever feel the mood to actually suggest that "a gay man cannot excel at football," then i'll remember your post and give it due consideration. I tried to say that people wonder how good a gay man can be in a violent, physical sport. Maybe I misspoke when, instead, I said people "wonder how good a gay man can be in a violent, physical sport." My bad. Then I compounded my mistake by babbling something about lacking evidence or something. (cue the rest of the PC police).
  12. Rather, I'm saying that I, and probably many others, wonder how good a gay man can be in a violent, physical sport. Also, i'm saying that people on each side of the argument are looking forward to some actual evidence. And we wont have that until a gay STAR comes out. If it doesnt happen soon, those in the "gay men cant compete in super-tough sports" camp will be in the lead, by default. And I dont need to hear about gay guys who can beat up straight guys in a fist fight. Because that's not what football is about. (for review, I linked to this, above: http://www.tmz.com/2011/07/21/cincinnati-bengals-running-back-cedric-benson-roommate-fight-beating-attack-clavens-charles-police-report-arrest-bloody-face-photo/ ). Its not boxing. Bottom line: Until a big star comes out (during or soon after his career), then it will be open to reasonable debate. (cue the PC police)
  13. I think, on some level, we all presume they are in the NFL and in all sports. And I think we really wonder who the good / famous ones are. So we can really gauge whether it matters. For example, if Aaron Rodgers comes out, we can say "it really really doesnt matter." But if, 5-10 years from now, the best ones are Michael Sam, Kherry Rhodes, and Cedric Benson, (and Jason Collins in the NBA), then the jury's still out. I suspect that most of us, sworn-PC-police-brothers or not, want to really believe / know that it doesnt matter. That's why we monitor it, methinks.
  14. Or, this? http://www.tmz.com/2011/07/21/cincinnati-bengals-running-back-cedric-benson-roommate-fight-beating-attack-clavens-charles-police-report-arrest-bloody-face-photo/
  15. First, this only applies if Orton really retires. I assume if he comes back, it will be with the Bills, because otherwise, why not just decline the option and advertise to the league that you're available. Whaley should probe/inquire whether this is a play for more $$, and how much it would take to get him to un-consider-retiring. (Not saying we should pay any crazy amount, but its not like Whaley's schedule is too busy to make this important call). But to the point, its possible we got the "rubber on the floor" treatment. The player option for year 2 might have been Orton's way of getting an extra pile of money if he got injured (sliding short of a first down) in year 1, to compensate for his diminished quality of life in retirement. And come to think of it, I cant recall a single time when he stood in the pocket and took a big shot while delivering the ball downfield. And I dont recall him having so much as a hangnail all season. Hmmm. Its not the same as what he did in Dallas, because in Buffalo he didnt have a big bonus that he was trying to avoid re-paying.
  16. Cool info. Thanks. But just a style / substance thought. For example, you say we play 3 Pro Bowl QBs. Shouldn't it really be 4, since we have 4 games against Pro Bowl QBs (Brady 2x)? Same for some other stats.
  17. Point 7 is somewhat interesting, in the context you provide. Of course, it suggests that either (a) marrone has the owner's ear or, (b) marrone is trying to get the owner's ear, and either way, (c ) Marrone is running and end-run around Whaley. In a normal chain of command, Marrone's first and only call should be directly to Whaley. Because its not a coaching emergency, its an organizational emergency. Its not like Orton broke a leg right before the next game. Calling, texting, informing, etc. is Not a coach's job. --- The thought of Whaley being ousted makes me sick. Honestly, he kind of seems like a guy who believes in Merit over politics and is staying above the fray. I like Marrone a little less now (mostly because I dont like politicking)
  18. He'll hold out for 3-4 weeks and sign . . . HERE. Obvious leverage play. Especially since he doesnt yet know which coach/gm/OC he will be signing up with. He announced his "intention" to retire.
  19. U sure? I dont read this board daily, but i thought it was never settled w/r/t which Doug wanted Orton and which Doug didnt. The arguments on the sidelines, Doug v. Doug, were probably about the QB. But didnt the tension start AFTER Orton was brought in? I always thought Whaley wanted Orton (its not like Marrone could have gone out and signed him), but Marrone resisted playing him because it would hurt EJ's feelings, since EJ was on his period progress.
  20. Also no Jonas Gray today (ruled Out) and Blount-smoker is Questionable (shoulder). But I'm sure they'll find some other no-name to slam up the middle into where Dareus used to be.
  21. I dont think Bill B will want to end the season on a down note heading into the playoffs. And I dont think he will take it easy on the bills. With Dareus out, I expect a heavy heavy dose of Jonas Gray and LaGarette Blount-smoker up the middle. Long day.
  22. I love Polian. Genius almost. But I really love Whaley too. The next generation Polian maybe. I'm all for Polian coming, as long as Whaley remains GM. Whaley has a plan. He has built a strong, hungry, young team. He has no QB, but I dont think Polian can come here and magically find one either. Come to think of it, since I love Whaley so much, I'm actually NOT on board with Polian coming in. Your time came and you did well, but your time was long ago. Stop trying so hard to prop up your son. He will sink or swim on his own merit. In today's NFL, Whaley has shown that he has it. Chris Polian, notsomuch.
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