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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. seriously. Are we gonna do this every day for the next 6 months?
  2. Are we gonna do this every day for the next 6 months?
  3. Here you go. Shady doesnt want to come here, from "a source close to McCoy" which = McCoy the source said, per Anderson, that McCoy is "not going to make it easy, that's for sure." http://www.nj.com/eagles/index.ssf/2015/03/will_lesean_mccoy_block_a_trade_to_buffalo_bills.html
  4. So, McCoy doesnt want to come here: http://www.nj.com/eagles/index.ssf/2015/03/will_lesean_mccoy_block_a_trade_to_buffalo_bills.html
  5. I guess I need to sit a couple plays out too. There's no RB i'd rather have than McCoy. Not even DeMarco or AP (and that's a very close call there). I think McCoy is more versatile. But I need to take a shot at QB. I guess by the old proverb, I'd rather have 2 in the bush. Since I havent been in the playoffs in this century.
  6. Too many words. And I'm a lawyer. Sheesh.
  7. i think they package picks to move up for Maxx (TE). If Maxx is gone, maybe maybe move for Walford. Otherwise, BPA.
  8. Hells to the F*%$ yes. I predict a very short thread. If you're going for LAMP, try much harder next time.
  9. Shady. I'm in a win NOW attitude. Dont care about 3 years from nowl
  10. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Stop people This has turned into a knee-jerk reaction thread. And nobody is reading your posts anyway. See you tomorrow, after we have all cooled downl
  11. (dont know why I'm wasting my time on a post that wont be read) NFLN, after the CJ segment, shows on NFL Replay Titans v. Browns. Jay Klocker v. Brian Hoyer. Interesting.
  12. = Hello Trent Cole and buh-bye Hughes. Fine.
  13. Who cares? 1) Its not my money 2) The money has to be spent 3) We have the space
  14. I admit. I LOVE that this is super breaking news involving the Bills. And I LOVE that 75% of the highlights are McCoy highlights. As if to suggest we got the better player.
  15. And Wilcots said "we dont know that yet." And CJ chuckled and said "Aw, we pretty much know dat" -- My question is: How the hell did they get CJ IN STUDIO so quickly? What, does he live 2 blocks from the NFLN headquarters? hmmmmmmm
  16. Maybe it was Polian who once said (paraphrasing) "If you are going to draft a RB high [or trade, i guess], he'd better be special, and a 3-down player." After I hid the sharp objects from myself the past 15 mins, I'm starting to see it though. My heart is breaking, yes. But which player would help us more to WIN THE SUPERBOWL THIS YEAR? Because if that is not the singular goal, then just quit. To hell with "getting better." I think, on balance, its right. But my heart is breaking.
  17. Too slow and fragile. And doesnt stretch the field. And Gronk is a . . . satisfactory red-zone threat. Look for Pats to deal w/Revis either way, then see if they can afford Randall Cobb, or Jacoby Jones. Seasoned vets who came up in smart and successful systems.
  18. Thank god for a thread that will take at least 5 pages before it turns into an EJ thread. And Easley is a solid, core player. I would be really disappointed if we lost him for any reason. You cannot field 53 stars in the salary cap era. The only thing that might work against him, both here and elsewhere, is this creeping trend toward using actual starters on "Teams." Easley is gold.
  19. There's a BIG difference between: "QBs who were great from the start," and "QBs who had great stats from the start." The 2 are not the same, and its a timeless debate on TBD and elsewhere. IMHO, Stats dont tell the story of grasping the offense, leadership, "it," showing potential, improving over time, and improving such that you show a HIGH ceiling for which fans should be patient.
  20. Dude. They are all EJ threads. Where have you been? And i totally agree with you on Rex. Maybe too much a "player's coach." But that issue wont derail this high-speed locomotive. And frankly, for fans who havent been to the playoffs in nearly a generation, almost solely because of a lack of QB, I think the fans are entitled to a very wide berth here.
  21. If they feel your goal is to kick the opponent's ass, they will follow. If they feel your goal is to "lead" or just get promoted, notsomuch. -------- (boring story): I was 26 and at a job for 11 months, < 2 years out of school. I applied to be a supervisor, over people 2-5-10 years senior to me. In the interview they asked "why do you think you can supervise people older and more experienced than you?" I answered, truthfully, "well, I truly love [this office/business] and I think people know that. I just want to help us [kick ass], and I think this will help me do it even more." In the meeting where they told me I got the promotion, they said "we're not worried about co-workers being upset that we promoted you ahead of them. Because you are basically already their supervisor. We hear them paging you frantically. We see them running around asking where you are. AND we see you helping everyone, happily, energetically. We think they know, like you said, that you love this [office/business] and want to kick ass. We arent worried about you at all." --- Basically, if they know your goal is to kick ass, they will accept leadership and even seek you out. I fear EJ's goal is to be liked, in order to mask his deficiencies, or help him curry favor when he screws up. BAD. I wonder if EJ has ever gone into a game, or a week of prep (since college) where he felt and exuded "I am going to kick the other team's ASS this week."
  22. The bolded correction is what this boils down to. A grown man does not fear another grown man, especially in business, and especially if they are on your team. And yeah, that's not gonna work.
  23. aww. You're so cute at that age.
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