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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. This. Every single word of this. I couldnt even figure out what to highlight, because its all spot-on. Draft position be damned. Get ur shtt together. Starting at QB and coaching, not necessarily in that order.
  2. Yes. There are many other ways to honor Mr. Ralph. But yes. You have 31 business partners who, reasonably, expect you to pull your weight. "We let you keep a team in that tiny market, dont make us regret it. Do the best you can."
  3. its a stupid methodology, for sure. But weighting QB at only 20% is just dumb. If we are talking reality, instead of click-bait, then QB should be at least 50%. Because you are never winning the superbowl without it.
  4. respectfully disagree in part. the job of an OC (imho) is not just to bring in a playbook and to call plays on gameday. the OC's job is to make sure the players can run the plays he wants to call. Coach-em-up. If u cant get that done in 6 days, then dont call that play on sunday. Because failure wont be Tyrod's fault, it will be yours. If you have to dial back the playbook, it means one or both of the QB is dumb OR I'm not a good enuf OC to teach. Back to my point. A good OC should know what clay he has to work with. If TT cant run the plays that look nice and fancy in the fat playbook you have compiled and used for the past 10 years, then . . . get the absolute max out of what you have, right now. And do it right now. We dont have 3 years to wait for new personnel or for TT to get a brain transplant. And looping back, I think that's the point of the article. Belichick adapted and overcame. We need better coaching.
  5. I think the major factor in a rivalry is that my TEAM hates your TEAM. Its not that I, as a fan, hate ur team and therefore there is a rivalry. But sometimes, if the whole fanbase unites in hatred of a particular team, then the home team kind of picks up on it. And still, its not a rivalry if you dont hate me back. I'm not sure there's too many rivalries anymore. And definitely not for the Bills.
  6. this made me throw up a little in my mouth. It showed me that you, Thurman, dont really HATE them the way we do. I understand u need money, but there's 30 other teams you could'a went to. Why stab me in the heart?
  7. ok. but I think you're slightly missing my point. My point is not about taylor. Its about his coaches. My point is that these tired, neanderthal, dinosaur coaches just wanna do what they always have done, and "please give me 2-3 years to get the right guys to do what i've always done" My point is: think outside the box, the way the best teams do. Figure out how to get the absolute max out of what you have. Belichick = dinosaur? Pete Carroll = dino? Sean Peyton? Arians? I say its coaching.
  8. This. It is/was one of the true NFL two-sided rivalries. And to me, it always will be. Whether the Bills win or lose, the only other score I care about is the Miami game, and whether some players got hurt. That's all I care about.
  9. Another example of my earlier point. Our problem is coaching. Coaching from 20 years ago. We need smart, adaptive guys to coach. We all hear about whether this guy or that guy can go through reads. "Slow eyes." Why not just adapt and coach-em-up and get with the times. I remember reading a piece about 7-8 years ago where Belichick and his genius underground guru (whose name I cant remember) were brainstorming. They asked "what's the weakest position in the NFL?" The answer: Safety. Next, how do we exploit it? Answer: Big fast tight ends to run up the seams. And we know how that turned out. That is not a team that does what has always been done. We need better coaching.
  10. I put this on coaching. Bad coaching. Lazy coaching. Coaching from 20 years ago. This article should remind us that we dont need Elway or Marino or Kelly. What we need is smarts. Enter: Rex Ryan. We're saved !!!
  11. yep. Saw him at a movie theater once. a colossal person.
  12. Not really a tech guy. But you can upload your pics to your home computer. Then use a program like "paint" or some such, and reduce the size of the pics.
  13. it has to be "NeverGiveUp" Because he put us permanently on the map. We have had a few great players. And a couple who, for me, had more pure skill. But as far as a favorite, it is the guy who did the most for us. And that is JK.
  14. I only went there twice. Bison games by that time. Went to school 2 blocks away (City Honors, nee Fosdick Masten). One of my best H.S. friends was working concessions there and got me in. My first impression, having grown up on the east side was, "why didnt I ever pay attention to this big stadium before?" and also "wow, you mean you just walk in off a side street off of Jefferson? There's houses right next door to the stadium!" For some reason I expected a few acres around the stadium to be cleared, with parking lots, etc. Nope. Just turn down this side street, walk up to the turnstile, and in you go. Also, the place seemed to have so many memories and stories to tell. The only other place i've ever watched a game that had that same feel was Wrigley. Good times.
  15. Yes. Based on everything i've read, the percentages say it works in the long run. Plus, its not like its gonna cost us a Superbowl this year. We can get good at it so that in a couple years, when we are making a serious run, we know what plays give us the best chance from the 2 yard line.
  16. I think it underscores how unlikely this drought is. Shtty teams in all sports do make the playoffs occasionally. I think it underscores that you almost have to be trying to not make the playoffs for so long. However, the counterpoint is that in our sport, the primary position is one you cannot live without. I guess in other sports you can make up for not having a "this" or a "that," but in the NFL, if you dont have a "this" you are done.
  17. indeed. Who on a Bills message board, especially the regulars, it this news to? (and also, at the article in the comments, one poster even pointed out that the Seahawks have been in the AFC playoffs more recently than the bills)
  18. every time I see or hear Rex on TV, or radio, or in print, I think to myself . . . Dont you have some film to go watch? Dont you have some players to coach-up? Dont you have something else better to do, that will actually improve your chances to win games on the field? I live in LA (born and raised in Buffalo, first 24 years of my life). And I hear or see Rex all the time. I almost never see or hear Tomlin, or Arians, or Hoodie, or other good coaches. I assume its because (1) they are actually somewhere working, and (2) they avoid the media because it cuts into valuable work time. Rex = clown. How about spending more time working, and less time blustering and buffooning? We want to WIN. We dont care about being relevant in the media. Win the superbowl this year. Stop talking about it. Work for it.
  19. Fair points. But I think this thread is about your Dream Coach for the Buffalo Bills in 2016. Its not about who you think is the best coach of all time. Because on TBD, I think I can assume that your "Dream" is for the Bills to win the SuperBowl in 2016. So do you really think that, of all coaches ever, in all sports, that Madden (even in his prime) is the most likely to make your dream come true? (My screenname notwithstanding) (as I said upstream, Lombardi, Walsh, Hoodie).
  20. . . . Honorable mention to Billick and Chuckie. Who won superbowls without quarterbacks. And whose acts seem to wear off quickly with the players. But if we're in "win now" mode . . . .
  21. I would neither cheer nor boo. Nor middle finger. I would sit quietly and let an eerie silence let him know how we feel. "please just hurry up and be done, so we can get on enjoying the NFL without cheaters." Because I think he would enjoy both cheers or jeers.
  22. I considered Wooden (when upstream I picked Lombardi, Walsh, Hoodie) and other college coaches. But to me, no college coach can reach these NFL players. These are not impressionable young minds to mold. These are millionaires and grown-ups.
  23. 1) Lombardi 2) Bill Walsh 3) Belichick I dont ever want a players' coach ever. These 3 will tell you directly "i'm not here to be your friend, i'm here to be your coach." The only reason Belicheat fell to 3 is that I never got the feeling that his players would run through a brick wall for him. He appeals more to their intellect than to their testosterone. I forget which famous coach once said basically that players want to be coached, and good players want to be coached hard. Its kind of like being a good father. A mother wants to be loved. But a father thinks "I dont care if you hate my guts, as long as you grow up to be all you can be." I love Madden, but he was too much a players' coach.
  24. remember the glory years? When we expected to blow teams out. When we wondered exactly how many home playoff games we would have? i know those times are gone. But when I think of my expectations . . . .
  25. lingering. Standing. Grazing. Staring you down before the fight. That's what Buffaloes do. Right before they eff you up. Nothing against the charging. But the Standing is such a link with the history. Would the packers change the standing "G?" Would the bears or cowboys?
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