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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Au contraire. Mayock has to be feeling like a pimp. He totally set up the contract perfectly. At every step Mayock is a step ahead of AB. I'm impressed. There's a grownup in the room.
  2. about 2 years ago I decided that if the Bills continue to suck, i'll switch sports. There is no way i could root for another nfl team. then I looked around and there's no USA sports team I could follow. Hate baseball, and basketball is meh. Cant watch many hockey games. So I went out of country. Researched and chose a soccer team in La Liga. Bought a little gear, chase the games on the interweb, and it works for me. Bills or nothing (in usa).
  3. Never thought about it until you said this. But now, If I cant win the SB, I'd be really happy if Frank Reich got one. I would never root for any team to win, but I could probably root for a guy.
  4. BPA at any position. Where you think the guy who coaches that position is worth a shtt. There's lots of teams with lots of coaches, and they cant all be world-class.
  5. it would be 1.5 years. The new guy would at least be given an entire off-season to install . Also, the decision to draft Allen wouldnt be partly imputed to you, as it might be to Daboll. You get more time to cook with someone else's groceries.
  6. Why not? McBeane is gonna be here for at least 2 more seasons. A brand new, shiny, 1st round QB would (a) be a fun challenge, (b) buy you some cover if it doesnt work in year 1, (c) Nobody will fire you in year 2, and (d) hey, if it works, you'll be the next up-and-coming coach. Also, your current team doesnt have either a franchise guy, or a shiny toy in the pipeline. Miami? San Diego? NYG? Vikings? Redskins? Bengals?
  7. Draw plays slow down pass rush. Draw also sets up play action. Inside slants. Lets our Tackles CUT Watt and Clowney (legitimately) to keep their hands down out of the slant windows. Also has the secondary effect of slowing down the will of the pass rushers. Not bubble-screen type plays, because Watt Clowney are long and get their hands up into lanes if not cut, and they both can run. Wrs in motion a lot, so the(ir sorry asses) cant be jammed off the line. Also helps Allen (begin to learn how to) read zone v. man presnap.
  8. I dont think that's how it works. We would already have a negotiated deal with Bell, or else no trade. He would have to sign his tender, then be traded to us, then sign his new deal the same day.
  9. Why would Pitt do it? An aging Shady, with small injury issues, with medium girlfriend issues, and a 2nd round pick. Is Shady better than james connor? Probably a bit. Also, Shady has a slightly patient running style that Pitt's offensive line is used to blocking for. And, would Bell commit to a long term deal with no identified franchise QB and a crappy-as-hell Offensive line?
  10. Agreed. Save his life, first. Let him actually learn the game so he doesnt become Trentative. And finally, find out asap whether he is worth anything.
  11. good general idea. But he'd have to be aggressive. He seems like he hopes he catches the ball. Gronk never hopes. Just sayin.
  12. fyp. Thurman is number 1. Not only because of what he did, but because that was back in the day when he KNEW what he was doing. The rest of OP's list is just crying and woulda-coulda-shoulda. To me there is only 1 traitor. Every time I see him I wanna just change the channel. Brett Favre coulda went anywhere, but he CHOSE to go to a division hated rival. I feel you, but to me, the Patriots are just a rival. Not an arch-enemy. That spot is reserved for Miami. And, let me say, I'm glad that my favorite team has a true arch-enemy. Otherwise I'd be bored.
  13. Okay, I think we can all agree that Brady processes fast. The question is: Can it be learned, or is Brady just, somehow, uniquely made? The answer is: If you have at least half a brain, and if you WORK and then WORK some more, you should be able to learn it. A quote I like: "practice doesnt make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect." Those Belichick teams practice different than us.
  14. based on my sn, I feel you. But for me, its not somuch we grow up, as the fact that we dont have the time to devote to sessions where we agree to play 3 games, then all of a sudden its dark outside after 12 games. Good times.
  15. b4 the season I went game by game. Had us at 8-8. And I hate predicting 8-8 because it seems like I didnt even try. One of my themes was to be certain to have us win at least one game we should lose, and lose one game we should win. Had us beating Cincy, and losing to Oakland. Saying all that to say, I know what u mean. But gotdammit, we better beat the snot out of the Jags.
  16. I'm in the TBD survivor pool. First time ever in any survivor pool. Still alive. 6 straight. I took the JEST over the Bills in week 2. I was the only person out of about 175 of us. But . . . I took the BILLS this week. Awesome.
  17. was there. It was awesome. So many Bills fans. So much Flag Blue instead of ram navy blue. We were second level or so, around the 40. Behind Bills bench of course. Look left, right, in front, behind, there were so many Bills fans in Bills gear. And yes, when we made a play it was loud. In the second half, the PA announcer and the jumbotron started needing to remind these rusty LA fans when to cheer and when to be quiet. Of course, we knew the drill already. Fun fun fun. And after the game was over, lots and lots of Rams fans had left. We Bills fans stayed. In the lower bowl they were taking pics with a couple Bills. In my section it was selfies with Bills flags and gear. After a while, security started telling people to clear out, maybe 20 mins after the game, and thats when you really got to see the sea of Bills fans piling out. Lastly, the Rams fans were very civil and cool. And I do think that they will "support" their team. We shouldnt judge them by BILLS fan standards, because that's not fair. Nobody can live up to that standard. Good times.
  18. Was at the game today. I live in LA (5 years, and SD before that. Buffalo my first 20ish years, including the glory days). I noticed that Gilmore was involved in a lot of plays, and Darby just wasnt. I turned to my Bills-fan friend and said, I feel like they are actually picking on Gilmore. . . . to the extent you can "pick" on anyone with Keenum as your QB. I must have noticed Gilmore like 20 times. Darby, not at all. Which is a factor in favor of letting Gilmore walk if he wants too much money (is Eugene Parker his agent perchance) since Darby seems to be actually better, in the eyes of the league. Plus, Whaley has said repeatedly that you need to draft at least one CB every year. -It was a sea of Bills fans. It was truly awesome. -Rams fans were decent folk. If it were a Raiders game, maybe notsomuch. -Reggie Bush's homecoming to the place that seems to hate him. My friend noticed that on that one play where bush hurdled the defender, the PA announcer said "LeShawn McCoy with the carry." Was that on purpose? Hmmm
  19. 4) I think its because there arent true, deep hate-filled rivalries anymore. I dont like to see guys hurt, but to this day, when a Dolphin gets hurt, I still cheer. 10) Constant. I TiVo-d a game last weekend and started to notice that there was a commercial break after every change of possession. And yep, by games end, there was not a single time where flow wasnt broken by a commercial break. Its not that I hate commercials (personally I never watch them, on purpose, aggressively, neurotically) and i'm all for capitalism, but I want football. After a game, I want to feel like i watched a football game. Not a mini-series with 40 episodes. The game doesnt feel like football anymore. It feels like . . . click-bait.
  20. Churchill once said: "the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter." http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/winstonchu105424.html
  21. disagree. That's not how conflicts get resolved. Its only a (potential) conflict if Coughlin did it behind the NFL's back. Conflicts are usually resolved by 1) prior full disclosure to all parties, then 2) agreement by all parties to waive the conflict or to set parameters on the type of contact Coughlin may have. Its like a lawyer representing both husband and wife in a divorce. He talks to both parties, gets their informed consent, and then we proceed with the divorce. ----- Not trying to derail the thread. Just that with the armies of lawyers involved, I'm sure the conflict issue was resolved.
  22. Disagree. Coughlin has an agent. His agent knows Coughlin's wishes. His agent almost Certainly negotiated a couple out clauses w the NFL. Coughlin's boss is not Goodell. Coughlin has 32 bosses. If one or more of Coughlin's real bosses wants him, best believe its in his contract to be let out to interview or take it.
  23. Didnt watch every play of each game, but i gotta ask: Is it that TT needs to improve OTM, or is it that he needs to attempt? Is he over/under throwing too much OTM? Is he pulling an EJ and waiting until the receiver is obviously wide open before throwing?
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