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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. See ?? Dont be takin no chances. Now you have to suffer for 17 weeks. Not worth it. I took the Bills D in round 6.
  2. Bills Defense. 6th round. Wasnt taking any chances. It kills me when somebody else has them. Somebody typed "homer" in the chat box. Yup. Edmunds. Tackle machine. Poyer. Didnt want Tre because I think teams are gonna avoid him. 12 team league. One other Bills fan and one Dolphins fan. 6 individual defensive players (D,D,DB,DB,LB,LB)
  3. Cousins only has to be good enuf to keep 7 in the box instead of 8. I think he is, especially with a few years in that scheme and chemistry with the receivers.
  4. Minn. I like their plan to jettison Diggs and commit fully to the run. Thielen and the TE is enuf to keep defenses honest. I think Minn has the mindset that their window is Now. GB is not loaded enuf for Rodgers to carry them to the division. And I think his heart is half-way out the door anyway, since they drafted a not-wide-receiver. (I know its a passing league. But the vote is not about who i think is gonna win the SB.)
  5. Iggles. A vote against Dak being a franchise-type guy. Yes, Dallas is loaded. But I think Philly is hungry and they have a rabid fanbase that will keep the expectations sky high. Washington is in the running to be "on the clock" along with NYJ and DET.
  6. Not anymore. But I admit the mistake. I viewed him as the smartest qb in the room, which is what I want. I saw him as a petulant Arron Rodgers type. But since his family is rich, (just like Johnny Manziel), maybe there's a lesson there.
  7. I will go with Doug Whaley. Backup would be John Butler. I really really wanna know how the draft day sausage gets made. I think I could learn more from these 2 that I could actually use in life, for research, prep, decision making, negotiation, etc. Or Josh Allen, so I could form an opinion on whether he has the smarts to be an NFL franchise QB. Just for fun would be Al Cowlings. Tell me everything.
  8. I voted "no" But I do think there must be 2 things for it to feel legit: 1) actual playoffs and superbowl, not just best record wins 2) at least 8-10 regular season games to determine playoff qualifiers.
  9. Its hard (for Tyrod Taylor) to win in the NFL
  10. I disagree with every Tyrod sentiment so far in this post. Tyrod did not appear to love football. And he did not have any quality of a natural QB (leadership, fire, commitment to excellence, demand to be the guy to make the winning play. He appeared to be smart, but not to have that fast ability to be decisive in trusting his intellectual read of the play) Tyrod appeared to want to milk as much money and longevity out of this NFL thing as possible. And I dont blame him one bit. He looked like every play was a business decision. Tyrod treated the football like his newborn baby daughter. You had to be more than just wide-open. He would never throw you open. He would never trust you to be one of the most highly trained athletes on earth and use your skills to make a play.
  11. yeah. That's why I picked the Orton year. I just remember going into every game thinking we genuinely have a chance, without having to coach myself up. I remember watching the Orton offense and thinking "oh, now I remember when my team actually makes offense look not difficult." It is NOT hard to win in this league, mr. Jauron. That's why I also stated up-thread that Orton > Fitz. Win or lose, i was always fully drained after watching Fitz play. Orton played like a real qb. This ball needs to go out, on time, to the playmakers. Every time. Rinse, repeat.
  12. I'm with you. Loved the Orton signing and his play. I will state that Orton and Bledsoe are the only real NFL qbs we have had since Jimbo. JA is showing signs, fortunately. Orton understood that his sole function was to deliver the ball to playmakers. The polar opposite of Tyrod. Orton was good at it. (unfortunately, his sole mission was to get one last feather for his retirement nest. Never even considered staying, methinks) I would almost go so far as to say Orton > Fitz. Fitz is not a real NFL qb. He is probably the greatest backup qb of all time. The closest you can possibly be to being a real NFL qb without actually crossing over. Fitz > Andy Dalton, for example.
  13. "Willie Evans, buffalo, back" !!! 7th from bottom, first column. Was our Gym Teacher and basketball (and track and other things) coach at City Honors in the 80s and 90s (and maybe later). Awesome father figure who coached the right way. Liked to call everybody by last name, military style. Made Buffalo his life-long home.
  14. I vote YES. Plusses: -a la carte content. Unlike cable tv where I pay for 300 channels and only watch 5 of them. -all day, every day -I can watch in any screen any time. Requirements: -It must not be even subconsciously political -It must be recordable -It should hopefully include lots of the Bills podcasts and articles by third parties. If its only OBD content than it will begin to feel like I'm paying for the privilege of watching Bills commercials. This would increase the reach and audience of lots of the 3p Bills content providers by aggregating them in one place. I'll pay for that.
  15. -Just saw that you beat me to this topic, but i dont think Moss gets real time until 2nd half of season.
  16. NFL Wide: -Houston and SF and Tampa miss playoffs -Ravens make it only as a wild-card -No "worst-to-first" division winners this year (first time in a while) -No mid-season hiatus (which another poster says will happen). Because all Qbs on playoff-caliber teams will go the extra mile to stay virus-free Bills: -Edmunds gets more DPOY votes that Tre. (league tired of talking Tre up) -"State Farm" will start at least 1 game -Zack Moss will get more snaps than Singletary in the 2nd half (whatever that may be) of the season.
  17. Or, maybe he took the post-deadline CoronaVirus opt-out. As PFT has been openly encouraging players to do for a couple weeks. Maybe next year when he's looking for a team, its better to say "i quit for health reasons" than "i was fired." Or, maybe (small chance) that he got to SF, saw their Virus protocols in action, and said "aw hail naw"
  18. In this covid year, I'm wondering whether OL injuries and positive pre-game tests might force teams to insert a LS or TE as an emergency starting OLineman, like at RT or RG maybe? He could probably cause the least mischief there, and have better players play LT and RT if those starters are suddenly out. Do you think (or think they think) Lee Smith is good enough to be this versatile / valuable? If so, he's a LOCK.
  19. is this a backdoor "Give Josh a few years before we write him off" post? OTOH, players like Alex Smith, Tannyhill, and to some extent Fitzpatrick seem to slowly but definitely surely get better every year.
  20. I went to college at 17.4 years old. I skipped a grade. The principal (head Nun) wanted me to skip a second time but mom didnt want me to be 2 years physically and socially behind my peers. I could have gone to college at 16. I know someone who went to college at 16. There are/were colleges (Simon's Rock at Bard College, here: https://simons-rock.edu/early-college/index.php) who were accepting people who only finished 3 years of H.S.
  21. I know that the NFL is now taking these additional steps after watching MLB & NBA, so I feel better about the season. (List steps being taken) -Preparing to have a quarantined QB every week. -Having a complete list of backups / journeymen / UPS drivers to pull from. Seems like every time a player is put on the Covid/Quarantine list, there is a guy being signed to take his spot the same day. These players only last a week or 2, but they get acclimated to the system and playbook. "stay in shape, son, and stay by your phone for the next 4 months" -"complete" season I forsee. 16 game season, notsomuch. And plus, we really just "root for laundry" in this free-agency era. If JA goes down for the season, but we still win the SuperBowl, no Bills fan will put a mental asterisk by it.
  22. I did finally read the linked article. If its true that it counts against the cap, I'm good. But the article didnt say or imply that.
  23. But why would Cosmic Powers deprive the other 31/32 fans of deep and satisfying joy?
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