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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. Why is the whole NFC West on equal footing? Considering the strength of the division, it seems that the winner will Not have much home field advantage in the playoffs. Seems the winner will not have more than 12 wins, maybe fewer.
  2. Solved (from the dan patrick show) They basically substituted the letters "In" for the letters "Guar" And apparently the shape of the logo hasnt changed. (I dont follow baseball so I have no idea)
  3. Isnt it the opposite for GB? If he retires, GB can -go after the bonus money Rodgers will owe -get Rodgers' contract off the books -save Cash, which can be spent on players to build a team for Jordan Love. A team that was already a contender. -get a roster spot -avoid Rodgers getting a training camp injury or "injury" and having to pay Rodgers to not play -save huge face with the fanbase (as long as the fans dont blame the front office for making Rodgers pissy) -Get Rodgers out of conference (if its Denver) -Buy some pity time from the fans, for being 'forced' to start Jordan Love before he was ready. I dont see the downside for GB if Rodgers retires. Assuming Rodgers plays anywhere other than GB this year, this is probably GB's best option. 2nd would be getting a haul of draft picks when a team loses a good QB in camp.
  4. 2 quotes I like, that I read somewhere: -Practice doesnt make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. -Dont practice until you get it right. Practice until you cannot possibly get it wrong.
  5. I think this is where the Commissioner's discretion takes over. The article I read (PFT) said that, if the problem occurs while following protocols, [the commish will be more forgiving]. So then it might turn on whether the V player, or the UV player (or both) were following protocols.
  6. TIL what happened to Rusty and Pepper
  7. In some states, a spouse can contest a divorce. And/or, in some states, divorce can include evidence of fault (adultery, etc.) which can affect the alimony, etc. (in a state like California, a 'no fault' divorce state, we dont have those problems)
  8. its too passive. Like "defenders" or something. More appropriate to a sport where defense is played, like soccer or hockey. It also has no relation to Cleveland or to that sport. And not catchy. Maybe it was the only thing left that hadnt been claimed by trademark squatters.
  9. Agree. And Tatum O'neill. I think i liked tomboys. And Penny from Good Times. (but not Janet Jackson) And for some reason, the Mom on the Partridge Family. Even though I was only about 7-8 years old. She just seemed like she'd be a cool-ass wife and it drove me crazy that she couldnt find a man. As an adult, Vivica Fox. Since the 90s, until today. Same reason as the Partridge mom. The coolest possible wife I could ever hope to find.
  10. Door #4 - Beasley refuses to follow protocols and also refuses to retire. Forcing the issue, so he doesnt have to repay any bonus money. I think this is his 'issue of principle.' as in "why should I have to choose between my money and my beliefs? Gonna do what I want. If you dont like it, cut me."
  11. and why couldnt this wait to come out until AFTER we play them in week 1? Maybe the silver lining will be Ben being overly self-conscious.
  12. -see if there's a decent bus tour -see if there's a frank lloyd wright tour (which they made us do in HS but it was actually cool, and you get a sense of the neighborhoods) -consider going over the peace bridge (if its open by then) and maybe a picnic at the park in Fort Erie, overlooking the city -consider going up to the observation deck at city hall (if its still a thing, and only if you have something else to do downtown)
  13. Star is actually not, currently, a "tub of doo doo butter." That has been discussed here a lot. Can you explain why you think Boogie will be good, but "Groot" will be only "in the mix." Both are at the same starting point, unless you think there's reason to believe that one is better. If so, that would be a good topic for discussion. And please mix in a paragraph break. If you want people to actually read all that. please.
  14. get a Peters Projection map. It shows each rectangle of longitude and lattitude lines as the same in area. It also moves the equator to the middle, whereas mercator moves the equator down, so the northern territory increases and the southern decreases. I have had one for 25+ years. I see it every day. Found a link and it looks the same as mine, colors and all. https://www.oxfordcartographers.com/our-maps/peters-projection-map/
  15. Above Snyder and the Team, I expect that the NFL has rules about choosing or changing-to a name to which you dont hold the trademark. Jerry Jones isnt about to share his 1/32 (or whatever) with some trademark squatter, the Russian Mafia or random Nigerian 'entrepreneurs.'
  16. The Chicago Bears of Anaheim Arlington Heights of Chicago, at United Airlines Field. Kinda like the San Diego Chargers of Los Angeles, at Los Angeles Rams Field.
  17. It might depend on how many of the WRs and TEs they like are practice-squad eligible. Not too sure i agree that its a WR-centric offense. Its more of a "get open and catch the ball" offense, which is why we value receivers who are great route-runners. I think that's why we dont see production from our TE group. But if the TEs start showing that real real soon, we could keep 4. With Josh's big arm, and his willingness to throw downfield, I think a TE who can get upfield could stick, over a WR. And wrt the running game, I agree (now) with the legion of posters who maintain that it wasnt as bad as we thought (now that I've re-watched 3 games in the past week). But it seems that for inside-running, a TE would be more valuable than a WR. Especially if that TE and the offense generally, have shown that the guy can get open and will catch the ball.
  18. I guess the exception might be where a team had to spend up to the cap floor, didnt want to give anyone a raise, and just moved cap from the future into this year. I could see NE being cheap like that. All that cap space they reportedly had last year, and still wanting to gain an advantage in the future. I mean, we all expected 2021 cap to be larger than 2020, but nobody knew how much more. IF that was what NE was thinking, and also IF they didnt plan to keep Gilmore anyway, then it is a shrewd move.
  19. Not necessarily counter-productive for NE to do that last year. They were awash in cap and maybe wanted to, or had to, burn some of it to keep Gilmore happy. Looks like they moved some of his cap hit from this year to last year. I will agree that NE must have known he wouldnt play for 11.5mm in 2021 anyway. But I cant read it any other way than that his salary for 2021 was 11.5mm and now its 7mm. It is not that his 2021 salary was always supposed to be $7mm when he signed his contract. I'm only saying that Gilmore is crying about only making 11.5mm this year (some of which has already been paid). Agree that its below-market at 11.5mm.
  20. PFT said that Gilmore's $7mm this year is really a lot more, but in a re-structure last year they moved (like $4.5mm iirc) from this year to last year, as cashish. "His minicamp plans have been a question because he’s heading into the final year of his contract with a salary of $7 million after the team moved $4.5 million of his base salary into his 2020 compensation and missing all of this week’s work would signal he wants a new deal in New England." So his real compensation for this year is much more than 7. Yeah, $11.5mm might still be below market, but still . . . And makes the argument "you signed the deal, so stop crying" much stronger in this situation.
  21. 1) the card read by Goodell, filled out by the Bills, with JA17's name on it at the draft. 2) either the cheesy jersey or the cheesy Bills hat that JA17 was given and wearing/holding at the draft, when he took his first pic as a Bill.
  22. so then . . . no, they dont. They have the word 'billion' but they dont have a word for "Billion." my head hurts
  23. It was announced a while ago. One of the benefits is to give teams time to pluck players who are jettisoned during cutdowns. And to give those acquired players time to adapt to the new team.
  24. My first thought was . . . nobody. All our players from last year seem to be at or near their ceilings (unfortunately for some of them, but I dont wanna de-rail this thread). Or they are progressing along a smooth and steady incline. I dont expect any big jumps and to me, a Dark Horse is usually unexpected. Usually a long-shot to make a big move. So, I agree with you on Hollister, and for the reasons you stated. New system for him, so he might be able to make a big jump from his lack-luster career numbers so far.
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