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Everything posted by maddenboy

  1. check. check. and check. Well stated for the belts, if its too long, take it to a shoe repair shop. They specialize in leather work. Or better yet, if you're thin and most belts you have or purchase are too big, be sure to buy one that is real leather, or else one that will still look okay after it is cut to size.
  2. LEADERSHIP learn that it is a Skill, and not simply a Trait Then he can attack it as something to be mastered. Many posters have noted that he sometimes is sulky on the sidelines, or otherwise has poor body language. Josh does seem to 'lead by example' but there is more to it than being fiery and yelling "follow me!" Because, among other problems, when Josh reverts to "hero ball" his teammates are likely to feel like he has given up on them as assets. Because "hero ball" says "gtf outta my way." No bueno
  3. I dont think Men's Wearhouse is expensive. But they Are overpriced. Like 20 years ago when Audi decided to sell the same cars as the previous year, but at 20K more, so people would think that Audi was now comparable to mercedes or bmw. For men's fashion, I also suck at it. I agree about the best dressed salesman. My sister gave me advice 25 years ago. she was tired of complaining to me and our mother that i was embarassing the family. She majored in Fashion Merchandising and Marketing. -the belt matches the shoes -the socks match the pants -always stand up straight. (dont care if people think you are arrogant. You must think like a model. You are displaying clothes that happen to be on your body) -never ever ever check yourself out, when passing a mirror or anything reflective. -Never look down at yourself. So much that at somepoint during the day, you actually forget what you are wearing. And when you forget, Still dont check yourself out -Men have a habit of sucking in the gut and standing a little straighter when an attractive woman walks by. This should remind you that you have already violated 2 rules: you are not standing straight already, and you are checking yourself out by making sure you look as good as possible -a pocket square should be neat and understated. Square. not triangle. -if the tie is not 100% silk, do not wear it. It will not hold the knot correctly throughout the day. -if you are going to splurge on any one item, it must be the shoes. Because even other men will check out your shoes. The shoes show your economic stratum more than anything else. because it is the one area that a lesser man will cut corners on, thinking that nobody will notice. And ALL women will notice your shoes (which is why they all have at least 50 pairs)
  4. which is why New Jersey needs to start offering Jets and Giants plates. Seriously
  5. i wonder if the timing (of the announcement of a long-done deal) was, in small part, targeted at Stephon Diggs. "yeah champ. Just so you know. You are not bigger than this train. It will keep rollin"
  6. maybe a tad early. So maybe rename it the Official pre-training camp superbowl prediction thread. it will be easier to search for later.
  7. sounds like you would hate fantasy football, then. I used to think like you (sound) and i still do. Since i became an adult, there is not a single NFL jersey from any other player that i would wear, even if you gave it to me for free. Current or former. Hell, i would sport an OJ jersey before any other team's former star. Seriously. I would wear cookie gilchrist before i would even wanna touch a barry sanders or jim brown. And i'm not old enough to ever have seen Cookie play. And really, fantasy football is not a conflict, once you get into it. Except one thing: i have had a standing rule since the 90s. I will never start a dolphins player ever. And i never have. Otherwise, i dont care about any NFL player who is not on my team. I dont understand why I would. I'm not his mom/dad.
  8. thank you your post is not "long" at all. have a good one
  9. And teasing this out, about the top level of the non-championship calibre: Dallas is right there with us. You just know they dont look . . . quite . . . like a champion. Instead, they look like a team that could possibly get hot in the playoffs and win it all. Just like the Bills do. They, like us, wanted dalton Kincaid in the strongest possible way. So maybe we took a baby step ahead of the rest of the 'bad' teams. Assuming, of course, that either or both knows how to fix being 'bad' again this year.
  10. connecting some dots, maybe he is still juicing. Maybe even more-so. Still going to the gym. With your crew with you? At 51 and still wanting to look swoll. Dont most NFL players either gain or lose lots of weight after they retire? Because their bodies do not naturally look like that. Not too many 51 year olds just look like Wille McGinest naturally. (unless they are in prison and lift 7 days a week)
  11. He looks high AF like his next sentence, once he gathers himself, is gonna be "wait. what were we talkin about, again?" Or "I know I'm supposed to be mad at you but i just forgot why."
  12. I think it was always the plan. Once they decided to fire Leslie Frasier. I wonder if they couldnt get a DC that they liked on the market. So they stood pat. And/or gave Eric Washington the chance to earn the DC title Which is probably why he was announced as DC today. Albeit with a differently-worded title. He is now officially highest on the depth chart for all defensive coaches. Reporting directly to the head coach. Which means, IMO, that Washington is the new Frazier. The puppet and or personal-assistant to run McD's defense. I do Not think the D will change this year in any meaningful way.
  13. the point is readability. like breaking up the words into digestible chunks. Like wanting to do everything possible to be (1) read, and (2) understood. A large block is a challenge. Especially where you wanna go back and re-read a part to make sure you understood it, and cant find it without some effort. (truly, please dont take this wrong. I just am encouraging you to be readable, in addition to making good points)
  14. no. so we cannot sign him. Unless we consult buddy nix first, of course
  15. yes. my larger point is that most people would never even think to use the word 'gullible.' We would think that you, as a grownup, used a process to arrive at a position. And i think your process and/or conclusion is flawed. i would never expect that you would have been hypnotized by what the Bills said, such that it suspended your thinking. Only kids think that way. Even grownups who are considered stupid are actually applying a process and working hard at it, using the tools they have. They just keep getting bad results over and over.
  16. yeah. I'm starting to think that, since our team is Not going to change its defensive leanings anytime soon, via expenditures and coaching philosophy, that instead of blowing it up and rebuilding an offensive team, what we need is defensive Playmakers. And for them to actually make Plays. Because if we get that, then yes we can win it all.
  17. its more like the conclusion that the bills are the absoulte tops and best of the bad teams. But havent done a single thing to break through. where "bad" means "not quite championship calibre" and i think championship calibre means that you dont have to work to actually imagine this team hoisting the Lombardi. Without thinking it was luck. That feeling of "yep. That is a champion. not just the winner of a tournament"
  18. [ad hominem here, but not an attack] Gullible reads here as "its for children, and I am NOT a child. Unlike You (insert name of poster you quoted)!" part of the affliction of being young and not yet fully matured in your thinking, and one of the obvious tell-tales, is spending time to prove that you are Not young and you Are fully matured. like a kid getting up on his tippy toes. Or a person talking about sex in such a way that its obvious she has never actually done it. I like your posts, because they stir up conversation during down time. even if its not about football. But you really do seem to be trying to prove something besides "i'm smart and i have a lot of money"
  19. dood. i guess you arent used to it. it is a compliment. it is not backhanded. it means that usually i dont get past the first line, and then give up, on these huge block posts. It means that the content was good. so i kept going. (even nearly passing out). i had to finish it. Secondly, it is a note to others, whe feel the same and will never ever even make the attempt, that the attempt is worth making in this rare instance. -- there is no insult, because you dont need Me to tell you that block posts suck and are pretty much a shame since nobody is gonna slog through it. I dont think i can be the first person to note this. If anything, it is a plea.
  20. I'm starting to see Beasley as trying to be the next Pat McAfee small, white, outspoken, has lots of friends in the league. Played a minor role on some successful teams. Not afraid to speak his mind. And with (apparently) the same southern manly charm. (i mean that sincerely). He just needs more exposure. And here we are. Because that Pat McAfee money is lookin pretty good. https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2023/05/31/pat-mcafee-espn-contract-worth-85-million-over-five-years-per-report
  21. Agree i think josh needs to view leadership more as a skill, and not as a trait we have seen josh work to improve things he thinks are improvable.
  22. I nearly passed out, twice, trying to struggle through this big-ass block of words But generally i think you are right Beasley's statement kinda sounds like "well, i have to find Something positive to say about Dak. without lying." Because yes, beasley wants some more of that juicy nfl money. feathering his nest one last time. Him and his wife thought of 175 more things they Need before he retires.
  23. Discover Honey Butter. You might not be able to go back. And honey butter with cinnamon sugar . . . wow. Next level. The stuff of addiction
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