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Iraq Vet

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Posts posted by Iraq Vet

  1. This is stupid. Does anyone have last April's mock draft for 2016? How close was that prediction?


    I bet 75% of these 1st rounders picked for 2106... weren't even on the mock draft after the draft last spring.


    Let alone team needs.... Who thought Mario would be gone? Or that Tyrod would be the starter going into this year?


    Then there is the whole injury thing and Juniors coming out..... Hell, I can believe I just wasted my time typing this. :bag::bag: :bag:

  2. ESPN loves the Patriots. Most of ESPN staff members live in Patriots market area and are Patriot fans. Do you expect the Bills to get any love? Other then Chris Berman, no one gives the Bills any love or respect... same for the Jets and the Fish.


    Now having said.... that the Bills have proved little in the last 15 years to deserve same good pub.

  3. It is simple math. Cheat and win, you get huge money, sponsorships.


    I think Kraft and the Patriots realized winning makes you silly amounts of money. BILLIONS over the last 15 years... Patriots sell seats and sell out games, they have sponsors fighting over deals with the Patriots.


    They have no money issues. So, what is a few million in fines and draft picks when caught? Patriots just see the fines and draft picks as the cost of doing business. It is that simple. Besides I am sure Kraft deducts the fines from his taxes. It is a joke.


    Patriots need to be banned from an entire draft class and docked $10 million from the Cap. That is the only way to stop them.


    The sad thing is someone who knows will talk one day.... it will turn the NFL into WWE or Boxing... a joke.... a corrupt joke.

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