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Iraq Vet

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Everything posted by Iraq Vet

  1. Wrong side of the Ball. We need an offensive guy!
  2. Stop the panic. This is the GM's job. He has done a good job with the roster... now give him a chance to get his coach in here.
  3. Great QB's don't grow on trees..... We have to be both good at scouting and very lucky. ex. Tom Brady, Russel Wilson....
  4. Can Ryan Miller throw? Will they let him play on turf with skates? Just load up on QB's for camp and let them fight it out. Use 2 picks on O-lineman and the rest on QB's... One of them has to work.
  5. We just went 9-7!!! This staff has rebuilt the team. Seeing some of these post, you would think we were 6-10 again. If you told me at the beginning of the year, we would be 9-7 I would have called you nuts! I thought 7-9 maybe 8-8 if we were lucky. Sure we should have crushed Oakland and won the KC game. But we also had no business beating Green Bay and Detroit. In Detroit, we got lucky because of a historically bad kicker. This looks like a 9-7 team. Not a pretender... but not yet a contender either. We are close. Let the same staff work at it one more year. Yes Pegulia should hire some advisors... but let these guys finish what they started. 2 years ago this team was a joke. Heck, the GM was who... Buddy Nix and before him? Heck even Russ Brandon was acting as a GM at one point (as a figure head for Tom Modrack... who is where now?). Relax and enjoy this... we are building something here.
  6. 9-7 for the 1st time in years!!! Look at how defeatist Bills fans are. People calling for changes in the FO, Coach... this is just silly. We just missed the playoffs people. A rebuild takes time and this one looks like it is working. Find us a decent QB... all we needs is slightly better than Orton/Manuel and we are off and running. Mallet might be that guy. Bradford too.
  7. Rumor has it Kate Moss, Kate Upton, Jennifer Aniston, and I had a "special" evening last night... My point is....Rumors stink... 90% of rumors are just lies packaged as rumors. The other 10% are just lucky guesses.
  8. One good thing, QB's will want to play here now... Great Defense, pretty good WR's, decent RB's, and needs are very obvious and fixable.
  9. Crap... Orton just endorsed EJ... "The sky is the limit for EJ,” he said. “He’s got all the ability in the world. I hope having a veteran guy around kind of showing the way a little bit helped him. I guess we’ll wait and see, but he’s a good quarterback. He’s got his head on his shoulder and he’ll be fine.” From the Bills website. What right does Orton have to screw up our off season? Now the front office will think EJ is ready. LOL
  10. Who else in EJ's draft class would you have taken? Probably the worst draft class in years! We still have to find a guy, but I don't blame Whaley.... look what was and now is available. Wafer thin. People would have been mad if we did not get Watkins and we found out later we could have had him.... then if we did not get him, we would have had to have a 2-14 season to get the #1 pick (Oh, that rage would have been huge) to have a shot at a good QB. Which would have gotten Whaley and Marrone fired and we would start all over again. 9-7 is not bad... how do we get a QB? Ask the other 12 teams that stink at QB which we are competing against. It is not easy! Cam Newton is not going to be available, nor are many others we think might be.
  11. If the Bills make the playoffs we should have a party in the Hammer lot and bury jerseys of the last 10 QBs in the Hammer lot.
  12. Isn't it Wednesday? Soooo I guess Rex made it?
  13. My 2 cents..... My worry is Jerry Hughes does not seem to like Marrone.... We need Hughes more than we need Marrone. Unless you bring in a superstar HC... I think Hughes is gone. How good is our DC, is he ready to be a HC again? I like Hackett... he seems to be learning and growing. We might regret loosing Hackett one day. EJ needs more time on the bench...Marrone did the right thing. No head coach is perfect... none. We all see our head coach's flaws. Can we live with them? Are they fatal to our goal of playoffs next year? Is it worth the risk to have a coach that is better, but has bigger flaws (like Rex Ryan)? Or a worse coach (Dick J.) with fewer flaws? Or an exciting coach retread (John Gruden) that the game may have passed him by? Marrone is better than the last 4 coaches we have had.... it's not even close. I am sick of switching coaches... I want to play this out another year or two.
  14. I also think you fine the Lions a small fine (it goes to charity anyway)... If it happens again you take a 7 round pick from the Lions and give it to the team that was a victim of the laser. That stops it from all teams with dumb fans.....
  15. Does any know if there is a realistic chance Kiko could see action this year?
  16. My prediction: We are going to go 4-0 for this quarter then Orton is going to have season ending injury. The Bills are a tease... always a tease. The question is can Manual for 4-4 the rest of the way. Playoffs?????
  17. Ok here is the thing.... The Chargers just "wrote the book" on how to beat EJ. Football is like military operations. You force your opponent to react to what your doing. Until EJ counter-attacks what the the Chargers did to him.. all other teams will just keep doing it to him... like Fitzpatrick. Once teams knew Fitz could not throw deep they focused on the short game. Football is about one-ups-manship. EJ has to learn what teams are trying to do to him and counter it successfully. The coaches have to help him. If he can not continue to change and improve, then he is JP Loseman/Trent Edwards. They never figured out/countered their own weaknesses. Payton Manning has a book on him too... but the difference is he knows it and hides his weakness. Manning knows he can not scramble and throws away when flushed. Manning studies himself and his opponents, all the great ones do. Brady, Brees, and Rogers sure do. Here is the upside... I think EJ rarely makes the same mistake twice. Which means we might not be anywhere near his ceiling. I think he has the athletic ability to be great. Can he keep improving to the point where makes teams react to him? I think he can, but it will take all year and maybe next year to get there. Unfortunately, Bills fans are tired of losing and have lost patience already. For as smart of football fans that the Bills fans are.... we can be dumb and impatient. I think EJ (don't laugh) could be one of the greatest of all time as long as his learning curve keeps going up and he keeps fixing his mistakes. He has been in 13 games, people!!! Most of last year he played hurt!!!! Relax!!!
  18. Man. I wanted to enjoy the win for anther day before thinking about SD....
  19. Rolling Stone, "There were a lot of rumors that Bon Jovi was going to buy the Bills. Are you a fan of his music?" SW, "Nah, I'm not aware of his stuff." Awesome response!!! I am now looking to buy his jersey.
  20. I love it that all of the global warming, tree hugging, whinny liberal politicians have chimed in praising Pegulia. He made his money fracking for oil!!! Pegulia is a green house gas monster in their eyes. Hypocritical to say the least. hahahahahah. The Buffalo News loves Pegulia, but hates fracking. At least some of us are consistent. I think fracking can save this state... Through Pegulia, it has saved Buffalo already. We could be income tax free like Alaska. GO Bills... Keep fracking,Terry! Make as much money as you can (this is America after all)... so you can buy stadiums and a new downtown and a Super Bowl win. I hope Terry Pegulia makes billions more.. he has shown us he pays it forward!
  21. 30 yes votes...Kraft says no. Jones is too smart to stand in the way now.
  22. If Bon Jovi had brains he would do a free concert at the Ralph or Canal side. He still wants to own an NFL team. He needs to patch things up so the NFL see he is a man of grace, not a sore loser.
  23. Rumor: Terry P is also Batman.
  24. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  25. Here is the interesting thing. She might be one of those extreme rage chicks (she might not be too). This is a huge man that gets hit by 300 lb men for a living. He could have pushed her off and held her hands to prevent her hitting him. Nope like a dumb ass... he hits her. If he gets hit by the girlfriend, who might have anger issues,....all he has to do is break up with her. Done.... problem solved. She looses the good life because she has rage issues. Any way you slice it Rice screwed up and should be suspended for at least 1 year maybe two. If Mike Vick can rehab... Ray Rice can.
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