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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. so why no data on police involved killings? http://www.npr.org/2014/08/21/342228794/ferguson-turns-lens-on-police-involved-killings-but-some-facts-are-few. we can get data on traffic deaths, suicides or overdoses but not this. seems to speaks to 1/2 of 4mer's question on how transparent police might be on this issue...
  2. some disagree http://plutocracytoday.blogspot.com/2014/06/john-olivers-brilliant-blow-to.html
  3. firstly, he's a foil to the morons at fox. secondly, he's speaking to a generally more influential demographic, thirdly, he's not constrained by advertisers since he's on hbo. it may be what i want to hear but it's not what a great many want to hear. he's the howard beal of the present with decent comedy blended in. thank goodness murdoch's attempt to acquire time warner failed. most important to this discussion, he's right on in his analysis here vis a vis the militarization of police and unequal justice. and many people are watching. the fact that many watch piano playing cats doesn't distract from his success. to pull that many views from that demographic is quite a feat. hbo demographics, not so much of a feat.
  4. the show aired sunday. there are more than 2mm hits on his ferguson piece. on youtube. how many watched it on hbo like me? he's a difference maker. but what am i missing about an anti terrorist police vehicle in keene nh?
  5. so john oliver brings this http://usnews.nbcnew...es-some-hackles up in his show. and i'm thinking, like any other rational person, why did this happen? and i come up with 2 things: to respond to impending riots in cities within a few hours drive or to line the pockets of the military equipment manufacturers. during "peace time" what am i missing? it's about justice right? or terrorism. somebody actually said that keene's pumpkin festival was ripe for terrorist activity. well, not exactly the words but that was the gist. some bostonians noticed http://www.boston.co...soAL/story.html c'mon libertarians, this is a big fat softball...
  6. the guy's a social commentary genius. watch it if even for only the comedic value http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/08/18/john_oliver_on_ferguson_missouri_and_police_militarization_video.html
  7. now that is scary if not a doctored picture. i saw that a similar sign was posted at the white house fence. our middle east policy is and has been a mess. agreed. he's as opportunistic and exploitative as any of the people jabbar calls out. he's a gadfly turned malaria infected mosquito.
  8. i don't think for a minute he was an eagle scout. but have we now moved on from an eye for an eye to an eye for a life?
  9. then i have to wonder why you linked it in the first place. doc had already defined the condition. it's not a difficult concept and the "report" even provided you a picture.
  10. well, that's convincing. a generic head CT clearly not of the police officer. and an unsourced, unnamed report. who's eager to believe one side now? but lets assume it's true. then the question becomes one of excessive force. were 6 shots including one to the top of the head needed for this officer to secure his safety? time will tell, as you said. yeash, you were so compassionate and sympathetic before this report it must be really hard to give that empathy up.
  11. yeah, i thought yall would like that piece . i just thought i'd link something more controversial since jauronimo didn't find the original essay to be so.
  12. http://www.thenation.com/blog/181310/my-major-problem-kareem-abdul-jabbars-powerful-essay-ferguson. some valid criticisms of the essay.
  13. it seems that inequaslity under the law is controversial here. firstly, it's existence. secondly, if it exists, is it a problem.
  14. that's what wilson felt his job was. hopefully we'll get an owner that cares about winning. most of these guys are egomaniacs. they don't want their toy to look like garbage.
  15. that's almost as clever as that frat guy's instructions on getting away with being a criminal.
  16. are you tempted to commit crimes often? yeah, every time i am i think exactly the same thing! aren't i awesome? if you're a liberal then i'm barry goldwater. what are you talking about? i was certain you'd be surprised! we found that cutting food stamps was very recently a successful political agenda. that corporate welfare is a higher priority. and your political knowledge base is a better thing for it.
  17. that's dependent on being able to find or pay for a public defender: http://www.npr.org/2...come-with-a-fee http://www.npr.org/2...tate-court-fees http://www.npr.org/2...rest-defendents and most depressing: http://www.npr.org/2...stions-to-heart and if you just can't get enough there's this: http://www.npr.org/series/313986316/guilty-and-charged
  18. not jabaar. this is exactly his point. the thread clearly shows who is arguing it here.
  19. if we ascertain that there is not equality under the law we can necessarily conclude that there is not equality of opportunity. no reasonable person questions equality of outcomes.
  20. under the law, yes. should we not endeavor to make this symbol http://constitutiona...ind-justice.gif more than a cruel joke?
  21. well for the answer to be meaningful, it must first be agreed that everyone is not.
  22. i guess i was wrong. this is pretty clever: http://www.brobible.com/college/article/brobible-fraternity-risk-management-guide/
  23. they don't arouse police activity because police aren't interested. even if they're arrested, they are much less likely to be imprisoned. it's not about being clever. it's about being immunized by status and connections. are you seriously proposing that there aren't places known to law enforcement that if raided wouldn't result in multiple arrests that are just left alone because of who it is that populates them? not seeing many numbers there. and the single one, 11,000, is unimpressive. where are the relative risk numbers? we are left to take the authors word that this is significant. the power of a study is highly influenced by the number studied. the crime statistics are in the 6 figures. those that you cited are more than a factor of 10 less powerful.
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