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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. c'mon. we know as his fiancee, he knocked her unconscious and pulled her caveman like from an elevator. then she married him. that alone is enough to make an appraisal of her judgement. if your daughter was in a similar situation what would you advise?
  2. i think it's interesting that in the first video, rice shows no remorse for his actions, matter of factly dragging her and kicking her legs together. this isn't self defense. he has some very worrisome psychological issues. he's a criminal and a thug. simple as that. the nfl should have recognized that before needing to see a second tape (if, in fact, they hadn't already).
  3. i believe this guy was on democracy now yesterday. he brought up the point that the orange jumpsuits worn by the victims are meant to be reminiscent of guantanomo.
  4. yes, but the other point is that moral turpitude clauses are often much more harsh, enabling and resulting in termination in other jobs. the idea that pro football players should be held to a lower standard is disturbing to me.
  5. almost certainly the first. quite possibly the second. i believe the board reviews all felonies but not certain.
  6. if someone had a video showing me pulling my wife out of an elevator, unconscious, by her hair, i'm pretty certain i'd be fired on the moral turpitude clause in my contract. it wouldn't require the second video. i'll bet many here would also lose their jobs if such an incident became public. and in my opinion that would be just. why should it be different in the NFL. many of these guys have been told they're special all their lives and the rules don't apply (and too often they don't). that needs to stop.
  7. the elte teams have elite or at least, very good tight ends. we don't. he's not good enough and it should have been addressed already. bills have been making do with him for too long.
  8. y'all crack me up. are we following marquis of queensberry rules now? is this site about making a better world? been there, done that. when in rome...and i kinda like it. kidney punches are as low as i'll go. i'll leave the crotch grabs to you all.
  9. fred is the standard on which all others on the team should be held. truly great player.
  10. As the gifts rolled in, the McDonnells appeared at promotional events and even hosted a launch luncheon for Anatabloc at the governor's mansion. Williams and his associates also were allowed into a reception for Virginia health care leaders at the mansion, and McDonnell arranged meetings with state health officials as Williams sought state money and the credibility of Virginia's universities for research that would support Anatabloc. . from drudge AP linked story- thought you might have seen by now.
  11. you're at least up to double digits on that ones use. have anything more clever?
  12. that's rich. i always envision you as the pip squeak sidekick to gaston in "beauty and the beast".
  13. gogalak was sold. cookie disgruntled. saban discontent. i wonder why?
  14. see, this nuance things is really slippery by it's very nature. i'll bet that's why you find it so hard to grasp. just pretend your holding a bar of soap. you use soap, right? anyway, to reiterate (um, explain), "wrong" and "guilty" are likely not equivalent in this case. for example, i think it wrong, that enough foresight and contingenies were not in place to prevent what happened in benghazi. i don't however believe there is criminal guilt to be assigned. i suspect nanker feels much the same on the mcdonnels from what he already wrote here. of course, anyone has the right to change their mind.
  15. reading the homespun answers from marrone in the regional rags makes me all the more convinced his mind is not up to outwitting belichick, ever. there just aren't a lot of smarts there. i do not believe he is the franchise savior. i doubt any new owner will either. his likely only chance is a 9+ win season. if he does that, we all will jump on the bandwagon. i think the fo folks are trying to save their skins here to. this is about assigning blame before things collapse. don't think many guys with a spare billion or so are going to be buying that line either.
  16. all accounts? the ones i've seen imply she may have had a romantic interest in the shyster. haven't seen much to corroborate the govs venom. you'd think if she was so awful, he'd have divorced her well before 5 kids and 40 years. at any rate, they both lose and that defense strategy likely hurt her case and didn't help his. brilliant.
  17. "advocate" comes from a huffpo article with a nice pic of the mcdonnels in the borrowed ferrari of the shyster whille staying at his place in smith mtn lake. having trouble linking it. will attempt later.
  18. i'm guessing you missed the part about advocating it be placed on the state workers formulary?
  19. read here: http://washington.cbslocal.com/2014/08/11/trial-of-former-va-governor-wife-enters-3rd-week/. one of the companies flagship non fda approved products was also launched from the governer's mansion. the gov and his wife were officially or unofficially promoters of the drugs to groups and individuals. granted, in retrospect, mcdonnel was a bad bet for the shyster. he was largely ineffectual but not for lack of trying. but the shyster clearly anticipated financial gain from his "investment" in the gov. it reads like an upper middle class morality play: the mcdonnell's buy overvalued beachfront property and lose their shirt. mrs mcdonnel is (per her husband) a grabby, greedy, insatiable shrew that pushes him into bad and unethical decisions. they compromise whatever virtue they ever had to try to claw out of their social climber hole. and then they get caught. and it's really not their fault. they didn't really do anything wrong. perhaps more than a commentary on american politics, it's a commentary on what has become the american dream.
  20. so far i vote for this one. saginaw valley, carson newman, fairmont state and gardner-webb players all in one draft. always trying to find the diamond in the rough. "aren't we smart?" the answer is emphatically "no".
  21. hell, it's nearly an old dominion elephant parade: http://www.cnn.com/2...revolving-door/. retail investors all over the country are cheering.
  22. so i'm guessing a dietary supplement shyster peddling useless garbage to the masses and paying a loser gov to help him is ok with y'all. that's what i thought. not to mention the throwing the wife under the bus and the sham marriage. just normal american life, huh? sorry. not my american life. yours? the most disturbing thing is that scumbags like this (from either party) seem to rise to the top so often almost a prerequisite for political success. bah, humbug.
  23. and for american politics. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/05/us/bob-mcdonnell-maureen-mcdonnell-virginia-verdict.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0. vitamin supplements and a very expensive wedding that needed paying for. $300 golf rounds. couldn't he make do with a $100 round and a destination wedding? guess not. what would the neighbors think? a sad commentary on american politics... anyone disagree?
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