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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i'm enjoying the games a lot and, truth be told, i'm pretty optimistic today. but i'd answer that question by saying; when we have a winning record come mid november. that's really not so much to ask.
  2. nope. but then again, i seem to be in the minority here that was never beaten by adults as a kid. with other kids, i won a few and lost a few but that's different..
  3. without bothering to watch it, i'd say expand the viewer base, duh. money talks, especially in big media.
  4. can we stop the ridiculous pretense that players like peterson we're "college" athletes now? his attempts at communication quoted in this story aren't in any way compatible with admission to college much less 4 years of college. it's time to call big time college sports what they mostly are - semi pro. and it's clear that many of the "graduates" of this semi pro college experience are not what would be hoped for. time to change the system.
  5. ummm…how bout people that value others telling the truth.
  6. now who is making assumptions? how can you possibly know what peterson thought?
  7. never implied that. certainly there's cross over - me for one. but there is a sizable demographic that watches one and not the other.
  8. so do you agree with espn's decision to not air a documentary on traumatic brain injuries and hand it off to pbs cuz the nfl asked them to? i don't. seems the threshold for holding all things nfl sacred has changed. that's a good thing.
  9. really? recall how many times this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerramy_Stevens got the benefit of the doubt. i believe, in general, professional athletes have gotten preferential treatment under the law, not the other way around.
  10. I would love to see it. Why would anyone assume he's lost his edge. He was brilliant then and he likely still is.
  11. And in other news, John Abraham is severely brain injured. Not a stellar week for him or the nfl. The future commish has a full plate
  12. both. say your kid's teacher was videoed doing this. would you be happy if the school board suspended him for 2 weeks? insert just about any other profession for teacher. stiff punishment results in a safer environment for just about everyone while also punishing the perpetrator. it needn't be one or the other which is the false choice you put forward..
  13. uh huh. it's based on what mayweather and other celebrity abusers have said. it's based on the fact that most of these cases go with out prosecution including celebrity cases. it's based on the nfl's tepid initial response. it's based on a microsampling here of attitudes that include near indifference to outrage by a person that deals with domestic violence professionally.
  14. "play ball". frank deford had a history lesson on sports events beginning with the star spangled banner today.http://www.npr.org/2014/09/10/347100345/the-national-anthem-and-the-national-pastime. i had no idea it was such a recent institution beginning with the 1919 world series (and the story of the first playing is pretty cool). i'll bet others here also thought it had been happening for a lot longer. makes me wonder when anthems began at the olympics. likely after 1919. was this an american invention?
  15. wow. that's the issue distilled down to it's essnce. he and many like him just don't see what all the fuss is about. to change that, you start with high profile celebrities and eventually the word is out that this is not acceptable and won't be tolerated anywhere in society. we're a long way from there right now, it appears.
  16. sadly funny but unconvincing. In that scenario he'd be even more likely to kill her at some point
  17. and while she waits for change she could be dead. what was the name of that panthers receiver?
  18. i can't fathom mitigating circumstances that would push me to advise staying with him. care to give some examples?
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