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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. ground control to major tom take your protein pills and put your helmet on... this is major tom to ground control you've really made the grade
  2. to each his own. stella artois cider would have done me just fine then.
  3. for what it's worth, iran also claims to only be utilizing "consultants" i syria ...http://www.npr.org/b...g-islamic-state realized that transcript is needed for context of my statement, blurb doesn't address it: http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=349275201
  4. blue moon with an orange slice in an iced glass is right near the top for me, coors brewed or not. you know what you like and like what you know.
  5. then i'm guessing many aren't aware of the change in payment scheme http://www.nfl.com/pink….reminds me of a shell game. it's not the fans that will ultimately make the difference. it's the advertisers. in football parlance, the 5% is piling on. looks like the nfl wants to nip it in the bud, so to speak. those with more knowledge of the history can confirm or deny. from this piece, it appears thew program was only launched in 2012 so there's not a lot of history to probe.
  6. i suppose you weren't bothered by it then when you became aware. i'm shocked.
  7. really? so i guess your advance info didn't include the part about peterson and hardy collecting their cash for not playing. you recently made a point of how this would hurt ap's earning potential and harm his family economically.
  8. and now pepsi is putting the screws to goodell. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nfl-sacked--pepsi-demands--immediate--change-120822667.html. and if you missed it the article contains this tidbit: 5% of pink merchandise profits go to breast cancer charities. as the writer says, that scam plus the current controversies very likely spell the end for goodell.
  9. had a couple hoegaarden's last weekend. awesome!
  10. i'm wondering what any of this has to do with scotland. here's my prediction. scotland approves independence and the ftse drops 10% in one day.
  11. rubens painting were the victoria's secrets catalogs of the past. i'm sure they have moved many.
  12. i'm not saying that the buck stops with the nfl either but pop culture plays a significant role in many people's development. i'd argue that the nfl is every bit as powerful in that regard as disney movies and pop music stars albeit to different demographics. trends and cultural norms are to a significant degree set by these, well, trend setters. look at the concept of female beauty for example. it's very changeable and subjective and influenced by tastes often defined by artists or powerful people of the time.
  13. actually, i believe the number of spousal and child abuse reported cases spiked after these episodes.
  14. if an "untouchable" is going to lose his job over it, what conclusion should the rest of us reach?
  15. people frequently gauge tolerances. what can be gotten away with is a ever growing part of many people's mental calculations. what percentage of nfl fans will follopw the court proceedings versus those that will know what the vikings do?
  16. really? by turning a blind eye to child abuse they would likely send a message to many idiots out there that it's ok and without consequences. that's doing harm. oh, and i said nothing about decisions purely on morality. rob said the converse in the absolute.
  17. you made an untrue assertion as to why businesses might fire someone for objectionable behavior. i gave an example to illustrate your error. you then further stated that businesses didn't make decisions on moral grounds...and my example dispels that belief as well. stay on point, won't you?
  18. wow. i thought i was cynical re american business. this is truly sad. do you really believe airline executives wouldn't care if passengers were harmed if it didn't affect their profits? how do you get up in the morning? do you not recognize any redemptive attributes in your fellow humans?
  19. this. john oliver does a bit on this during this week's show. he references sources on the ray rice case imploring people to think how they would feel if a family member were hit like this. then oliver comedically asks why the act itself isn't enough to outrage people without invoking that link. it's a very good question.
  20. untrue. it's often done to protect society. how would you feel if us air let an alcoholic pilot slide?
  21. that sucks. this is either laziness on the affiliates part or the cable provider. impossible to know which. we have 2 national network affiliates in our area that broadcast video in 1080i but audio is in pro logic and not dolby digital. this is the affiliates choice here since the programs are coming from national networks in dolby digital (the same networks are always dd on sunday ticket). i suspect they just haven't invested in the dd broadcast equipment locally here. are other shows on your local CBS station in HD? have you checked the display input resolution that your monitor detects on other shows?
  22. my in laws are british. they thought of me as a crass, brash, obvious, impolite and uncultured yank. they were about 70% correct. the other 30% they liked almost immediately.
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