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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. is that your criteria for validity? lot's of athletes wore magnets and copper bracelets. i'll bet lots watch dr oz as well.
  2. i don't know either. no one does. sports psychology is at best soft "science", imo. nearly impossible to objectively measure results.
  3. how many elite qb's, past or present, required the assistance of an attitude guru? i'm thinking inner strength is part of the elusive "it" factor that the bills can't seem to find in a qb. it's not enough on it's own as fitzpatrick clearly possesses it, but without it, i don't think there's much hope.
  4. i'll bet it's the other way around. whaley has much more to lose benching manuel than does marrone
  5. two bad teams and the less awful team won. two bad qb's and the least awful won.
  6. i hear the train comin it's rollin round the bend and i aint seen the sunshine since i don't know when should replace 'shout" as the biils fans anthem
  7. espn is still the nfl's whore. the really expensive story for the nfl is the concussion story. and they backed down from airing it. this is a low risk attempt to show they aren't beholden. but they most certainly are.
  8. you should go with him next year. $45 bucks for a weekend pass if you buy early. best deal i know of in music.
  9. yes. me and about 60000 other people. great fun as always.
  10. will check out at home. here's another from this weekend. they were electric live. noit sure how the music will transklate in the living room: http://www.dustbowlrevival.com/
  11. recently saw "white denim" http://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/oct/24/white-denim-corsicana-lemonade-review at a festival and really liked them. might appeal to many folks here. vocals remind me of dave matthews but then the shredding and experimental guitar stuff starts. anybody else with new found gems to share?
  12. yes, it would involve a full fledged philosophical shift for the organization. that seems warranted given its recent track record.
  13. this...it's not about big name per se. it's about consensus potential. will that choice always be the best? no, but it's much more likely to than making a choice based on whatever criteria ("because i know him") the bills have been using for the past 15 years. it will be expensive, however and i think that's the question the op poses: will pegula be willing to pay? it's an important question.
  14. if any of the blow ups were successful, i believe you'd be singing a different tune. can't imagine the seahawks fans complaining about it happening there a few short years ago. just because the prior regime was an abject failure at rebuilding doesn't mean the future one will be.
  15. i honestly don't know who would be the "it" guy for hc come the end of the season. but it would be a welcome change to see us going up against the "haves" of the league if and when there's a need for a change. i don't recall winning a bidding war against other teams to sign any of our last half dozen coaches. following conventional wisdom would seem logical after years of failure at being contrarian and pretending to know better than anyone else only to fail repeatedly.
  16. i mean not like williams, malarkey, jauron and especially gailey. jury still out on marrone
  17. i think highly sought after coaches are more likely to come with pegula as owner. they'll be much fewer 'not interested" candidates. same for gm's. they'll have more options.
  18. maybe he had a lien on wilson's estate from his firing and came to collect only to find that $100 was witheld and replaced with 2 club level seats and 2 vouchers for a buffet.
  19. character issues seem the rule and not the exception. it must have been something really disturbing as these were the days before ray rice and adrian peterson blew up in the leagues face.
  20. summertime and the livin is easy fish are jumping and the cotton is high
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