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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. assuming a bs or higher is the goal, the savvy solution is 2 years at community college and 2 more years and a bachelors at the best school the kid can get into (which may well be a great state school- uva or unc chapel hill anyone?). grounded, relatively inexpensive and effective.
  2. i've been putting my toe in the job market water lately (right now it's back out of the water) and have this advice: try to avoid outside recruiters if possible. in my field they charge around 30k to place some one. that's 30 less k you are likely to get as a signing bonus or salary over your first few years
  3. really? http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/results/president/exit-polls. i think these numbers support most of my contentions excluding education. in the case of palin and cruze supporters, i believe that to be the case. will look for reference when i have time. anger is impossible to objectify so we'll just have to agree to disagree on that.
  4. she and ted cruz shafre much of the same base. at the next repug convention watch the middle aged, white, less educated, religiously conservative, angry, mostly men who stand and cheer rabidly when he speaks. or you could just look at the demographics of who voted for romney in the last election. the predominant characteristics are quite similar to those i described.
  5. there'd be more than a few wannabe dems who would be very interested. the same probably can't be said of wannabe repugs (vis a vis palin). but symbols matter. even stupid, crude ones.
  6. any way you parse it, it's ugly. then again, there are likely many in her base that will actually find it appealing.
  7. she just rationalizes her family doing them. so much better...
  8. she was a recent vice prez candidate and former repug gov. she's as big a news item as tim kaine or mark warner ... except they don't do bar fights at block parties and they aren't dumb as rocks. but if they did or were, i doubt it would be ignored here.
  9. but that's the point, isn't it? a very risky trade was made without a decent qb to make that trade payoff. this was a "help me now" desperation move and i don't like the odds on it paying off this year.
  10. yes, but almost all of them went to college…where they we're made to believe they were too important to get in trouble. much blame lays at the feet of big time (read big money) "college" sports.
  11. you see red, i see blue. 45 - 45 and 10 undecided in what i envisioned as a blood letting. still a month to go. all in all, i'm still hopeful for a hold. we'll see. no hold and we have stalemate. what else is new?
  12. you'd never guess that this is how rcp see's the senate race today from what's posted here: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2014/senate/2014_elections_senate_map.html. and y'all talk about bias….
  13. Good lord. I don't want anyone defending me. I honestly can't see where anyone has. But as for kooks ( what a strange word, anybody looked up the origin?) y'all don't need to travel far from the nest. Ah,from cuckoo, first used in 1960. A very good year. Aka keeper of odd facts. Yes, ayn rand was very odd. Not sure why so many ( or any) are drawn to her.
  14. Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way I know every type of love better far than they If you want the thrill of love, I've been through the mill of love Old love, new love every love but true love
  15. you seem to speak collectively for the group. hmmm...
  16. well great. can we stop the pretense that she is an authority on politics and economics? paul ryan seems to have let it go. will folks here do the same?
  17. a treatise? only to her cult . i doubt many academic economists or political scientists would describe it as such. fiction. sure. and i'm sure people read it along with all those and next to "high times" as well. so?
  18. i don't travel in circles. i watch my dogs do it sometimes. look, i get her shtick. no one here has shown otherwise. because i'm unable to differentiate the minutia of the various strains of her philosophy to your satisfaction, you discount my opinion. fine. i have many friends who are lawyers. while i have read little of law, i believe i make interesting observations from time to time re their topics. dentists not so much. architects, yeah we can talk. you get the point.
  19. guess it's fair to assume 3rd isn't a teenage boy chronologically
  20. it would have been easy for me to say the same about rand's work. but even if i had read them i would be hard pressed to publicly admit it.
  21. what? you mean tasker doesn't have multiple servants and belong to happy valley or whatever club he told us? i assumed that most were not of that chronological age however. am i wrong? have you read any of obama's works?
  22. what about her themes am i misinterpreting?
  23. then again, you seem to think rand is reasonable. this is randian thought personified.
  24. i did not declare any such thing. read it again. i said the shared final common pathway to our current situation is selfishness. it is endemic to rand's philosophy and modern day america. no. they hate it because some of their benefits go towards helping others thus taking away benefits from them.
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