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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. yes, but our guys surgery will go better. why? because were the bills? yep. that's it. or was it that young athletes always do well after surgery?
  2. what you're missing is that it doesn't matter what lawson thinks or wants. the bills are in control. that's pretty scary for the fans but good lord, how scared must lawson be?
  3. the narrative? hell they could read dr seuss at pressers and i'd be happy as long as they produced a good team every decade or so. that's the narrative anyone buying tickets should consider.
  4. got his number? never know when i might need some cash.
  5. no the gist is that they didn't anticipate it on draft day or did and weren't forthcoming. if i'd bought tickets in the interim, i'd be pi$$ed. fortunately, i didn't.
  6. flip that wrist. it's a proven form of argument here. just don't flip the upper arm. we wouldn't want to force you into shoulder surgery.
  7. yes, it seems everyone involved in this is attempting to choose their words carefully with limited success. the nbc/florio piece makes that pretty clear.
  8. so he didn't want surgery yet he had it. how do you explain that?
  9. so wait. he doesn't have the final say in whether he has surgery or not? the bills determine what he does with his body. do they sign the consent? is that in his contract? and if so,, what does it matter what he wants?
  10. yeah, nothing to see here. move along...
  11. yes, all good points. i use all small letters, you don't use punctuation. to each his own but i totally agree with your points. 26 dismisses you with a flick of the back of his hand. don't take it personally. he does the same to any bills critic. it's what he does. anyone know what the going rate is for astroturfers on a per post basis?
  12. been through carter county. would have to agree with you on that place.
  13. how much of the total nc population do you estimate has turned over (unrelated transplants and descendants relocating to another state) since the civil war?
  14. so you're saying that the descendants of these people that remember all this and make up the majority of the voting population in these areas. I doubt it. I think I mentioned that it goes back to Lincoln. and it does for the few stalwart confederates. those indifferent or sympathetic to the north should be unaffected by the war in regards to voting. they nor their ancestors lost anything.
  15. why don't you explain it. i know that local dems in rural va are still very different from national dems. there aren't too many that support gun control, abortion rights or union empowerment, for example. you won't find any that support regulating tobacco as a drug. perhaps that's what you mean if not, enlighten me on nc political science.
  16. almost all the state? romney won by 2 percent in 2012. mccain lost nc to obama in 2008. i suspect you are referring to the geographic distribution of dem and repub in the state. no big mystery there. similar reasons for why the dixiecrats refused to be in the party of lincoln.
  17. dixiecrats were far removed from modern day dems. two very different species
  18. because conservative nc pols play no part in getting pork for their own state... it's all a liberal conspiracy to get conservartive voters hooked on subsidies and for liberal states to pay bills of states that will likely never vote for the same national candidates.
  19. one of your most flagrant strawmen and that's saying a lot. cheerleading and hs football. essential to making nc better educated? I think not. but some nc residents might disagree.
  20. I have heard this sentiment from the article many times: "You don't want to come to North Carolina, don't come. Go someplace else," she says, laughing. "Happy the way it is. Leave North Carolina alone." except don't leave it alone with handouts. don't even mention the possibility that you'll cut subsidies from the feds. why should we not get more back from taxes than we pay? but those footing the bill, you stay the hell away if you don't share our cultural values. and while we're at it, obamacare is a disaster but don't touch my Medicaid. except it should be changed to pay for Viagra...and rogaine and... etc.
  21. perhaps you should follow your own advice on concluding you can discern the motivation of the realists here.
  22. so you surmise that fans like me actuallly want the bills to make stupid, wasteful counterproductive moves. you think we'd not prefer to point a finger at other teams laughing wildly at how boneheaded their management is while actually cheering for a good team. you are wrong. the only good is see from this development is that i'll probably not reactivate direct tv come the fall.
  23. is there any news that big cat and 26 cornerblitz find upsetting much less demoralizing re the bills? how this can be viewed as anything other than disastrous can only have 1 of a few explanations: lunacy, stupidity or being astroturf posters on the bills payroll. so which is it?
  24. and yet the one admitted nc resident here asks if the gov will be reelected after this debacle. I suspect not. the major effect here is making nc look backwards. not a good thing when it is trying to become a science and technology hub. on a national level, I doubt it makes a significant difference people who support this law were already conservatives and probably extreme right wingers for the most part. this debate won't change them or the more moderate voters. it's just not important enough to anyone's daily life.
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