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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. geez, why does he get to play captain kirk? i hate playing sulu or silk, the fabric of our lives
  2. wow! so that's why wilson got such an amazing return on investment. he knew the market secret. you really believe anyone can sully the bills reputation as a bad football organization? i submit that it's impossible. but kill the messenger if it kills the pain.
  3. he is a product of our coach and gm. by the time they realized their mistake on manuel it was too late to find anyone else. so, yes, it's on the coach and gm. orton is being orton.
  4. so what's the alternative? manuel is never going to be a top 15 nfl qb. he'd be lucky, with a decent coach and oline to be out of the bottom 10. we don't draft til the second. the only fa qb that's recently been better than orton has been palmer and he's hurt. i'm no orton fan but how does his sucking help the franchise? and i hope it leads to a wholesale firing of everyone that hasn't definitively proven that they are among the top half of the league at their jobs. that should include the hc and gm.
  5. it's a false choice if your hope is a paradigm shift in management philosophy and personel.
  6. so you're limiting the argument to historic bills think. i believe that to be a proven losing proposition. hopefully, our new owner and his shiny new consultant will see the folly in it as well.
  7. no need to saddle the argument with the bills supposed choice (which despite chandler's sucking may not have been the best). the argument comes down to best available at the spot + mid 1st round pick + mid 4th round pick versus watkins. i don't see it while many here seem to think it's a slam dunk. i would bet there are very few non bills fans that judge this equation overwhelmingly positive for the bills.
  8. is this a joke? are you betting they aren't goingt to the playoffs?
  9. perhaps the bills should fire up the analytics commodore 64 and look at historical trends more closely. shouldn't be too difficult to find out how many teams went to the playoffs within two years of trading up in the first round. that would be a meaningful metric given the win today view that most in the nfl take. if it's less than 50/50, it probably shouldn't be done as in that case it's no longer a crapshoot but a statistical likelihood.
  10. it's one of the few luxuries afforded a bills fan: being able to justifiably complain and criticize without ever approaching excess.
  11. exactly. and your odds are best when you do it in the first round. ain't gonna happen next year. hasn't happened nearly often enough. will that change now? will need to wait two years to find out.
  12. whatever the result, he's much closer to oaf than elite athlete.
  13. but you likely need a first round pick to get a top qb . i just don't get the love for whaley here. he swung and missed big time with manuel. it's the most important position and people are blaming orton for not being what he never was. and the oline is in shambles and has been for years.
  14. how many other starting TE's in the nfl recover that ball? chandler looks like frankenstein at times. he's been marginal since he's been here and he's not gonna get better. good teams have good or very good TE's.
  15. i think all of this is true, or at the very least 75% of it. and i'll add that it would be nice to have a TE on the roster who can tie his shoe, chew gum and not fall over all simultaneously. it's really not asking much. so yeah, there are legitimate grounds to harshly criticize the coaches and gm of this team.
  16. yes. i bought them in virginia. it's an american company. i suspect most of their meat comes from the midwestern states mentioned and some comes from australia or uraguay.
  17. thanks. hadn't heard it in awhile. can only hope that my soul shines through like this on occasion when i'm doing my job or just plain living. in that way, botti's is pretty similar. both are masterpieces.
  18. my family swore by tobin's white hots growing up. i remeber them fondly. still available? i stumbled into these http://www.applegate.com/products/the-great-organic-beef-hot-dog-16oz in the going out of date bin in a local supermarket. i guess organic hotdogs seems oxymoronic but they were damn good.
  19. wasteful and exorbitant spending in higher education. pretty generic. you choose to quibble? pray tell.
  20. no. perhaps if you read what else i had to say. tuition is skyrocketing for many reasons including wasteful and exhorbitant spending on stuff that doesn't advance the goals of those whose job it is tho think about higher education. but we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bath water as many of the higher education haters here would propose. that post was an example of the tack colleges can take to accomplish whats needed in a cost effective way. it is also meant to point out that even the appropriate path may at times be expensive. not necessarily wasteful.
  21. This http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24783507/chris-bottis-national-anthem-brought-reggie-wayne-to-tears made news especially for reggie wayne's reaction to it. but i thought it was an excellent pre sporting event anthem version rivaling marvin gaye's. what other anthem versions do you all find memorable? (by the way, check out the tweets from the cbs reporter about wayne and the old man's wisdom)
  22. the speaker at my civic club meeting this morning was a professor starting a new physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant program at a local liberal arts college. in addition, the school is in the process of purchasing an optometry program in an adjacent community. these aren't pie in the sky, esoteric academic pursuits. these are meat and potatoes, your community needs you, programs. and they are exactly what colleges shouild be doing. the PT program isn't yet accredited (in process) and has a full class committed for opening day plus 10 on the waiting list. but it's expensive! i asked about the use of cadavers since when i trained the PT student shared cadavers with the med students. they're going to have 6 at a cost of about $5k each to obtain, maintain, cremate and transport. so there's one students tuition before any othger costs are factored in. but it's the right thing to do and i think if you look carefully you'll see 1 school doing stuff like this for every one building a steakhouse or taj mahal dorm. hopefully soon, it will be the vast majority doing things like this.
  23. all this stuff is ridiculously excessive and unsustainable.it won't last. it's ending now. when peter thiel tells kids that college is a waste of time, i think he's wrong but many people see these types of excesses and end at the same conclusion. per the quote i posted of tom, of car talk fame, "happiness=reality - expectations". many millenials have come up negative in this equation and some of this can be attributed to boutique schools and the unrealistic expectations they foster. they aren't needed, they aren't important to individual or collective success. and they aren't affordable to any but a very small minority. yet they are still misrepresented as the key to fulfillment. people are quickly beginning to stop believing this bs.
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