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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. slot cars but i can't find a video so this was my 2nd favorite: one more favorite: http://www.daisy.com/node/1 it's amazing we never did shoot someones eye out. we'd have wars where you were only supposed to shoot each other from the chest down and not at close range! shooting up models in a cinder block basement wasn't the best idea either.
  2. do you think russell wilson is a top 3rd qb? do you think seattle wins the sb last year with marrone as coach? i say no to both
  3. who used the word appalled? i'm dissatisfied as i have been with our coaching for 15 years. it's time we get someone that would be a consensus candidate for top 1/3 of the league. i don't think marrone is that and other than you and possibly a couple others here, you won't find many that would try to argue that.. perhaps with a new owner we can attract such a candidate. as documented in the polian thread, it wasn't a realistic option with wilson as owner. and no, there's no gaurantee that such a candidate will be wildly successful. but it's a more likely scenario than taking whoever could be coerced to sign when the last owner was around.
  4. so what about the commitees conclusions? what do you conspiracy theorists specifically disagree with?
  5. the answer to the equation is 20.7. therefore you only need 21 other coaches, not 24. seems someone has done the list for me before the prerequisite number was calculated. thanks. and i'm not sure the bills are better than 12 other teams. the real measure should be how much x coach has done with y talent. i believe marrone might come out lower than number 22 on this measure.
  6. how did you all go from the report of a republican led committee to some obscure bs? there's about 4 posts on the most definitive reference source available on the topic. now this looks like a smoke screen.
  7. well, the first thing we need to determine is the solution to 32-32/3 =?. then we can move on to the rest of the question. and is the question versus any of the other coaches best day or something else?
  8. those 3 wins would matter if the bills had a decent chance of making the playoffs. as it is, those wins only make our 2nd, 3rd and 5th round picks less valuable.
  9. he's at best a lower 1/3 coach. his future with the bills is tenuous. the bills can and should do better than him. playing in detroit is a disadvantage to the bills. they should still beat the jets. if they lose, his firing should be confirmed.
  10. setting expectations higher than likely and higher than remotely possible are two very different things. but just so we're clear you're saying that it's common for nil owners to be dishonest, correct?
  11. fine, he didn't lie. he just set fan expectations above a level that he could deliver. ok? whether the interviews of the big name coaches was an elaborate kabuki dance is open to interpretation.
  12. you'll have to ask the author: http://www.theatlant...xpayers/309448/. i suspect he did his own accounting. so what you're saying is that he poisoned the well beyond repair. i'll agree with that. let's agree that if losing was unacceptable he should have committed to winning much earlier.
  13. c'mon. he said this before hiring gailey. it was the reason so many here were so excited about getting a top tier coach.. it spawned threads on all the possibilities and on absolutely no ones radar was chan f%^&*'n gailey. that's almost as bad as firing a future hof gm in favor of an accountant. i thought we had established that winning wasn't a priority. do you believe that changed when he said that losing was unacceptable? i certainly don't. the following events certainly don't support that assertion.
  14. unacceptable implies doing what is necessary to stop losing. he clearly did not.
  15. yes…and not just any football man. at least in the 70's he was forthright. he told the world in a sports illustrated article that buffalonian's would support a loser. more recently, he told the world and especially bills fans that the losing was unacceptable. that was a lie.
  16. you might consider amending your ledger with figures like this:" For Veterans Day last year, the NFL announced that it would donate cash to military groups for each point scored in designated games. During NFL telecasts that weekend, the league was praised for its grand generosity. The total donation came to about $440,000. Annualized, NFL stadium subsidies and tax favors add up to perhaps $1 billion. So the NFL took $1 billion from the public, then sought praise for giving back $440,000—less than a tenth of 1 percent." from the atlantic article "how the nfl fleeces taxpayers". $1 billion/32 is a great deal of money to balance out on a yearly basis from charitable contributions. a few more winning seasons might well mitigate some resentment for the cost.
  17. i'm not sure the excerpt contains any massive shots but i don't think the $10 story's inclusion was accidental, nor was this: Jeff didn’t have Dave’s ability to deal with creative kind of people. Dave had been a high-level collegiate athlete as a basketball player at Utah State; he understood athletics as well as the business side of the game. Jeff understood the law and finances. We simply didn’t get along, and that caused Ralph to be upset with me. ​he says quite a lot there while saying a little.
  18. i've got to wonder how polian managed to keep quiet for so long. i think i'd be enraged if i had done a great job only to be fired. can you imagine being one of the best in your field and at the height of your talent and being canned in favor of a legal bean counter? polian doesn't seem to have much respect for littman, even now.
  19. that's likely. very successful people generally are strong willed. but the main point i take away was that winning was not a high priority for wilson, a point often contested here. if it were, he would never fire a gm that had been and was continuing to produce an awesome on field product. this article should put that notion to rest.
  20. nice excerpt from Polian's book describing what happened: http://www.buffalone...dvance-20141120. basically, wilson chose littman over polian the before the last superbowl season. wilson allowed polian to stay on for that season but not without an appeal from polian. no mention of wilson's daughter. i went back to an Oct 2010 thread here about this. Some folks were right on. some not so much. at any rate, the book looks like essential reading for any long time bills fan.
  21. this looks familiar. does any team have a less athletic TE than the Bills? KC's second is light years better.
  22. flame away. just saw tony bennet and lady gaga on the dvr. i hate the meat clothes, and i'm loathe to admit it, but the lady really can sing:
  23. you don't fish much, do you. and no fishing is not fair. it's true that 20% of the fisherman catch 80% of the fish.
  24. not at all true. i'm a believer in tough love. a carrot works more often but sometimes you need a stick. i'm a product of parochial school. seen my share of discipline and in measured applications it works well. btw, i can and have taught fishing. 1st rule of fishing (and life in general): don't leave fish to find fish.
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