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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. Disappointing that he would say this, but hey think of those who have been using his words for their own agendas................. i don't see either of those quotes in the linked story nor does it seem relevant to them. wanna clarify the connection?
  2. i linked this once before. despite what peter thief (another spellcheck freudian slip, peter thiel) says it is fact: http://www.bls.gov/emp/ep_chart_001.htm
  3. you guys are the ones always harping on about supply and demand....there is excess supply of college spots and with some creative thought by universities there will be even more (you can get a long distance MBA from UVA only setting foot on campus once a month for instance meaning almost limitless capacity) the most prestigious schools might well choose against accepting credits but the middle of the pack and below very likely won't. they're competing with each other for every student.
  4. actually know quite a few. have lectured at our local cc but to college for older adults class. it kinda acts as a community center in our area. all kinds of events so plenty of opportunities to be around the kids. i have never gotten the impression of pretension from any that i've met.
  5. i doubt anyone with an ounce of thought would argue that all religions have gotten off track from time to time. i believe francis is trying to put catholicism back on track. others clearly disagree. regardless, he is in a powerful and influential position on the world stage. he is recognized as a diplomat in most countries and his office is shown respect. it is said that he was influential in the US normalizing relations with cuba. john paul II played a part in the fall of the soviet union. he's an important person. that he is good as well is good for the world imo. i see his actions often as things to celibate. you seem to find them unimportant solely because he is tied to religion.
  6. once again, you are talking about different student pools. those going to community college are mostly looking to enter or maintain a middle class lifestyle. c-suite jobs aren't on the radar. they are after the american dream that is rapidly disappearing. obama is attempting to restore it just a bit.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u03h73ClZ8. the version from "city of angels" is my favorite
  8. you are the arbiter of absolutely nothing. here, you are especially not speaking from a position of authority. cynicism rules when you can't appreciate the existence of a good man. it must be miserable.
  9. this is one of his greatest attributes. he's sincere. people can feel it. he speaks clearly. people can understand. most importantly he's good. people realize it almost immediately. sincere, clear, good…those are some fine labels.
  10. people in glass houses... i meant that private schools are populated mostly by kids from affluent families who are generally very encouraging to their children.
  11. no, i didn't say that. read it again. but i will say now that i think expectations of children will often be lower in a household headed by someone that didn't graduate high school compared to one headed by a parent/parents with an advanced degree. in addition, those from more affluent families are more likely to be surrounded by role models that they can emulate and learn from. overall, i think the odds are in their favor. on the other hand, these are the kids more likely to choose to major in art history.
  12. overall, yes. not often said out loud but i believe it to be true. i'm speaking in generalities. affluence and intelligence are correlated, i believe. smart, successful people are attracted to smart, successful (and attractive) partners and are often successful at finding them producing smart offspring. it's a modern day form of natural selection. and there is great debate over their claimed superiority.
  13. actually, i don't accept your premise at the high school level. it's a false comparison. generally, those that aqttend private schools are from relative affluence (with the exception of the ringer jocks) and high levels of parental support and encouragement (and possibly, better genes). now if you were to compare affluent public schools to poor, private schools (i doubt there are any) you'd come to a similarly flawed conclusion.
  14. this makes him an humanitarian, not a communist. i give you this: he's certainly not a libertarian.
  15. i'd like to see the net cost of this program after fed dollars are diverted away from for profits.. i suspect it will be offset significantly. we will also likely getting a bigger bang for our buck through the jc system.
  16. fully agree. at a minimum, there shouldn't be majors in stuff like this. i think we need to hold parents accountable here as well. who keeps paying tuition for a kid that wants to pursue a financially worthless degree? if the kid see's value in it, let him pay his own way. but let's be clear. these are generally different pools of student we are talking about seeking degrees at traditional uni's vs community colleges. some may go on to traditional uni's but in general, i'd bet they are more practical.
  17. i don't think he's a communist., i linked a story where he said he wasn't. i take him literally. his words are very clear on almost all the topics that he's commented on. it's the stretched interpretations that are not.
  18. traditional universities share blame here. they should encourage more marketable programs. they should be much less expensive: no taj mahal dorms, no "big time" sports, more online teacvhing...you know, kinda like what community colleges do. and i agree, many kids make poor choices. i'm glad that a technical school worked so well for you and provided the opportunities you sought. unfortunately, this is often not the case and student least able to afford it are left with no better prospects and crushing debt. that needs to be stopped or at least slowed. do you feel things don't need improvewment in this regard. if not, what steps would you suggest?
  19. the demand is there. especially for skilled trades and tech jobs.the for profit schools are largely a joke and employers know it. it will be a long while (if ever) til supply meets demand. this involves hard work, determination and intelligence.. many will be unwilling or unable to complete the nondiluted curriculum. by the time that happens there will be a need to retool for other needed skills.
  20. perhaps there are where you live. in Appalachia, and I suspect many other poor communities, not so much. here's an article describing what i'm saying in broad strokes: http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2014/02/10/apprentice-programs-can-help-fix-the-high-skill-labor-shortage . the first paragraph parrots what so many here say about higher education. i don't think many here can seriously quibble with what it states. the solution could instead look like the charlotte apprentice program linked in the article. problem is that there are way too few of these. for- profit schools are unsuccessfully filling the void: http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2014/11/16/for-profit-universities-are-not-inherently-bad-just-empirically-bad/mTMDbC0xUXSYWAdeBD3rwO/story.html. demand for them could dry up overnight if obama's plan is successful. also, keep in mind that the federal dollars going to these largely worthless "schools" could be applied to the community colleges programs.
  21. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/pope-concern-poor-gospel-communism-28145888. a majority of the american bishops eyebrows are now permanently raised.
  22. a great idea. we can prioritize skills we most need. evolve community colleges into what the british used to call polytechnics. then revive the skilled apprentice system.
  23. wow. maybe a poll should have been done before he was announced hc. i'm betting the results would be considerably different.
  24. the integrity of the sport has been injured or perhaps the curtain temporarily opened. this and the domestic violence stuff are really pretty sad. (the dv "public service" ads the NFL plays seem ridiculous in light of the ray rice events). this is about a bunch of very rich guys getting richer. ethics are not relevant and neither apparently is fair play.
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