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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. here's the difference: he's not trying to rewrite or reinterpret the work of actual scientists and experts. in fact, he's doing the opposite. he's publicizing that work. it's fundamentally different from what mr tinfoil is doing. btw, the telegraph is roughly equivalent to the enquirer in the u.s.
  2. ah yes, mr booker again. it's difficult to have a meaningful debate in an echo chamber. why would climate change be associated with communism?
  3. well the newsmax piece talks about discrepencies from "raw data". that could mean something as simple as a linear regression or median value from many temperature data points gathered from a single source or multiple sources. could mean a plethora of things. but i don't think some tinfoil hat history ba journalist is the best source to interpret said data. and i won't be spending any time reading his shtik. but that's just me... al gore is not the scientific father of climate change. the majority of the experts in the field agree with him. he's not trying to take on the experts with no backing. it's entirely different.
  4. doesn't it bother you that so many deniers have no formal expertise or training in a discipline even remotely related to the questions they try to address? can't you infer anything from that?
  5. i'm not equipped to parse the numbers and i bet you are not either. see, there are these things called credentials that ensure that the author or apeaker is...
  6. MR booker has an undergrad degree in HISTORY and is a proponent of intelligent design and an opponent of evolution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Booker. can't find any educational info on the other dude. perhaps he was a high school drop out. where do the oil and coal companies find these guys? the local pub?
  7. so it was 63 degrees in the western carolina mountains today and the man made snow was melting pretty fast. it's a single data point but enough for me to conclude a ski condo there is probably not a great idea. i'm betting the entire ski industry is a bit spooked. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/08/opinion/sunday/the-end-of-snow.html?_r=0, http://www.coloradoindependent.com/150106/global-warming-takes-bite-out-of-colorado-ski-season
  8. used to be the go to place for parts, adapters, switching boxes, cables, antenna stuff...and the salesman usually knew what you needed and could find it. now i get all that stuff on amazon cheaper and with more choices and with reviews. picked up a wii to hdmi adapter this week for 15 bucks. got it the next day. probably not even available at radio shack. they just got left behind.
  9. actually, it's a pretty tough career choice. for every tiger there are 10000 wannabes that beg, borrow or steal the gas and hotel money to get to the next stop on the nike or hooters or whatever they call it this year tour. the rest are cozying up to demanding curmudgeons trying to make scores there bodies surpassed years ago. and then there's the problem that less people are playing or are even interested. yup. the hammer or wrench are much better bets.
  10. perhaps the kid had been to the national shrine in DC and seen the angry, aryan Jesus there: https://douglawrence.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/jcjudgeenh.jpg https://douglawrence.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/jcjudgeenh.jpg it was confounding to me as well.
  11. i really hope y'all aren't pinot noir fans: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2014/12/wine_and_climate_change_pinot_noir_is_the_vintner_s_polar_bear.html
  12. 2 over after 11 and did not finish. leader at 7 under. he's finished.
  13. torrey pines this week will be a good indicator of his potential to come back. he grew up playing this course and walks around the tracks there like he's in his own backyard. if he can't compete there and it really is a mental issue, i don't see him coming back.
  14. right shark vs left shark = missy elliott vs katy perry. it was no contest.
  15. i can't prove that you evolved from pond scum but it seems pretty likely. and food for thought. why are there so many lomborgs on the skeptic side. and why do they have access to print in large, widely read conservative publications?
  16. not only in america. i thought kyoto was on another continent. and it was only NOT america, almost... i find this graph interesting: http://www.skepticalscience.com/images/SLR_models_obs.gif
  17. "In January, 2003, the DCSD released a ruling that sent a mixed message, finding the book to be scientifically dishonest through misrepresentation of scientific facts, but Lomborg himself not guilty due to his lack of expertise in the fields in question..." he's a political scientist. he's funded by far right propaganda companies and hew's been formally investigated for academic dishonesty with the above cited findings. and you find his opinions on this compelling?
  18. hmmm... the wsj andlomberg: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/06/25/3453053/koch-bjorn-lomborg-lousy-t-shirt/. this is what should arouse skepticism.
  19. the top 10 in pga sand saves this year are all over 70%. the top player is at 90%. there's no measured stat for up and downs inside 20 yards that i'm aware of but i'll bet it's better than for sand saves. you can't make it on the tour "yipping" chips with any regularity (especially if you mean by yipping, blading or chili dipping). as they advertise, these guys are good. and as you said, they play a different game from the rest of us. when you hit it 325, you damn well better be very, very good with all your wedges. you shouldn't even be considering deceleration on impact as a possibility. (btw, i'm fought that last season and may opt for a lofted putter head "chipper" this year if i can withstand my friends teasing- they'll stop if i take their money with it). as others have said this problem is most likely in his head. he knows the mechanics probably as well as anyone.. he has the muscle memory. i think that makes it even harder to fix.
  20. yes. the 82 coupled with this http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2015/01/27/tiger-woods-on-missing-tooth-there-was-blood-everywhere/ are not compatible with winning majors. it seems he needs to go back to his old skirt chasing ways to regain his prowess. still, he was something to behold in his prime. the pga from valhalla in 2000, where bob may and he lapped the field by 5 strokes and then tiger barely beat the red hot everyman in a playoff is one of my favorite pga memories. some friend of mine were close enough to hear him say to his caddie "i'm gonna need to use the cart path on this" and his chip did exactly that setting up an important tap in. requires supreme confidence that i doubt he can muster any more.
  21. much of medicine involves trying to repair self inflicted harm. that's a given. but enabling others to do harm to innocent victims is an entirely different matter.
  22. it's actually on fox news website but you'd be hard pressed to find it on the main page unless you already knew and were looking: http://www.foxnews.com
  23. good for them: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_MEASLES_OUTBREAK?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-01-29-17-06-21. makes perfect sense. should become a universal policy: you don't look out for your neighbor, we don't look out for you.
  24. yall might wanna take a listen to what the repub prez hopefuls (aka the koch boys) had to say about negotiating with iran at this debate yesterday. might surprise you. http://www.npr.org/2015/01/29/382327017/gop-presidential-hopefuls-debate-at-koch-brothers-forum
  25. don't agree. they are related by the fact that they are all public health issues, are all largely preventable diseases and are all potentially lethal.
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