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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. not to mention his being part of this unholy trinity: http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/rick-scott-jeb-bush-marco-rubio-and-co-raising--for-fla-gop/2218007. what the hell is wrong with floridians? rick scott? really. but seriously, who here is going?
  2. dish is offering 1 week free, a free amazon or roku stick and they are now offering epix as an add on. i think i'll be doing the 7 day trial soon. anybody have experience with using one of these dongles with an av receiver. i suspect it just plugs into an auxilliary HDMI input? for the trial will probable just mirror through apple tv.
  3. maybe we should go back and look at which ppp posters supported the war and which were against it. i'm betting it'll fall heavily on separate sides of cons/liberals. oh, and bush iii just named paul wolfowitz as an advisor http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/politics/jeb-bush-policy-advisers-brothers/... finally, i guess family values http://www.politico.com/story/2014/04/2016-election-jeb-bush-family-105748_Page2.html slogans aren't gonna be a big part of jeu's campaign.
  4. i think it's a great logo. don't see any ambiguity. it's now deeply engrained; like "hoover' for vacuum or "kleenex" for tissues. go bills!
  5. looks really good. will be watching the reviews. i expect cnet and the like will weigh in soon. now i see it's 100% streaming. no set up. no 1/2 day wait for an installer. nice summary here: http://www.engadget.com/2015/01/11/the-secret-to-sling-tvs-success/. gotta think someone (?tivo) will come up with a box that can record sling feed and ota feed, put them on a nice interface and let you feed them to your tv and still skip commercials. we'll see.
  6. thank you. this is a rapidly moving area tho so i hope the mods allow new threads. hbo breaking ranks is hopefully a game changer.
  7. i really only watch nfl religiously, and mostly the bills. playoffs mostly in other sports or major bowl games but i think there's enough of those on major networks. i don't have any must see teams in other sports. don't know about recording sling box but i suspect there's a way on a pc to do it. i think a la carte cable is a wye off but cbs joined hbo in a la carte offering and i see other cable stations doing the same especially as their negotiations with cable and direct tv get more contentious.. it's more about the principle, honestly. my required 24 months are up (hence the fee creep) and not sure how it would work then but i think it's a cut cable or not decision.
  8. so i got around to looking at my direct tv bill recently and was shocked by the cost creep. additionally, there was an installment cost for sunday ticket so it was a pretty outrageous bill. first, i cut back my programming menu and stopped the hardware warranty chopping the bill by about 1/3 after an additional $10/mo discount. then i told the rep that i would likely look elsewhere if they couldn't throw in free sunday ticket in 2015 and they told me to call back closer to the next season…and i probably will but i'll also be ready to walk cuz... i'm strongly considering this: http://www.wsj.com/articles/getting-rid-of-cable-tv-the-smartest-ways-to-cut-the-cord-1405472757. anybody here down it? my thoughts: antenna for all networks and pbs. tivo ota dvr for $15/month. ala carte hbo (in april) +netflix for $23/mo. possibly hulu plus for tv series (but probably not- just buy episodes i want from amazon or apple or mirror free streaming cable programs such as nfl network and hgtv, through apple tv). so i figure less than 40 bucks per month and i lose espn, fx, madmen, and the biggie - sunday ticket. but what about a sling box for the bills games? pay a friend or relative that regularly watch the bills in buffalo/rochester/syracuse to stream me the games through a sling box that i buy. they're gonna watch anyway. and if the bills get good, the home games will sell out and those can be streamed as well. then there's always nil rewind if i can avoid looking at sports news for a day. so anybody have any thoughts on this? btw, direct tv is charging me $18 for HBO and the reported ala carte price will be 15. they also charge significantly more than tivo for the dvr service.
  9. honestly, it sounds exiting. and i truly wish you the best with this. are you planning demonstrations at any meetings for future users/investors? pm me if you are. the exhibition hall here would be an excellent forum: http://im2015.acponline.org/ plus, you could meet tom daschle
  10. actually, she's a plastic surgeon in austin. i don't think disbarring was her intent. i think board discipline such as public reprimand, a cease and desist letter and finally suspension if they won't comply is her intent. same as would be done for any doctor systematically espousing or using dangerous practices. she makes a strong argument.
  11. i need to find me one of them. rodents won't come with a mile of my house….of course, neither will any friends.
  12. a very well written and thoughtful piece on the subject of anti vaxers: http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2015/02/cure-anti-vaxxers.html. i don't think she was envisioning the aptly named buffalo barbarian when she wrote it however.
  13. couldn't open your links here in the office but i suspect they talked about private citizens selling electricity to power companies right now for them to resell to the public. it's being done. it cuts down on the need for other nonrenewable sources of electricity and it has the potential for great expansion. it's part of the solution, no doubt. it's the kind of thinking that's not only desirable but imperative.
  14. old crow won the grammy for best folk album this year and "wagon wheel" paved the way. rucker covering it or not, a good song and a deserving band. not sure if they'r new country but they're kin to it and i like them. and one of my favorite new country songs, smaltz and all (skip to about 2:10): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfySPVYYDnI
  15. not that any of the cons here will be satisfied but: http://www.epa.gov/airquality/community/details/i-woodstoves_addl_info.html and as an aside, we have a goodly number of morons that burn their garbage including plastics. that's a very good reason for laws prohibiting such bs. assuming your 1000:1 figure is correct, no way should electric plants be burning coal without scrubbers. and that would make them economically unviable, at least for the foreseeable future..
  16. they burned coal mostly. so what. similar in particulate matter produced. wood may even produce more. educate me.
  17. oh wow. you have multiples. how cool, i mean hot. personally, i like the natural gas one better. doesn't stink up the furniture all spring, summer and fall.
  18. from my 2nd citation: As Nomura analyst Curt Woodworth told the Financial Times, “I think you’re going to see multiple bankruptcies in U.S. coal over the next 12 to 18 months.”. so, i'm certainly not alone in this belief. you can find many other financial analysts saying the same thing right about now. this decline was deep well before the saudi's engineered the massive drop in oil prices but the true death rattle worsened then. ever read first hand accounts of london from as little as 75 years ago? buses had a guy with a flashlight guiding the way through the smog. in the country, it's more dilute but it ultimately pollutes the same finite atmosphere. and as promised, it's as i said. conclusion mentions nothing about pollution. http://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(14)01676-5/abstract. this is a dodgy leap of faith by an agenda driven right wing rag.
  19. can't open the abstract to the actual paper for some reason but i don't see the lead author specifically discussing pollution. she's discussing povery and urban living as an independent risk factor and i suspect that's what the study was powered to answer. there a plenty of studies linking asthma severity and pollution. here's just one:http://www.ucsf.edu/news/2013/06/106861/early-life-air-pollution-linked-childhood-asthma-minorities-study. when i get a chance will link abstract or actual paper if j of allergy and clinical immunology allows.
  20. arch coal lost 30 cents a ton on coal sold last quarter. anr and peabody about the same. anr and arch have dropped below a dollar a share recently and are both now just above it.http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/01/01/will-coal-stocks-rebound-in-2014.aspx they're dying. http://www.trefis.com/stock/btu/articles/279763/u-s-coal-producers-facing-unprecedented-times/2015-02-10
  21. e> we can't do anything about it. right? here's a simple way we can. and if it doesn't change the upward trend of temps, it certainly helps improve air quality: stop heating with wood burning stoves and continue emission controls on industry and cars. around here many people heat with wood cuz they can't afford to heat any other way. pay a living wage and that changes. the car industry all of a sudden can build cars that get 30+mpg when forced to do so. i suspect 40mpg on avg from each manufacturer is pretty easily doable. so do it. and coal is dying a rather natural death due to supply demand issues. there goes a great deal of pollution. these aren't really radical changes unless you work in the coal industry. time to find alternative energy industries to replace those jobs.
  22. this is the problem with extremists: they only see extremes.
  23. absolutely. i don't see any connection. that's an entirely different question. recently, in this thread, he's being compared to a tin foil hat history major that likely doesn't travel in private jets nor own vacation houses. those are legitimate criticisms of gore that he hasn't adequately addressed..
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