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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. BS. this is first and foremost about racism. it's not about big gov't. here's a newsflash for you: self policing by armed citizenry leads to chaos and anarchy. we need police departments. ferguson and many other places just need better ones.
  2. once again, rob is correct. he just didn't know why. now he does: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/biggest-scam-bankrupting-business-middle-class/ Our crisis of income inequality wasn’t principally caused by the rich not paying enough tax, even though we don’t. Rather, it is largely the product of the $1 trillion a year that once went to wages, but now goes to corporate profits. And this demand and investment-killing trillion-dollar-a-year transfer of wealth from the bottom 80 percent of households to the top 1 percent is the direct result of the economic and regulatory policies both Republicans and Democrats have imposed since the dawn of the trickle down era.
  3. ok, i'll play along again though i really can't believe y'all miss the common thread here. it's institutionalized racism, whether through generations in the precinct hall or via legacy pledges honoring minerva. see the problem is that the gadfly issues that i bring up truly are topical to the threads and are subjects of national interest and concern. in this case as in many other, it involves the soiled soul of a significant part of american society. we can and should be better than this. oh yeah, and it's "barring" if "we're" going to get nitpicky….sigh forest, meet trees.
  4. ok, i'll play along. sae was considered one of the high falutin frats where i went to school. no idea why: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/inside_higher_ed/2015/03/behind_the_chant_discrimination_at_oklahoma_s_sae_chapter_goes_deeper_than.html
  5. but you're not stupid and you read the news.
  6. SAE,SAE, sigma alpha epsilon dude!
  7. how do you get sunday ticket without direct tv? i've been paying close attention to my watching habits the last couple of weeks and the only things i watched that i couldn't get without an antenna were justified and americans both of which fx streams. It's really only the NFL that keeps me on direct tv once hbo goes rogue. it's really a no brainer to cut the cord at that point. mirroring through apple tv is ok but not as good quality as the dish overall. directly steaming through apple tv is just as good as the dish. i believe antenna received signals will be better than dish since they are not compressed.
  8. quite an echo chamber yall have going here. i suspect the racist jokes told by law enforcement in ferguson we're chortled at in a similar environment
  9. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2015/03/11/americans-are-moving-faster-than-ever-away-from-traditional-tv/. is this board abberant on this issue?
  10. rome wasn't built in a day. at least nero is no longer emperor and there is hope for the building to be completed in the forseeable future.
  11. yes. the bills are showing that they are committed to trying to re sign valuable (and expensive) players, trade for valuable(and expensive) players from other teams. and entice and pay for valuable (and expensive) coaches. i fully expect they'll continue the trend in free agency. Anyone that has been a bills fan for even a few years knows this is a quantum shift. and it's very welcome. will it be enough this year? who knows but there's plenty of reason for optimism that wasn't there a year ago or even 15 years ago.
  12. this. complacency from bills management is gone and hopefully never returns. trying your best to improve, even if it doesn't work out, is better than not trying. hopefully it works out just fine.
  13. the thing is, in this instance, i don't want to be one of the guys. but i have a gun that i know how to use. and i've never imagined using it to overthrow the gov't in any scenario. that would be moronic. so what's the answer to the question or do i need to buy a box of said loads and measure the spread? i assumed one of the great white hunters here would have real life experience.
  14. you did. fish, chicken and beef cattle aren't a threat to my life either and i eat all of them but don't personally kill them x for fish.
  15. i want to kill something that is a threat to my dogs and to my neighbors livelihoods
  16. um, no. these were coyotes. i'm pretty certain my cattle farming neighbors were out hunting them as a group last night and calling them. i just want to be fairly certain that i can kill one should it wander near my house.
  17. coyotes sounded thick and close last night. seems a good place to ask: can i use the 3 inch 15 pellet lead 00 load described here with a remington 870 at 50 yards? http://www.fieldandstream.com/articles/guns/rifles/ammunition/2012/06/why-shotguns-are-better-rifles-coyote-hunting. i don't have a super mag as stated in the article.
  18. poor bill, the big, bad liberal media is picking on him http://deadline.com/2015/02/bill-oreilly-victim-mother-jones-media-matters-cbs-news-fox-news-channel-1201381538/#
  19. and that's just the what if you are ready and possibly even eager for. it just hasn't happened yet. see above. this is what i'm afraid of. it's not like we haven't seen bloody armed revolt with negative outcomes on a global level recently.
  20. i think there'd be at least a dozen posters here that would be a higher priority for him.
  21. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/basics/definition/CON-20025568
  22. i'm sure there are plenty more fabrications to be discovered. just not sure that publicizing them all helps. he's an egomaniac. he probably likes all the attention.
  23. so wait. a few posts ago the raison d'etre for climate change scientists and publications was money. and now it's religion? it's very confusing.
  24. as i said, curious. how can a thread about a propagandist and a corporate shill be anything other than political?
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