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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. do you even read the news? the prime minister's uninvited speech to congress was a clear affront to the president. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/boehner-netanyahu-congress-invitation-obama
  2. i don't see why it really matters whether that's true or not. ukraine is clearly threatened. are we sending them billions and propping up their military? why should we do it for israel when they insult the office of the president and have more means to fight than the vast majority of nations on the globe? take away the nipple. let em stand on their own. and the glut of oil and energy worldwide makes this argument even stronger.
  3. an alternative explanation is that they, like you, have a dog in the hunt. i'd like to see a poll of americans with no close ties to either side (like me), and that includes fundamentalists that think israel must fulfill bible prophecy. i think such a poll would be quite unfavorable to netanyahu's israel.
  4. sorry. don't agree. he's much smarter than you describe. i think he's bon-a fide. and no, i'm not on his payroll. you come from gate city, virginia and get to where he has and you must be. i honestly think he's a good man. unfortunately that probably means he hasn't a chance. from the National review, no less: Webb certainly looks like what the anti-Hillary Democrats are thirsting for: a skeptic of military interventionism, and a dyed-in the-wool champion of the less-privileged. No other potential candidate in either party can offer the combination of deep foreign policy expertise and anti-Wall Street fervor that Webb can muster—and he's staked himself out clearly and consistently to Clinton's left in both realms. ​one more provocative piece: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2015/01/jim_webb_wants_to_be_a_white_man_s_democrat_the_former_virginia_senator.html “I think this is where Democrats screw up, you know?” said Webb in an interview with Matt Bai of Yahoo News. “I think that they have kind of unwittingly used this group, white working males, as a whipping post for a lot of their policies. And then when they react, they say they’re being racist.”
  5. according to this analysis he's pretty solidly purple: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/jim_webb/412249
  6. he was senator for my district in va for 2 years. i liked his votes.
  7. sorry shoulda been in ppp. mods?i don't know how to move it myself or i would
  8. drudge has been pushing o'malley almost daily as a potential rival for the dem prez nomination. almost like he thinks he could win the primary but lose the general election and therefore is a drudge favorite. but what about this guy?: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/18/jim-webb-2016-meetings_n_6898040.html. i think he could win both and would make a very good president. thoughts?
  9. and let me interpret the lefts response: we're going to do everything possible to make your term a failure. sound familiar?
  10. netanyahu doesn't care what the world thinks. read his response in the interview. but financial pressure could change his tune. How concerned are you about Israel's international isolation? Well, look. I think that there is a misperception. Israel has done enormous amount of, for peace. I myself have done things that no prime minister previously had done. I had frozen the settlements. Nobody did that. And I think, you know, the ones that have to be convinced are not only the international communities, the people of Israel will have to be convinced that the Palestinians are ready for peace. The leaders of Iran, just in the last few days have said that they would arm the West Bank and turn it into another Gaza. What the people of Israel are saying, "Hey, make sure that doesn't happen again." And if that is misperceived in some parts of the international community that's unfortunate, but I think that that's the truth.
  11. insider info? other experts disagree. most are not so certain. hence, the obsession with the word "patient".
  12. his comments on the settlements make no sense to me nor did they to the interviewer, apparently. anybody want to take a stab at interpretting? seems to me he's saying they're not expanding but then admitting that they are. and that they're not on the table for peace talks. that in fact, it's not a big issue with voters in israel.
  13. well sure it is. rates have been at historic lows for 7 years now. let's see what happens when they jump. the one thing i'm confiden5t in is that the big players will landf on their feet. and if the don't, the taxpayers will bail them out.
  14. bibi in hios own words. the morning after. you decide what he really means: http://www.npr.org/2015/03/20/394191261/transcript-nprs-interview-with-israeli-prime-minister-benjamin-netanyahu
  15. the more important point is how even a whisper or removal of a single word by the fed causes elation or panic among traders and the prospect of 10% changes when rates actually do rise significantly.. it shouldn't be this way. the market should be most dependent on the economy and the success or failure of the companies that comprise it. the fed and things like buy backs and the many other forms of market manipulation make it a perverse casino with "the house" being the big banks and funds and the odds ever in their favor.
  16. um, no. wasn't me. i don't think this follows. israelis are showing their true overall bias: far right. to be this willing to enter war, they are by necessity. i suspect support for israel will be a tougher sell to sympathetic american progressives, jewish or not. but not US conservatives. they're pleased with this turn to the far right, overall
  17. wow. attacking my punctuation...i'm wounded deeply you all seem unable to grasp the distinction between street murderers and state sponsored murderers. while there are similarities, there are important objective differences.
  18. yes. everyday i read about children being gunned down on beaches in cancun.
  19. which is the polar opposite of sending money to a warmonger, imperialistic state that occupies lands full of impoverished people while further enriching itself. on our dime...
  20. taskers mantra usually involves lamenting the govt's taking of treasure in the form of taxes. we pay taxes that enable israel to steal others treasures. i see the two ideas as completely incompatible and not able to be rationally reconciled. ok?
  21. so it's ok for the gov't to take your property by force in the name of, um, israel. is it ok with you for them to raise your taxes on investments and income if israel needs more money to conquer more people? good. i'll send them to you to pat y my share.
  22. aren't you one of the guys that complains about the risk of governments taking individuals property by force? why is it different when the israelis do it?
  23. yes, squatting. the boundaries have changes significantly since then. in addition, occupy and squatting can be used interchangeably in this regard
  24. the land was governed by the uk. iut was owned by mostly individual land holders including many palestinians.
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