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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i think you are mostly correct. i think he could make some significant changes, however. his cabinet, for instance could be very interesting. fda regulates cigarettes via the surgeon general (remember everett koop?) for example. epa doing all kinds of stuff. usda banning red slime (i suppose mcdonald's did that all by themselves. tobacco and firearms would be the big one for many of you all. it would be a constant push. so yeah, i think if he gets close we'll see a howard dean moment. he has very little realistic chance anyway. his money will run out way too soon. he'll miss all the shiny object voters and they are legion.
  2. yes, i've considered it. and i've considered unfunded or lurking unfunded corporate pensions, medicare benefits, unemployment benefits, collective bargaining laws etc and i think the fulcrum still falls to the left. btw, i think "caitlyn" is a freak and don't endorse her confused life but i'm tolerant of it. live and let live.
  3. i'm surprised too. but then i think of the blue collar dem leaning buffalo area voting districts and wonder how there can be so many hard core cons on a bills site
  4. agreed. he's a shameless opportunist. more worrying to me is the us public's repeated support of chicken hawks for prez. i just don't understand it especially from veterans or young adults that could be sent to war by one of them.. https://consortiumnews.com/2015/07/22/trump-mccain-and-chicken-hawk-ism/
  5. wait is this the management group for a banana republic store or an actual banana republic?
  6. well, no. if i wasn't catholic, i'd be a wasp.. as it is, i suppose i'm a wasc. disqualifies me from several notable organizations, however.
  7. i actually talked to a recruiter about working for aramco for a year or 2, many years ago. wife was set against it (hmmm, i wonder why?) and i didn't like the idea of having to distlill my own spirits but i'm pretty sure people other than princes get seen the same day. and the best care is available to those in the us who can afford it, in some instances. care from tents in a field is not good care. happens here in appalachia every year- thousands of pulled teeth, immunizations , simple blood tests for diabetes etc. even for those with good insurance, the quality is sometimes debatable. it's a system fueled by profit - do more, get paid more. there is general agreement in the american medical community that we over utilize tests and procedures that can do harm other than foinancial. more is often not better.
  8. yes. are you proposing an end to medicare as an option? practically or politically? it's not going away. we have a hybbrid system of gov't healthcare and commercial insurance. the only viable alternative is single payer, not commercial only.
  9. that's a separate argument. my response was to the assertion that socialism is never successful. paul ryan disagrees with you: http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2014/jun/05/paul-ryan/paul-ryan-says-medicare-going-bankrupt/
  10. scandanavians do pretty well when it comes to standard of living, happiness, work life balance, longevity/health, etc - you know, the really important things. sanders is a believer in scandanavian style socialism.
  11. link? canada for example? if i were conservative, i wouldn't worry too much about bernie. the media will almost certainly produce a howard dean type event if he gets to close to winning. he's much too likely to actually change the status quo.
  12. unvarnished: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/10-things-bernie-sanders-said-in-phoenix-that-made-the-crowd-go-wild-7502562#! United States is the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee healthcare as a human right, and together we will end that embarrassment…and pass a universal Medicare plan that’s single-payer. Health care is a right, not a privilege When one family, [the Kochs], spends more money than either political party [on the presidential campaigns], that’s not democracy; that’s oligarchy…I will overturn Citizens United and [reinstate] public funding of elections…I want young people to be able to run for office and not have to beg for money from rich people and corporations Jeb Bush believes we need to work a little harder. Sadly, he hasn’t heard that the American people work the longest hours of anywhere in the world. Our workers do not need to work longer hours; they need to get higher wages
  13. sanders is a socialist. if that's not swimming upstream in Washington, i don't know what is. i think he enunciates what a lot of liberals believe. unashamedly! and trump does the same for many on the right. it's a further indication of the polarization of political philosophies throughout the country. oh, and lots of people vote for shiny objects. why else would campaign tv ads have any effect?
  14. it's interesting that sanders and trump are early leaders. i read a wp article yesterday about trump and his appeal and apparent big goof about mccain. it said that he;s tapping into the need for straight talk. and i think sanders does this for the left and hopefully some of the the middle. my vote was for sanders and will likely be in the primary and hopefully the general election
  15. yet the lone wolf, whole race posts goes unmolested. if you're looking for a fallacy there's a pretty obvious one. my point is clearly that both groups (radical muslims and the confederates)) threatened the tranquility and prosperity of our nation. symbols of neither should logically be considered as official state or fed eral emblems. to remove one such symbol should be applauded, not jeered. to not elevate another is clearly appropriate.
  16. a muslim symbol has as little to do with the current USA as does the confederate flag except that no muslim country has officially declared war on us.
  17. so, would you support some type of muslim symbol displayed at the tennessee state house?
  18. can always count on you to take the high ground.
  19. uh huh. there are many, many vestiges of that unfortunate part of american history. they can be remembered without being enshrined. but i liked this piece linked to the one you cited: http://www.latimes.com/local/politics/la-me-cap-confederate-flag-20150625-column.html. i think it's a fair analogy. It has always stumped me just what pride these flags conjure up in people. To many of us, they're symbols of slavery, treason and racism. What's to be proud of? Enslaving people, starting a Civil War that killed 600,000 Americans, Jim Crow segregation? The KKK and lynching? Yes, civility and chivalry were noble, but for generations that was only for white people. Fried chicken, grits and rhubarb pie? Sure, great. But they don't call for a flag
  20. you act as though those that oppose the flag over the sc capital would also be opposed to such a thing. it's a slippery slope, yes. but unpalatable stuff like racism always is.
  21. poofter...now there's an interesting word. just get back from england did you? alas, you again have exactly the wrong interpretation. i'm betting that my testosterone level exceeds yours. na,na,na,na,na,naaaaaa
  22. you don't understand the rules. it's serious when the cons say it is and not when it doesn't suit them - like now. but they aren't the rules. write your own and play by them.
  23. this. we recently had a speaker at our civic club from the state fraud division. this is a common ploy. they are getting very sophisticated. there's another scam that involves calling granparents of kids that they find the familily ties on through the internet - eg FB. they then call grampa and tell him little sally is in jail (often a foreign jail) and will be very unhappy if he doesn't bail her out now... lots of scumbags out there. schemes are almost all based on fear.
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