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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188690800130X
  2. it's less about tattos and more about selfishness and greed. you can't shame someone who lacks compassion and cares only about himself.
  3. my father was a WWII vet. a kid in the depression. witness to horrible events yet unbelievable heroism in the war. and then he lived through the most rapid technicological advances in the history of the world. i never asked which time he felt represented the US at it's best. from a prosperity level, it certainly wasn't those years surrounding the great war. from the human perspective of honor and morals and trust and integrity, i think it was a high point. there were still scumbags but they were less open and tolerated. right now, i think we are near the low point for that measure. that's a big reason to try to reproduce the past, imo. unfortunately, i don't think that's what this movement is likely to prioritize.
  4. i think of the WWII generation. they were generally unassuming, frugal, modest, brave and hard working. nothing at all like trump.
  5. it won't be a surprise to anyone here but i agree fully. and those weren't easy choices to make. Remember the beginning of the iraq war? anyone disagreeing was labelled unpatriotic and it stuck. it took bravery and independence to take a contrarian stand. to a lesser degree the same is true for the other votes you mentioned. that's strenght, not weakness.
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/30/bernie-mentum-sanders-hosts-house-party-for-100000/ Sharma presented Sanders with a poster of Mahatma Gandhi with a quote which Sanders read: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win,'” adding “maybe that is what this campaign is about.”
  7. i remember a guy outside our normal group that joined us for a fishing trip (yes, if we are going to kill fish, then we are going to eat them). bragged all weekend about his big game trophies and trips. i remember him killing a snake that was trying to get out of our way while we were wading, just for "fun". big grin as he bashed its head in with a rock and laughed that now it was a flat head. i could see him killing cecil with no qualms. unfortunately, there are plenty of other guys like him. there are groups in my area that hunt bear in jeeps with spotlights at night. i've heard the gory details and the storyteller shocked when asked "what makes you want to do that?" i wonder if they torture their dogs and cats at home for fun. my theory is that these are frustrated, miserable, angry people, in general. i knew of this guy's backround and he didn't seem to have any call to be so . on second thought, maybe he is just a mean, brutal, pri2k.. but i certainly share your intense dislike of these people.
  8. i hope you are correct. but i think the handcuffs were our qb's last year. and the quality there doesn't appear to have increased all that much.. chicken or egg? hopefully it was the coaching.
  9. wow. busted. so ashamed. i actually have a very active conscience (it's a prerequisite for a liberal badge) so if this were true, i would be very ashamed. fortunately, it is not.
  10. yes. makes me very sad. why is killing pleasurable to some? i think it's pathologic. strange that the huge cat was named after cecil rhodes who was an absolute a$$.
  11. maybe cheney will feel some wind on his back and not out his ass (or mouth): http://www.weather.com/storms/severe/news/montana-wyoming-dakotas-canada-cyclone-snow-tornado-wind
  12. that's ok. the more i read, the more i'm convinced all the righties here are actually a couple of unemployed teenagers living in their parents basement rereading "atlas shrugged" in between playing video games
  13. just wondering what you meant by this " "But hey...it's fact check.org, so it must be true." that seems inconsistent witrh this: "I didn't question the facts." geez, you stupid people are shameless as well.
  14. there's a surprise. the downward trend began in 2008 when the big banks and financial industry caused the economy to collapse.
  15. perhaps you should be arguing with oc since he blames his feelings of the country tanking on the big o. i just rebutted him. maybe you should do the same.
  16. not being classicly trained, you probably didn't know to check the sources. so here you go. a sampling: Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National); Total Nonfarm Employment, Seasonally Adjusted.” Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey; Unemployment Rate, Seasonally Adjusted.” Data extracted Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey; Number Unemployed for 27 Weeks & Over, Seasonally Adjusted.” Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: Job Openings, Seasonally Adjusted” Data extracted 7 Jul 2015. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Private sector establishment births and deaths, seasonally adjusted.” 29 Apr 2015. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers.” Data extracted Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National); Average Weekly Earnings of All Employees, 1982-1984 Dollars.” Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. U.S. Energy Information Administration. “Weekly U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon).” Data extracted 7 Jul 2015. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Data as of Dec 5, 2014).” Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. U.S. Census Bureau. “Time Series: Seasonally Adjusted Home Ownership Rate.” Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. “Corporate Profits After Tax (without IVA and CCAdj) (CP).” Data extracted 2 Jul 2015. Google Finance. “S&P 500.” Historical prices. Data extracted 7 Jul 2015. Google Finance. “Dow Jones Industrial Average.” Historical prices. Data extracted 7 Jul 2015. Google Finance. “NASDAQ Composite.” Historical prices. Data extracted 7 Jul 2015. U.S. Treasury. “The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It.” 3 Jul 2015. Data extracted 7 Jul 2015. Congressional Budget Office. “March 2015 Baseline” from “Updated Budget Projections: 2015 to 2025” 9 Mar 2015 when's the last time fox news published the sources for its stories? please tell me that if the numbers were as bad overall as they are actually good, you wouldn't blame obama for them.
  17. maybe you should try less feeling and more facts: http://www.occupydemocrats.com/the-infographic-that-destroys-all-republican-lies-about-obamas-economy/
  18. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/keyes/150721 There is an Ivy League grad who has spent most of his life in Manhattan, where he is chauffeured around in limousines. He frequently brags to strangers about his massive personal wealth. In public statements, he has advocated government health care, a woman's right to an abortion, an assault weapons ban and paying off the national debt by forcing rich people to forfeit 14.25 percent of their total wealth. When the man married his third wife, he invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to the wedding, and he has given many thousands to their political campaigns and their foundation. He's donated many thousands more that helped elect Democrats to the Senate and the House.
  19. the irony is that trump is much more openly elitist than most of the other candidates: http://www.golf.com/tour-and-news/donald-trump-let-golf-be-elitist. he has never been and will never be a great friend to the working class. he's much more likely to take advantage of them then empower them. It may be elitist, and perhaps that’s what golf needs. Let golf be elitist. When I say “aspire,” that’s a positive word. Let people work hard and aspire to some day be able to play golf. To afford to play it. They’re trying to teach golf to people who will never be able to really play it. They’re trying too hard.
  20. as joe miner said in the bernie thread, "very few peoples opinion matters". no one challenged him on it cuz he is correct. doesn't matter. trump can't win the presidency. written in stone.
  21. sorry, i've been busy mowing and weed eating. but it's interesting that you all often accuse me of being politically motivated by envy of the very wealthy. oh well, back to studying board review materials. now those are classics..
  22. shite! really? i felt it was a paradigm shift. but seeking the truth is truly good. that's what i think. ok. it's bad to be educated, have studied the classics. but seeking the truth is truly good... unless it results in liberal conclusions..
  23. have you tried absinthe? here, try one of these and let me know how the odyssey woks out. http://www.epicurious.com/archive/drinking/cocktails/top5_absinthecocktails. these are classics.
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