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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. tonto a spanish word used to describe something or someone dumb or stupid Brooke and Suzie like to call Alyssa tonto because she says stupid things. by alyssabrookesuziemolly April 30, 2007 you like that better? i can see 10 regular season games if a qb steps up. i think 11 is very optimistic and the odds favor 9. 8 is as likely as 10.
  2. that's neither witty nor brave. what's your prediction tonto?
  3. my prediction: 9-7 squeak into playoffs as wild card. if they beat new england 1st time around they make the playoffs. if not, probably not.
  4. are you really that naïve?? http://www.npr.org/2015/08/21/433402322/fox-news-chairman-roger-ailes-forced-to-steady-relationship-with-donald-trump his candidacy can be credited a great deal to ailes.
  5. it actually was. it was about self interest. and I replied that it's generally not in a students financial self interest to become a scientist. it's about passion and hunger for knowledge. you wouldn't understand.
  6. yes, because there are so many wealthy academics and everyone knows that if you want to get rich you should choose an academic career.
  7. not suprisingly, you have the process back asswards. I read up on eagle populations in Virginia on the state conservancy, state park, hunting and fishing and deq sites after spotting the eagle. they all pointed to ddt and it's taken this long to recover. I doubt you'll find a credible scientist that bewlieves there are comparable risks to bird populations from wind farms but have at it. and just for giggles, an interesting aside from the salon article: Only 6 percent of scientists identify as Republican, whereas 55 percent identify as Democratic. In October of 2012
  8. by far, the biggest recent threat to birds (and what largely was responsible for the decimation of eagle populations) was ddt. interestingly, republicans are still angry about it's banning. http://www.salon.com/2013/01/11/scientists_hate_the_gop_for_a_reason/. the adverse effects of wind energy on birds can be mitigated but those of ddt can't. "this was used recently in attacks on the long-dead Rachel Carson, the environmental author of The Silent Spring, a book that led to the ban of DDT in 1972. Even though there’s no real movement to bring back the use of DDT, conservative pundits and publications routinely drag Carson’s corpse out to punch it some more to spread the myth that scientists are dangerous anti-business ideologues who make up phony research for no other reason than their secret socialist agenda to bring down capitalism. Typical of the anti-Carson genre is Hoover Institute scholar and Forbes contributor Henry I. Miller calling her work “sentimental claptrap” and accusing her of lying. Writing for Reason, libertarian Ronald Bailey accused Carson of having an anti-human agenda, claiming that environmentalism isn’t about protecting our habitat so much as pushing the belief that “humanity is arrogant, heedless, and often the source of moral evil.” The reality is that Carson was a nature-lover and a researcher who believed, correctly, that throwing off the natural balance can have long-ranging negative effects, and thus should be guarded against."
  9. . you're joking right? clean coal and slaughtering eagles? the coal biz has been destroyed by market pressure. adding the cost of making it burn "clean" isn't going to help. and the eagle population is higher than since 1930. saw a bald eagle while I was fishing the other day. fellow anglers tell me they see them all the time. this is new. and cleaning up the environment isn't all or nothing. because china doesn't do it, we shouldn't either. what bs logic.
  10. interesting to read what Keynes wrote about the market 80 years ago. as salient now as then: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/john-maynard-keynes-stock-market-past-week/ el- erian's take is worth noting as well: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/china-sent-global-markets-spiraling/ "This battle of wits to anticipate the basis of conventional valuation a few months hence, rather than the prospective yield of an investment over a long term of years, does not even require gulls amongst the public to feed the maws of the professional; — it can be played by professionals amongst themselves. Nor is it necessary that anyone should keep his simple faith in the conventional basis of valuation having any genuine long-term validity. For it is, so to speak, a game of Snap, of Old Maid, of Musical Chairs — a pastime in which he is victor who says Snap neither too soon nor too late, who passes the Old Maid to his neighbour before the game is over, who secures a chair for himself when the music stops. These games can be played with zest and enjoyment, though all the players know that it is the Old Maid which is circulating, or that when the music stops some of the players will find themselves unseated." MOHAMED EL-ERIAN: So, they worry about corporate profits. They worry about the ability of companies to continue to buy back their stock, and they reprice the market. And this is an issue, Judy, that is related to the fundamental aspect, which is, for years, now, markets have been valued well above what’s warranted by fundamentals. And by that, I mean what’s warranted by the ability of the global economy to grow. Prices have been up here. The economic conditions have been down here, and the difference has been the liquidity injected by central banks. And now we’re getting a convergence of prices back to what would be validated by economic conditions. old maid players indeed.
  11. just pointing out that beauty pageants aren't widely embraced by progressives. (shake those pom poms girls!) now trump clearly has a different opinion. how would any woman besides a nitwit like the video cartoon character you linked, ever consider voting for him?
  12. how likely do you think it is that she's a conservative republican? and that she votes?
  13. hmmm...after conceding that much in the meme is actually true, the author then says this: I don’t believe that we’ll be able to find a way to make tuition-free college or completely free healthcare work in the United States. But I do believe that the price tag on both should be lowered. Creating laws that state pharmaceutical companies are forbidden to advertise could keep the cost of medication down. Better budgeting and use of income from collegiate sports could help lower tuition for everybody. Either way, Americans need to think about how we could lower the cost of these two things before they can be offered at no cost to the recipients sounds pretty reasonable to me. I bet bernie wouldn't have a problem with those proposals. but would any or all of the repug candidates? there was no clarification of where in Europe was being compared to where in the us. coulda been rural Bavaria versus nyc. that's kind of my point. were we not to conclude that since the hotels that he stayed in have poor internet speeds, that all European hotels do?
  14. "I've found that most of the people here who tout European-style socialism haven't been there to experience it for themselves" yes, because there's not a hint of condescension or patronization in that statement....
  15. last I knew I lived in the us of a. I thought we were comparing us to European internet speeds, non?
  16. the expected conclusion from your own unique brand of pretzel logic.
  17. " my experiences in Europe I found the broadband speeds to be rather lacking. Try streaming a movie in your hotel room or surfing using a public hotspot some time." try to keep up.
  18. we facetime with family in several European countries including Portugal on a regular basis. their internet speed is much less of a problem than ours in rural virginia
  19. or even this http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=praia+grande+portugal&view=detailv2&&id=3FEFA98D069DA58C009BB5117D1D8F2F26805FCA&selectedIndex=0&ccid=ZfsDBH6S&simid=608034195746522364&thid=JN.HL4uHMPmKXw43a2M2lhZVQ&ajaxhist=0 very nice homes available nearby for very good prices. would be a fine place to retire.
  20. it's amazing that so many believe what they are told to believe and never bother to check if it's true. same thing for healthcare and same excuses from the right. and people actually buy them... http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/08/19/bernie_sanders_let_me_tell_you_something_no_other_candidate_for_president_will_tell_you.html
  21. what a great answer to a badly worded question. i like bernie more and more. i think he's a good man in the classical sense: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-ethics/. of course, that's irrelevant to many that you argue with here because they discount the value of the ancients' wisdom and of the concept of good in general.
  22. try these: http://www.hm.com/us/product/14279?article=14279-R#article=14279-P. you and everyone around you will be so impressed with your new socks that you'll never notice them sagging.
  23. the incorrect assumption being that your conversion from the dark side is my objective. gave up on that long ago. it's about the fight. that's pretty funny, if not totally accurate
  24. no, i truly get it: liberty is good when it results in personal advantages for me, reqardless of the harm it might do to others liberty. the whole movement, as represented ad nauseam here, can be described in one word: selfish.
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