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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. yes. the bills did an amazing job replacing all that talent! sure saved a lot of money too! what a wonderful day that was.
  2. and that is supported by what exactly? you criticize a pro reporter citing a source yet lend credence to a message board poster?
  3. shoot the messenger cuz you don't like the message. this messenger is right on here. it's very likely as he proposes. the pegulas aren't going to fall on their swords nor do i think they should. ryan isn't gonna sacrifice himself for whaley. not after what he went through in NY. there will be no further explanation from bills upper management. that's my bet and it's the correct move imo. but there's more here than meets the eye and those denying that here, once again voluntarily and collectively bury there heads in the sand.
  4. however, soliciting, by any other name is still soliciting.
  5. yes. I figured they'd pay you better than the last regime paid the jills. respect is good.
  6. what happened to the cap stuff that was here (is here, in bring back fergy's post). did you realize that the cap hit could have been mitigated by talking to Jackson and his agent?
  7. yes, because there's absolutely no precedent for it: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2011/feb/23/need-to-protect-internet-from-astroturfing. it would be the bills novel idea. "After I wrote about online astroturfing in December, I was contacted by a whistleblower. He was part of a commercial team employed to infest internet forums and comment threads on behalf of corporate clients, promoting their causes and arguing with anyone who opposed them."
  8. did you fire the guy that was the face of your company through its darkest times and was still productive, yesterday? very admirable.
  9. have you ever owned a company? you are responsible for everything your employees do in the public eyes this is as public a mistake as there can be if it was in fact a mistake. the owner wisely doesn't take responsibility in the midst of a tornado of public anger. there is nothing to be gained. he leaves it alone. for a while...
  10. what is the higher priority? fred's job or the pegula's reputation as savvy owners?
  11. exactly. it is out. it would be stupid to confirm it. it would make more sense to wait til next year to make a change. here's to hoping!
  12. how many rb's in the nfl? gm's? i'd see fred is top 30%. is whaley?
  13. good guess. it's a situation like this that led to ryan's and the jets demise in new York.
  14. ya think? I don't. if I were the pegulas, I wouldn't publicly turn the organization upside down over this. they would look foolish as would the entire organization.
  15. this. there are significant implications in this move if whaley went rogue. the bills don't need a power struggle. there's plenty of smoke here. I expect there's at least a small fire. but we have posters here ever ready to quell any and all insurrections against bills management even when it's blatantly obvious they're incompetent (like the last 15 years). almost makes you wonder if some are astroturf posters as opposed to grassroots.
  16. i don't get the love for whaley here. is he a top 10 gm? is he as good at his trade as jackson is it his? i don't believe so.
  17. such as irregardless sure glad you explained what a roomba does. i'd have never guessed.
  18. it apparently removes the cap angle from the argument. so that leaves only talent. intangibles clearly weren't factored in. I guess will see who was correct on the talent determination by watching the seahawks.
  19. some unbiased observers believe the bills could have done better for Jackson: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/08/31/fred-jackson-would-have-done-anything-to-retire-with-bills/ I agree. "Per a source with knowledge of the situation, Jackson would have “done anything” to retire with the Bills. Jackson, however, wasn’t given that chance"
  20. just admit that the cons argument here is obfuscation as gator said. walker made a very stupid, infantile, pandering and unpresidential statement on national tv. it would be much more appropriate to loop it for 3 days worth of news cycles than dr dean's scream. then again, dean was an actual player in that election.
  21. so lets say there was discussion of the problems with the current system at the meeting and someone asked for possible solutions. I said "lets look at this alternative model". your bias is towards either /or. mine is towards a spectrum of possibilities. to you that probably seems obtuse.
  22. so let me get this straight. one has to formulate an idea independently to propose it? there's a movement to replace the current medical board testing system with something more valuable but less expensive and onerous. since you are a hospital suit, i hope you are aware of this fact. if i introduce the issue for debate at a medical staff meeting and state that it's a legitimate issue that we should look at, am i note proposing it?? i say i am. you say i'm not. you'd be incorrect.
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