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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. there's good and then there's not. the red bison is old and new at the same time. the ribboned cow is just weak, design wise and aesthetically.. i vote for today's uni's. but no, the old pats* logo is sorry. wouldn't mind seeing them take it back but they'd be stupid to. they're not stupid.
  2. way up there. most convincing win over a good team in 10 years at least. so this is what it's like to root for a good organization. who knew? i'm convinced already. this is a different buffalo bills
  3. what say we stick to the premise put forth by gatorman and rejected out of hand by you? he was right. you were wrong as you so often are. well, no. plenty of examples of nations with much more "pure" socialist medicine models than ours that allow private pay. oh, and they provide better overall outcomes at much lower cost.
  4. absolutely. stick to your guns. big parma, big insurance and big hospital systems all suck hard on the govt teat. not to mention doctors. we'd all be living a lot less large without gov't involvement. but hell, it's only like 20% of the entire economy or so. and govt provides about 1/2 of all us healthcare dollars: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-06-13/health-care-spending-to-reach-20-of-u-s-economy-by-2021. so let's see how the cons counter these numbers shall we? anybody that makes a living in health care should stop complaining about socialized medicine. that]'s what's gassing up their luxury vehicles and paying their restaurant and bar tabs. "Federal, state and local governments are projected to spend $2.4 trillion on health care in 2021, half of all U.S. medical expenditures, according to the analysis in Health Affairs by actuaries and economists from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Government accounted for about 46 percent of health spending through 2013."
  5. yes, because ?paranoia is so much more grammatically correct. changing the pressure below a predetermined threshold is breaking the rules just as is filing down the grooves on my gap wedge deeper than a defined depth (i would never do that!). sports rules aren't relative except apparently, in the case of the patsies*.
  6. this. take away the cheating and every other team in the league should be copying them on every aspect especially in trying to find an ace head coach. the real question is why aren't they? are they really the only organization capable of pulling it off?
  7. kinda like obscenity, huh? ya know it when you see it. I see a lot more of it than rob. they couldn't be more different. but at least trump is right on oine thing: single payer. has he pulled a Romney on that yet?
  8. how many times has trump divorced? I think that statement is implicit.
  9. how bout an example of an act or statement that you would consider misogyny?
  10. I totally agree. but I think it is a sign of the times. cheating is ok as long as you are the winner. doesn't even matter if you get caught as long as you get away with it. "too big to fail" happens all the time in everyday life.
  11. if ever there were an example of bad karma it's putin stealing kraft's superbowl ring. there's no honor among thieves.
  12. my wife walked into the living room while nbc was interviewing one of the pats* players about the controversies. she immediately stated "he's been coached". and I think she was correct. but isn't that what they are all about? coaching? it looks like they are run like an elite military operation. everyone doing and saying the right things...or else. they are disciplined and obsessed with winning. and in a pursuit where ideally, that's all that matters, that is enviable. I can't rationalize the cheating however, other than to say that I suspect that if other teams could be successful at it, they would do it also. reminds me of a story I heard on cyber espionage yesterday. china has done some pretty amazing things recently. and while many in the US intelligence community are publicly outraged, many are also very impressed. I suspect it's much the same with the nfl and pats*.
  13. those players were here last year and several for multiple years, yet no playoffs. a few good cases of wine don't make a michelin star organization…and they didn't. that wasn't the goal. however, they are clearly an important nucleus from which to build. rex may not turn out to be emeril or even ottolenghi but he's certainly more highly respected than the multiple previous misfits that conventional wisdom rightfully ridiculed after they were announced. it was hopeless before. it's not anymore. that's awesome! it wasn't an accident that polian included the anecdote about wilson borrowing gas money on the trip to the airport after he was fired.
  14. it matters because it was state of the franchise forever. and now, thank goodness, it appears it is not. I like the restaurant analogy. the pegulas have decided they want a top notch restaurant. now. they've paid for a top chef, a better kitchen staff, a new and much more selective wine list and many of the chairs and tables have been upgraded. all at once. wilson would add the occasional good bottle of wine and even had a decent chef on occasion but he would never do enough at once or on a sustained basis to ever be the best. the pegulas seem willing to commit to that whatever it takes. thankfully, I don't see them ever hiring a chan gailey level chef.
  15. how do you reconcile these two things? if the mandated operational budget wasn't a hindrance to winning, then why even mention it?
  16. not sure how this can be viewed as a positive. our recurrent number 2 qb was bad enough to be deemed unworthy of average pay for a middling nfl starting qb and then wasn't given an offer from any of the other 31 teams appealing enough (regardless of his wife's pregnancy) for him to refuse the nfl minimum in buffalo. I guess the hope is that the rest of the league is wrong.
  17. the title is "difference in ownership" and the subtitle is "pegulas, cap and coaching". a discussion on wilson and spending is germane. but you're right in that it's been done many times before. the difference is that now we have a real time, real life comparison to reference.
  18. right on cue. remarkable! isn't the op pointing out exactly this by citing high profile, expensive player signings and coaches versus coaches and players like those he named? do you disagree?
  19. not how I remember the discussions sport, but reasonable minds can disagree.
  20. 3-2-1..cue up the ralph wilson defenders. the apologists will be all over you for this. but yeah. the difference is massive and was also immediate. 3rd tier coaches, build through he draft and cash to cap were shorthand for "were content losing". not sure it translates to playoffs this year, however. if not, I hope the new ownership sees the wisdom in riding a new regime horse for gm.
  21. i get the garbage but what do you have against indian food? a good, hot lamb pasanda and a cold kingfisher are tough to beat. but i'm sad to hear about nf. last time i was there the como restaurant had gone from a nice sit down family place to a take out joint. whole town looked like hard times had hit a while ago. but tourist trap gift shops have been there longer than i've been alive and that's a fer piece. and yup, a very hard life is evident for the 2 pictured working ladies.
  22. just reattached the cord for football. told them i was considering turning my account suspension into account termination, which was true. free sunday ticket and showtime. i'll be suspending again as soon as the bills season is done. interestingly, he wouldn't match hbo now price of 10 bucks a month saying it wasn't the same product - that they sold the "live" hbo. uh, ok. i'll stick with on demand hbo only.
  23. peter king apparently respects his reporting more than most here. what does he know? has been covering the nfl a very long time at one of the most respected sports publications ever.
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