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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. I agree with all of this except that even brady will have a few bad games and he could go down at any time just like any other player in the league. the game WAS important but it didn't need to be blown up any bigger. bills are still a playoff team in my mind.
  2. i see the bright side here. they scored many points on a very good opponent. this game is no more negative than the colts game was positive. there's a spark on o and the d has a great deal of talent but they got outplayed today by the best qb of out time and his evil, mastermind coach. they need a better game plan and i think there's a good chance they find a way to beat them next time. i'm fairly confident this is a playoff team even if they don't. SB? not so much but playoffs? i think yeah and that's a pretty big step from where we've been for a decade.
  3. pretty much what always happens on ppp: herd mentality. mob rules. unfortunately, it's a herd of excrement mouthed losers that yell the loudest..
  4. here's the hope and the difference. we appear to have an owner that actually values winning above a ridiculous threshold of return on investment. that's very good for us fans.
  5. this is, for once, an interesting question. i do. i actually have quite a few. one of the guys in my foursome keeps razzing me about the sheriff election signs i have in my yard. candidate (incumbent) is a dem but my buddy says it's ok since he's not really a liberal. it helps that he's just plain good at his job. we both want our homes and families safe. some other friends are very conservative. while they're friends and i obviously like them or i wouldn't choose to be around them,, i do internally question their intellect. so what about you? do you have any bleeding heart pals?
  6. serious question…who is whaley gonna pick up that is a valuable as jackson? they aren't going all year with 3 rb's and an fb.
  7. in context this was very funny, without it, not so much. for those that don't know, he's referring to an ad for babysitters with 2 stereotyped Portuguese men sitting across from him on a couch.
  8. so matthew was actually saying do unto others x muslims? oh, and poor people that haven't bettered themselves enough.
  9. bull ****. Islam does not teach that Muslims should do unto infidels as they would have infidels do unto them. The idea that the Golden Rule sums up the universal wisdom of religious faith is very silly, but is commonly held by non-religious people. bull ****. Inequality does not equal injustice. In fact, a society without unequal incomes and wealth would scarcely be worth living in. One wonders: what society, contemporary or ancient, does Sanders consider more just than ours? Soviet Russia? Maoist China? Communist Cuba? He doesn’t say, of course. bull ****. There is a market for labor, whether Sanders likes it or not. Someone who wants to earn more than $7.25 an hour should gain skills and experience that are worth more than $7.25 an hour. Actually, hardly anyone works for that low wage, and 64% of those who do are working part-time. Half are aged 16 to 24, doing precisely what I said–gaining skills and experience so that they can advance and make more. Sanders wants to make it illegal for teenagers and part-timers to work for the wages they can command, even though they want to do so. He thereby dooms them to unemployment. Thanks, Bernie! There are six more bull****'s at the link............................... . so are u saying that matthew 7:12 was mistranscribed? misinterpreted? or that you just don't like the message? my bet is on the latter. nothing he said in you citations strikes me as radical. they are self evident truisms.
  10. calm down. so i added a "c". i'm not portuguese. http://www.taste-of-portugal.com/inspiration/pata_negra_porco_preto_jamon_iberico_prosciutto_presunto..._what_is_the_difference_/
  11. i believe prescunto is very similar and both the spanish and portugese come mostly from an area that borders both countries. my brother-in-law bought one of the legs pictured in the link for Christmas last year, there were 15 people milling around over a week's period off and on and he just left it out with a knife for all to cut as desired. there was some left when we went home. it was fantastic. he's doing it again this year and while we'll be staying in a hotel rather than his house this time, i'll still eat my share.
  12. Maybe. maybe not. from what I've seen and heard from folks that knew of his time at VT, he's a fine young man. still can't help thinking that a subscription to this http://www.gq.com/ or this http://www.esquire.com/ would be money well spent.
  13. not sb tix but we did buy tix to the Nashville game last night. there were still face value tix for anyone considering that game: upper level 40 yard line- $62
  14. there have been few meaningful games much less meaningful wins in the last 15 years. the bills have been irrelevant. this win makes them relevant again in my eyes. yes, they could end up 7-9 and out of the playoffs but this win shows light at the end of a monstrous tunnel.
  15. depends on whether the too big to fail institutions give them permission to.
  16. wow. thinking i saw that shirt was at a belk going out of business sale in blacksburg. and the tux jacket too. no matter. joe namath wore panty hose.
  17. very, very nice! a classy act that will likely result in good karma.
  18. f they win next week then i'll be convinced the bad old days are just that. even if they don't, i'll think that. this is, in popular parlance, a paradigm shift.
  19. except that orton went 14/27 for 148, rambo had 2 interceptions, thigpen score on a 75 yard punt return and the d also scored a safety. other than that the games were mirror images.
  20. it was taylor's first nfl start. we won. enuf said…except that mccoy looked pretty ordinary.
  21. either way, a pretty weak response. but if i had to choose, the ham is much more special. agreed? this however, is my favorite: portuguese ham
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