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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i'm not sure who besides b-man will get the significance of this but it's a big deal to us Catholics: "The people of the United States love their nuns," the pope said, according to AP. "I don't know how much they love their priests, but they love their nuns. And they are great. They are great, great women." he's absolutely correct. he said this on the plane back to rome while also stating that there were bishops that covered up sexual abuse and they will pay for that.
  2. perhaps but we don't know what Jackson would have taken in terms of salary. reports were that he was willing to take a cut. besides, he was answering a hypothetical put forth by the op. I agree with his answer.
  3. might as well be. i'd take jackson any day over whatever you call him. the spiller/jackson/mccoy/hot rookie comparison is disingenuous. i like the rook but do 3 games erase the memory of all those games behind terrible lines for fj? no way. otherwise, i agree. i will add that ST had 2 penalties on a single play again including an illegal formation. either they need to fire a retard player or 2 on the ST or the ST coach. this shouldn't happen i especially agree with the value of an athletic TE. the first touchdown was embarrassing for the fins DB's. chandler would have fallen at the 5. it's about time the bills brass saw and filled the need. clay was a big asset today. finally, they were mostly all business today. no stupid jumping around and chest beating before they won. no over hyped, overactive confidence and bravado. they let the results talk. to me that's the most hopeful observation of all.
  4. can't be bothered to look but did the fall of boehner coincide with o'reilly, or hannity (what is it with the irish cons?) or limpy deciding for all of you that he was a bad seed?
  5. what do ya think he's\d be thinking with bush and cheney next to him?
  6. i think more props need to go to incognito. he's changed the line. he's tough as hell. i'm less and less convinced watkins was worth the price. seems too much hat and not enough cattle to me. hope i'm wrong. they still look like a playoff team to me and i thought so after last week. oh, yeah. mccoy might lose his start if if doesn't pick it up soon TT gives me a lot of hope. i'm hoping he's good enough that audi decides to use them to sell their new model.
  7. geez, you cons are rough. turn on your own like a pack of wild dogs. kinda reminds me of this: http://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/articles/revelation-erasure
  8. he's already made massive reforms. rome wasn't built in a day...
  9. you are wrong. watch the people in the mass at madison square garden tonight. watch the cops. watch the musicians who probably have a broadway show to go play at later tonight. watch the ordinary joes like you and me. it's not about celebrity. it's about hope and the innate understanding of what is good. this guy is good!
  10. I suspect that you and I are coming to different conclusions on his meanings here re economics. I also suspect the edited section might add some context. i'll read the full speech when I get a chance.
  11. sorry, I don't have a yach,t do you? I had a square stern canoe but I sold it.
  12. it's not either/or. there is a ratio of top to bottom earners that is a sweet spot for both societal and individual economic health. greater that 1000x's aint it.
  13. and this is what the right doesn't ge:. there are plenty of people fishing with bamboo rods working at minimum wage jobs and not making enough to survive while there are others reeling in marlin on penn rigs as fast as they can with no room in their yachts for any more fish.
  14. no, you edumacated me on that one. the closest to role playing games I've ever engaged in is risk. old school but still a good family game for a group that has tendencies towards domination.
  15. I credit Boehner. it's being reported that he desired a papal speech to congress for 20 years. he helped make it happen and then he resigned. perhaps there's more to him than many appreciated.
  16. wow. it's scary that presumably grown men actually pick up on such a reference...
  17. no. the point of this one is actually supported by the facts. the piece is spot on.
  18. typical confused conservative. the incentive for the excrement people is big money. remove that incentive. they go away. it's that simple.
  19. you are missing the most important point: someone is cleaning these poor patients up. someone is caring. that someone is usually a low paid aid but it can be a nurse or even a doctor. would they do it for free? for most, no, but they could choose another job. most have chosen health care because they want to help and they care. that can't be monetized. it's invaluable. this piece of excrement is the polar opposite. he has contempt for the sick. there should be no place for him or anyone like him in the field.
  20. he said that business could be noble. don't see how that implies a need for penitence for it's successes. anyone with any objectivity at all can see it as a misrepresentation. but apparently not you. my point wasn't what alto's opinion of the death penalty is but yours. i now assume you agree with him. cool. so while you cook dinner, i'm watching francis in st pat's praising american women religious and continuing to say profound and brave things.. rock on frank! it's must see. please check it out !
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