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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. wow. back to shooting the messenger I see. does anyone here really disagree that the roster would be better right now with fred and cassell on it?
  2. it was made quite clear that it was meant to include background checks for all sales.
  3. no law ensures anything. laws can make events less or more likely. but your question implies that my point is well and truly agreed to. americans overwhelmingly want background checks which is stricter gun control. repug legislators aren't listening and aren't representing that opinion.
  4. we came from southwest virginia, about 5 hours away. this was the 3rd bills/titans game we've seen in Nashville. The draw for us is the bills, #1, but it's a nice city fix (we live in the country) and the fact that it's a cosmopolitan, very civilized , kinda happening place is pretty big too. next time, i'd love to be in a downtown hotel and walk to the game (did that the previous 2 times) but there were very few rooms and the ones left when we booked were ridiculously expensive. the downtown hotel, walking back and forth to the game, staying in the center of all the action is hard to beat though. just makes for a great little vacation, especially when the bills win! we've gone for a few concerts at the ryman (http://ryman.com/events/calendar - joe bonamassa show looks tempting) as well - highly recommended! really, we don't need a strong excuse to go to Nashville.
  5. so we've moved on from public opinion now. good. glad that's settled.
  6. it's at least an equal contribution as your dishonest obfuscation is.
  7. stick your head a little further up there and you'll be viewing your cecum.
  8. ah, so you haven't abandoned it. you likely know these laws more closely than I do. this is really tiresome. why not try a little intellectual honesty? it's actually admirable as I opposed to what you are. anyway, from my link: Under current rules, those who are "engaged in the business" of dealing firearms need to obtain a federal license — and, therefore, conduct background checks — but exempts anyone "who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms."
  9. well at least you'r enot stiucking to the bs line of argument that gunshows aren't filled with loopholes. glad to see you've abandoned the lie.
  10. you guys always feign ignorance of the loopholes but that's just, well, ignorant: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/obama-close-gun-loophole-tighten-background-checks-article-1.2391734
  11. they were the worst unit on the field yesterday, for either team. and that's saying something.
  12. as promised: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/06/03/support-for-gun-control-isnt-dead-new-poll-shows-it-just-matters-how-you-frame-the-question/ The Hopkins 2015 study found large majorities favored gun regulations that are stronger than those currently seen in federal or most state laws. For example, support for background checks for all gun sales stood above 80 percent for both gun owners and non-gun owners. And even where support dropped between 2013 and 2015, clear majorities remained. People who supported an assault weapons ban fell from 69 percent to 63 percent. Banning large-capacity ammunition magazines went from 68.4 to 59.9 percent. “The big picture shows Americans support these policies,” Barry said.
  13. forehead and nose are bright red. we were in section 311. I assume everyone could hear the "bullshite" chant originating there after the roughing call. that was the only time I heard a titan's fan complain. he said "c'mon yall, you're in the south now"...as if no one ever uses that word in the south. didn't witness anything uncomfortable. doesn't sound like others posting here did either. before the game when my wife and I were walking around the hotel, at least ten people wished us good luck on the game. my impression was they were at a convention from out of town and didn't have a dog in the hunt but were just being friendly.
  14. they had at least 2 more ST penalties (maybe 3). they lost a fumble and had minimal return yards. titans also had a decent return or 2. not what i'd consider playing well. still a weak point and still feel they need to dump the ST coach.
  15. I've gotta compliment the Titans fans for their politeness. Nice people. And the same to the millennial bills fans behind us that gave all their free pink sunglasses to the two older lady titans fans next to us "for their grandkids". Nice vibe all around. And theres way more to Nashville then country music. We had 2 amazing meals downtown and the opryland hotel is one of the coolest hotels I've ever been in.
  16. probably cuz I'm in Nashville chilling at opryland after a full day downtown. Anticipating a very good day tomorrow. But eventually I'll reply. Pretty sure the summation I read was NYT
  17. really? the people support gun control overwhelmingly. these guys aren't listening to that. it's called selective hearing.
  18. these 36 nutjobs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Caucus are deciding who can and can't be speaker. does anyone really see this as a good thing?
  19. wow. big win for the teabaggers and the American public....not
  20. hmmm...McCarthy drops out. perhaps krugman echoes the truth.
  21. I just don't see the logic in putting stock in the history. both entire rosters have turned over several times since the music city debacle (it wasn't a miracle- I was there). was also at the very cold most recent game in Nashville where we lost again in the last minutes to some scrub backup qb who hasn't been heard from since. neither team currently resembles either of those teams. I say bills 24-10 on sunday.
  22. hoping for a good showing by the entire team but yeah, i'd love to see a crushing D! weather report looks great. clear and 70. can't wait. Nashville is a very fun city.
  23. yes. we're going. had a tough time finding a room. finally "settled" for opryland hotel with shuttle to downtown for the game. busily planning restaurants and honky tonk visits!
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