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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. that would be funny if it weren't so truthful.
  2. so what do you have to say about his take on the pyramids? oh and by the way, my link wasn't from the "biased" american media. it's from an israeli paper.
  3. so what do you say about this man that somehow shaped world history? http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/11/the-iraq-that-chalabi-left-behind-213330
  4. um no he doesn't. he's not muslim and he's an american citizen. that the best you got. limpy needs some new material.
  5. how much more evidence do you need? http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/archaeology/1.684445. the guy's a total wing nut. he's an embarrassment to his profession. " Admittedly, said bombshell was dropped in 1998, while Carson was speaking at Andrews University, a school associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to which he belongs. It’s low to trash people for things they did as kids. But Ben Carson is now 64, so he must have been about 47 then, which is old enough to know better. Moreover, according to the Telegraph, he told CBS News last week thathe still holds that opinion, based on ... well, nothing read more: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/archaeology/1.684445" perhaps if he read the classics… trump and carson. it's what is the republican party these days. lincoln is turning in his grave.
  6. ok. credit when due. hired people trying to make a rover payment. now that cracks me up. rovers are nearly as ridiculous as hummers except that they still make them. you must know some of the same people i do. but most of them are repugs… for future reference, another nice euphemism a buddy frequently uses: "all hat and no cattle". says it all.
  7. not if you pack your own. http://pragmaticenvironmentalism.com/2012/07/17/which-reusable-k-cup-filter-is-best/
  8. we have keurigs. 1 at home and 1 at work. my office also has a mister coffee. I prefer the k cups to just about any coffee the mister coffee produces. Ideally, we'd use a cappacino or latte machine but they're generally fussy, more time consuming and they break. we warm milk in the microwave and froth with a $2 ikea frother.. works fine. have had other frothers that also broke. you can't get 16 oz out of standard keurigs. I don't think any of them will do that. but if you drink a lot of coffee and don't want to fuss and clean frequently and want instant, hot decent coffee, keurig is the way to go imo.
  9. hmmmm. i'm thinking on this thread this song describes your take: for what it's worth, i hope you're right and the pack is wrong.
  10. and what exactly makes you feel qualified to judge anyone? are you an alpha kangaroo? big pouch, have you? yes, they're words and they convey meaning. it's a subtle but important concept.
  11. so you conclude that because you can't find them that they never existed? you might want to diagram that reasoning.
  12. I meant exactly what I wrote. there have been multiple repug debates on fox in multiple elections. I've read transcripts on enough to form an opinion. those may or may not have included the most recent debate.
  13. i'm still waiting for the leading question of "so when did you stop beating your wife?". doesn't work in debate or court, shouldn't work here. but the forum is stocked with kangaroos.
  14. wow, you guys must be really bored. "when they have a debate" clearly refers to debates generally, not a specific debate. a sample size of n-1 or n-2 should suffice to make that statement. i'll admit I've not read every transcript of every repug debate on fox. so how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?.... yes, a debate. not a specific debate. this is fun. btw the answer is dependent on the type of angels present.
  15. I don't believe I've ever had occasion to use the word lovefest, nor do I ever expect to.
  16. yes, I read transcripts of debates. often. it's actually much faster. and it is a true statement. I never said precisely which debates I have read a transcript on. so I may well have read the most recent one on fox or I might not have. either way, it's not a lie. but you are trying really, really hard. " A" for effort! either that or you're really very trying. or possibly both.
  17. perhaps you missed it but both you and dc are confusing two different debates. i'm being criticized for not possibly being able to read a transcript from a cnbc debate - since thoroughly disproven. and then called a liar for not reading the transcripts of a fox debate preceding the above mentioned one. that can neither be proven or disproven although in fact, I never explicitly stated that I read the transcript from that particular debate and a good poker player never shows his cards unless required. so, once again you're wrong despite your herculean effort to prove otherwise.
  18. hence the word "often". look a little harder. you'd have found this: http://time.com/4091301/republican-debate-transcript-cnbc-boulder/. you paranoid repugs will likely claim the transcript doctored by the liberal media..
  19. it's called a transcript. they're often available on npr or pbs
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